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Need Help Finding a new MMORPG

mulofecamulofeca Member Posts: 10

So yeah, at the moment i am playing WoW again. It's been the main game i've played for the past 3 years now and however bored of it I am, any other game i've tried to get away from it with, I've always gotten fairly bored of. Here's a list of the things i consider most important in the MMO i want to play, PLEASE help me find something to match!!!

- I really need a QUALITY, POLISHED game. Graphics aren't near as important to me as smooth animations, and realistic animations. none of this "im running like i just crapped myself" animation.

- PvP!!! I'm a big PvP buff (after 3 yrs on and off of WoW, i've never once raided!) Now i know i'll get flamed here, but i actually dont mind WoW's pvp. Sure i can think of much better ways to do PvP, but what i want most out of my PvP experience isn't just the thrill of killing another player, but REWARDS for doing so. whether this be in the form of "honor points" that can be exchanged for gear/items or a player loot option. I need my PvP to have some meaning behind it.

- I need a game with good action. I've found this out as i've tried other MMO's, that i really do like WoW's combat, since it fairly fast, flashy, etc.

Thanks for any suggestions. I dont mind if it's P2P or F2P, but a trial etc. would be good if it's P2P.



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