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SylvariusSylvarius Member Posts: 69

I have been playing Travian for a month or so now and love the idea, and was wondering if there was a Travian like game with cool RTS combat and graphics??


  • StonefaceStoneface Member Posts: 21

    You could try SAGA, which is FREE to play , Ballerium also FREE to play, Call of the Kings in BETA, and Dreamlords, in Alpha atm. All are Fantasy based and MMORTS.  If y ou fancy a change of theme, you can go Scifi - with Boundless Planet, Time of defiance, Mankind, all released with demos (bar mankinds). In BETA atm is Beyond Protocol which is huge and very complex, but greta fun and very innovative - it just about ticks every wish list box on the MMORTS list.

    Good luck in your search - 2008 will be a good year for MMORTS, so you should find one to settle into.

    Fabricati Diem, Pvnc
    ( Make My Day Punk)
    TIP OF THE DAY – If you're being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that.

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