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A great game that doesn't cost to try it out!!!

thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

I'm looking for a game, that has a good feel to it, Doesn't cost anything for me to try our, (like a free version or something) maybe completly free, it needs to have a dedicated team of developers who make new updates, get rid of macroes, and simply make the game fun!.


I don't care about grafics, sound, or several others, although lag bothers me a lot, so that would help if it wasn't really bad on lag. I have money, but i don't want to buy a disk, or pay to play the game (a monthly fee is fine, but i'd like to try it out first)


I've played runescape for a good year now, and it's a fun game with a dedicated team, it's just i've lost my interest in it. Not because of the new updates, but because i've realized what it lacks, a guild feature, titles, clan features. It just needs to be a more friend oriented place. But of course solo is nice in it's ways and funorb is pretty kewl too!


So basically i'm looking for a fun game, not too bad on lag, has a team of developers who care and has a good enfesis on the friend aspect (not sure how to spell enfesis...)


Thanks for reading this message { Mod Edit }


  • goraggagoragga Member Posts: 1

    You could try Baneworld, they are growing pretty fast and adding new stuff all the time.  I don't think you can macro on it.

    The admins are pretty active - I'd give you my link but that might be spam?  It's free to play, no downloads (not even Java) but it animates and there's spells and quests and other players to chat with, trade, pickpocket (I like being chaotic).


  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Thanks a lot i'll try it out,


    A few more things i forgot to add is i'd like a good questing system and some alternate skills as to fighting would be nice (would be even kewler if you used skills to lvl up skills and not combat)

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Okay i went to baneworld, checked it out, and it's not what i'm looking for in several aspects, (not going to point that out...) it has a good theme to it, but just not quite what i'm looking for, thanks for the post anyway! :)

  • sbantingsbanting Member Posts: 238

    If u are in the states or know how to set up a VPN then Mabinogi might be the game for you, its got lots of varied quests, lots of different skills, totally free and as it's still in beta the developers are still making stuff and a update is coming next week! Graphics aren't too bad either and the download isn't that big, u could experence a bit of lag now and again tho, but that will pass i'm sure.


  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Originally posted by sbanting

    If u are in the states or know how to set up a VPN then Mabinogi might be the game for you, its got lots of varied quests, lots of different skills, totally free and as it's still in beta the developers are still making stuff and a update is coming next week! Graphics aren't too bad either and the download isn't that big, u could experence a bit of lag now and again tho, but that will pass i'm sure.
    As to that,  i have 3 things to say


    1. I live in the states

    2. idk what a VPN is (please explain)

    3. i am currently downloading mabinogi now, t(it's about halfway done -.-) and the download time is a litlte long, but idc it will be ready tommorow :)


  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    I'm messing around with Mabinogi right now.  they've gone through a bit of work adding social stuff to it, It's pretty common to see people hanging around a fire at night in town squares as well(there just for talking, and maybe sharing a bit of food).    Since the game is an import and has been out for a while there's years worth of content to be added yet.    The combat system isn't to bad, even if comes down to a very fancy game of rock-paper-scissors it's still cool to have AI respond to what you do and the AI is more responsive than your typical everquest-agro-circle-meter-thingy.

    WurmOnline would be worth a glance(it's indy but you don't sound too worried about something that small), but it's more of a world-almost-simulator type thing rather than something that is 100% game.  if you loved crafting back when it mattered in runescape you'd probably like this game since it's a world where 99.999999% of stuff is made by the players even the towns.   Everything revolves around the town and working with members in it so you end up pretty close with people.

    EvE is a traditional fallback for ex-runescapers, even though it's a world and a player controled one to boot.  I didn't play it for the "3 months that are required for you to truely get your role" type deal so I won't go too much into it.  though it also falls into the world-almost-simulator type thing, though through out the whole thing I felt pretty detached from my avatar and people around me.

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • sbantingsbanting Member Posts: 238

    well if u are in the states u won't need a VPN, its only for ppl like me who live in europe as the game isn't open up to the world only the states at the moment. The VPN stops them being able to locate ur ip address so they assume you are in the right country :D


  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    thanks you two


    1. Thanks for the review on mabonigi, i'm done downloading it, but i'm tired so i'll try it tommorow :)

    2. i'll try wormzonline (or w/e it's called) tommorow as well

    3. and finally i found out what a vpn is, thanks anyway though :)   (looked it up on youtube)


    Well thanks but just keep the info coming, :) as for eve i believe that costs to try it out (i thought so, i nvr looked into it...)


    P.s. i still play runescape but just not very much anymore (i still have my membership, lolz, nvr felt like canceling)

  • CzzarreCzzarre Member, Newbie CommonPosts: 3,742

    Also, most MMORPGs have trials now. WoW, LOTRO, EvE ..these are all top games with what you are looking for. Each gives 7 to 14 days with the full product to see if you like it. Since you mention money isnt the issue, you may also want to try out these mainstream games

    Good Luck


  • wikiewikie Member Posts: 209

    okie you can also try this one.. its  free.

  • ZorvanZorvan Member CommonPosts: 8,912

    If you like sci-fi, Anarchy Online is the best. And you can play the base game and the first expansion notum Wars free ( the free game alone is bigger and more varied than most full mmos ).

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Few things


    1. AS for the trials of WoW, and others, i just don't wanna spend $50 on a disk, and find out i don't like the game (14 day trials isn't very long if you don't spend all your time playing games like me...,


    Wyd--- i don't really care for that game


    And anarchy i haven't tried that, if i don't like mabinogi i'll download it next.


  • Wharg0ulWharg0ul Member Posts: 4,183

    Anarchy Online is a great game, but a bit dated. Of course, they DO have an engine / graphics update coming.

    Basic game is free, or you can pay and enjoy the expansions. You'll NEVER run out of things to do.


    LoTRO Has a free trial. Very fun, great community, incredible graphics. VERY addictive.


    I would personally never suggest WoW to anyone.


    For the most part, free to play games are lacking in one way or another...which is why they are free.

    Conversely, I would never play an MMO which did not have a free trial. I want to know what I'm getting into before I go investing money. Played too many bad ones.


  • ChainmailChainmail Member Posts: 173

    I would second what others have said and say Anarchy Online. I am even thinking of returning after they put in the graphics update.

    Also, if you are into the anime style games then you may also like Dream of Mirror Online (DOMO). Its pretty good too. Just make sure you go to the North American site and not the EU Gametribe sight to download it. The NA version is from Aeria Games.

    Another f2p game that is supposed to be pretty good is Perfect World.

    Good luck!

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Some more things, thanks for the advice people, as for LoTRO idk, i guess i'll give it a shot after i look at Anarchy.


    Domo--- i've been playing it while looking for a new thing, but my friend is constantly telling me Perfect World is better, but i'm having trouble downloading it..., lolz Thanks for all the help and keep them coming.


    (currently on my things to do list)


    1. Try Mabinogi (last one didn't download right or something, idk)

    2. Check out Anarchy

    3. Either try Perfect world or Lotro.

    Thanks for all the help i appreciate it a lot!

  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    quick trouble shoot for mabinogi:  game is updating to it's release version right now(was open beta), you live in Florida since IP-location-tracking is not an accurate science.

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • punkrockpunkrock Member Posts: 1,777

    i think wyd looksed rocken. i might try it after i try mabinogi lol.

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    i'm still having trouble, with mabinogi....., lol, btw thanks mod (whoever), lol i didn't know you couldn't post links (until recently on another of my threads :)

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    Okay as for mabinogi i can't download it..., so i give up!!!! (i'll try one more time)


    So i'm looking at Anarchy now.

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    My status


    1. Mabinogi i give up completely give up!!!


    2. Anarchy looks really kewl and all, so i'm downloading it

    3. Doesn't take too long too download


    (problems with anarchy)

    1. too many patches i need to "install" these should be included in the download, as they come out with them (i'm installing patches from 2004)

    2. I was having problems with patch 17.5.3-17.6, but this apparently has resolved itself (after rebooting my pc like 4 times...) so it's still downloading.


    That is all, and i've found out about "xfire" and it was a bonus with the download of anarchy, it's a thing that shows what games your friends are playing, there server and such, and it lets you talk to them. It's pretty kewl (haven't really explored it yet...)

  • thebest4679thebest4679 Member Posts: 14

    My current status



    1. I hate this game, as i can't download it, it keeps saying something different (that comes up) and stops it downloading, or my pc freezes, or a milliion and one other things, i gave up and i'm never going back!!!!


    1. Took a little amount of time to download, but the trouble was with the patches, again a million and one things going wrong, lol, but on my last try (probably woulda tried again, lolz) it worked, and now i'm playing it, and it's really kewl (could update the character grafics, to make them as nice as the game..., lol)

    2. Fun! but confusing to get used too....

    Anything else,

    1.idk, just thought it was worth mentioning, well i've found my game that i want to play, so thanks for the help :)

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