Im looking for a medieval MMORPG, quite good graphics, usual weapons (bow arrow, sword), mostly PvP based with quite full serveers avilible. Ummm dont really mind about cost, dont suggests WoW though im already considering that.
Im looking for a medieval MMORPG, quite good graphics, usual weapons (bow arrow, sword), mostly PvP based with quite full serveers avilible. Ummm dont really mind about cost, dont suggests WoW though im already considering that.
well this game isnt really an rpq, but it is all pvp, midevil, and skilled game that has awesome graphics and is free...try RAKION out if u havent. u wont be dissapointed.
Dark age of camelot
Lineage 2
Knigh Online, EQ, Archlord is kinda medieval, runescape is a great game aswell, you can find many other great medieval mmorpgs out there !
I quit runescape when they killed off pking, they cant say what they have replaced it with is PvP atall really.
well this game isnt really an rpq, but it is all pvp, midevil, and skilled game that has awesome graphics and is free...try RAKION out if u havent. u wont be dissapointed.