To all MMORPG freaks/maniac/newbies etc: I'm doing some research about the culture in MMORPG (massive multiplayer online role playing game) and i really need a feedback here so please with all your might help me in the name of gamers god...
There are some question that i want to ask you all...
1. How was the life in MMORPG?
2. For the noob/newbies, how are you interact with your senior/senpai/higher level player in the games?
3. For the veteran/higher level class, what tips that you give for your kohai/junior/noob in the games and how do you interact with them?
4. Which one is better? work as a group or alone in the online game (MMORPG)
you don't have to answer can answer any one of these question but please help me get the feedback....
may the gamers god bless you all!!!
as a constant hopper of mmo's im always a experience with higher lvl players is poor...the only time i ever interact with high players is if the are giving up theyre items so i mooch off them
most mmo's are a let down and i have found myself more prowned to pointless mmo's like angels online flyff and fiesta...wile these have poor graphics and are really made for the younger and ill experienced players of mmo i have seen greater last mmo i actually enoyed was zero online but i found it too easy to lvl to 75 within an hour with a mentor of 900+pot
i dont not tipically like working with groups because now alot of mmo's are having a gamble as to who gets the item and it looses my interest to kno i cant get a rare item with the avantage of also getting easy exp in a team...working alone is a great way to find an indivdual friend and also a friend of a different class/race that way u can team and get the specific items for your class if he wins the gamble
life as an mmo hopper is poor and unrewarding especially since i have recently found fiesta online and many other mmo's to have hidden trojans and viruses that have already destroyed my computer
( if ne1 has a plan so i can downlaod games with out the fear of viruses ley me kno )
( Comming Soon )
I've only been playing MMORPGs for about a year, I started by Open Beta testing Lord of the Rings Online. It seems as though the games you pay for have a better quality of higher level players. Even in WOW, playing on a PvE server I would get randommly debuffed by people practicing their debuff skills (which certainly helped out my character). The most immature higher level players I've run accross have been on the free to play games, my guess is that there are more of the younger, less mature players there who are not yet able to hold down a job (whether because of age or immaturity).
Although I seldom group, the times I have done so in Lord of the Rings have all gone well, despite the fact that I have to explain that my reaction times are poor and I'm not a good player, thus opening myself up to all times of scorn. The same was true with Perfect World. No problems grouping there! I have refused to even try to group in Cabal as it is still in the new game, hot doggers flux of immature players.
I enjoy playing in MMORPGs, I can't say how "life" is as for me its just a fun game and I don't role play much. I also don't group much because of the afore-mentioned poor reaction skills. It sucks to get the group killed because my fingers spasmed or I got lost trying to go somewhere. Still, its tons of fun.
1- A shadow of what it could be. See, the first day I play in G. Faydark/Crushbone, it was awesome. So was CoX. But apparently, the games always have to become twisted and wrong in a way or another. I would be content with a purely unlimited levels games, I never insist much for that, I understand that maybe I am in the minority, however I am certain that the majority want to do more of what they do in the first place. If players stick around, they stick around for what they already experience.
Thereby, MMOs are merely a shadow of what they could be. Soon you find that you max you character, that the journey is over. Or even worser, that you must play a new game in order to advance, either PvP, RvR or Raiding are common mistakes/examples of such a bad ending.
3- Treat a noob as I would treat my brothers/sisters. I help them, I tease them, I group them. There is no clear mark, we are all noobs and vets, in different tones of grays. Even I am a noob something. Overgrown noobs! :P
4- As a small group. Almost everyone want to work as a small group; been alone is already in itself a penalty/downgrade. Most soloers I encounter would rather group me, even if we are less efficient in duo (usually we are more efficient as we focus on our edges)...the few who wouldn't group me, we are just incompatible on a social level. Nothing wrong there, not everyone is meant to be a friend with everyone, we could be cooperative neighbors.
As I log in, I am solo. I should always start immediately a meaningfull action to advance and further developp my character, all while having my LFG tag on. If I don't get a group, I shouldn't feel anything bad from the game (I should be able to master soloing activities completely by soloing, so at least I have a goal until I find a group), I am already alone, which is going to be a death sentence to any MMO in the long run, beating on my skull would only aggravate that. Best groupers have to be groupers. Best soloers should be soloers. Even the most adamant soloer, if approched approprietedly, would group with SOME players, even if not with me.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
seems like there is a lot of these surveys popping up lately.
after 6 or so years, I had to change it a little...