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I browse these forums a lot. I started to come here because a friend told me to check out the SWG pre-cu talk a while ago. However, after reading some of the ignorant stuff being said about Warhammer I had to post.
I have been playing MMORPGS for a while. Played Wow since a couple months before open beta (thanks to a friend) and quit only a couple weeks ago. Played Pre-cu swg, EQ, GW and various other failed experiments (Rf anyone?)
I am currently in Warhammer beta, and no I am not going to be breaking the NDA. However I thought I would adress some things.
-WAR is not a Wow clone. Anyone saying this A) has not played the game or is looking at old footage. The game as the devs stated, is build ground up around PVP and they are not lying. It isn't World of Warcraft with some PVP tacked on. There are some very basic similarities, but they quickly evaporate.
-No the graphics, nor the style is the same as World of Warcraft. Does the Beta look bad? As the devs stated, YES it does, mainly because the very basics of the graphic engine are in place because they want to test out the gameplay. Graphics can be worked on independantly from the Beta, then added over place holders. You can't continue to code then re-code broken scripts. This is how betas work.
Comparisons (In terms of art style)
I can't really talk about anything else or it shatters the NDA. WAR isn't going to be a Wow killer. It isn't a game the mass market and every little casual player will enjoy. It is going to offer people who enjoy PVP a game to play that is competitive, fun, and something other then High end raiding guilds, little kids, and content that is only used by a specific group of players.
I still find it funny that people are still saying it is copying World Of Warraft even though that Blizzard were the ones ripping off Warhammer's intellectual property 1st.
As far as I can see Games Workshop would not be liscensing this product unless it fitted into the Warhammer fantasy universe perfectly.
As I am not in the beta I cannot judge on gameplay etc but considering that we have had MMO's for over 10 years of course the successful elements from older games will be incorportaed into newer games.
Of course we'll still have bashers who want all games to fail except the ones they play........
I agre. But I don't even mean on a "Wow ripped off Warhammer" level. Just listen to what the Devs say. It doesn't sound like Wow. Obviously I am not going to break the NDA and tell people whats in the game. But the devs won't lie to you, if you know what I am saying.
I agre. But I don't even mean on a "Wow ripped off Warhammer" level. Just listen to what the Devs say. It doesn't sound like Wow. Obviously I am not going to break the NDA and tell people whats in the game. But the devs won't lie to you, if you know what I am saying.
Haha, you're new to MMO gaming aren't you, seriously now, be honest.
and we will have the fanbois defending WAR's even if it's not released yet. Go figure.
How am I a fan boy? I never said WAR is the best game ever, and it's going to totally own everything.
I said it isn't the same as Wow, because well, it isn't.
Anyway, I don't want to turn this into a flame war. Just wanted everyone to know, no it isn't a wow clone.
Tons of new information for you guys to check out if you're interested.
EVERYONE say it's a WoW clone in the beginning. That was my very first thoughts aswell. That alone led me not to want to do any research. However now it's all different. I think it's funny that if it's such a WoW clone then how come I really dislike WoW but just can't wait to play WAR?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
This would stand to reason. Because you haven't played it yet ^^
Anticipation is often 100% of the fun with MMO's, unfortunately.
The who copied who argument is probably the worst defense you can possibly put out there. The only people who even know the back story behind the development of WoW and WAR are MMO dorks like us who hang out on forums.
The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter even if you are right. Let's say they did copy for the sake of debate. So what? Everyone knows WoW has been out for 3 years or more, and by the time WAR sees the light of day it may change that spread to 4 years. That would mean that in those 3-4 years, they were making a game that they knew was mimic another game that has already been on the market for years and did little to change that. The average guy who walks into the store won't know the story behind the development, he will but WAR, take it home, and think he bought a WoW clone. Cloning is nothing new in the video game industry, Diablo and Starcraft have both been cloned in their respective genres.
The liscencing is not given after the game is made, it is given before. They give it on faith that the game will turn out to fit their vision and lore. There are some things in this game about the mechanics of some of the classes that were not present in the tabletop game that ARE present in WoW. Anyone else find it odd that the rogue classes in both of these games use a 5 point combo system? I don't remember that in the tabletop.
While the OP may be in the beta and I respect his opinion, there are a lot of other confirmed beta testers that I know who say the opposite. Those screenshots are not honestly winning any arguments to prove your point. Graphically at this point the resemblance is undeniable. The PvP footage looks remarkable more like WoW than the do DAOC. I truly hope that they do enough to distinguish this game from its long-established rival, because honestly another botched MMO only hurts all of us.
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How come all this clone idiocy only occur on the MMORPG front?
How often do you see FPS, RTS games be thrown with this much dirt for being "clones" when basicly every single one of them is and yet they are all charismatic in their own little ways?
$OE lies list
And I don't want to hear anything about "I don't believe in vampires" because *I* don't believe in vampires, but I believe in my own two eyes, and what *I* saw is ******* vampires! "
WAR is not WOW! WOW is not WAR!!!!
Stop with the comparisons. Guess what? Most fantasy games have the same things in them: Elves, dwarves, goblins,swords, sorcery, fighting, monsters etc. There will always be some similarities.
The graphics may look somewhat the same in some ppl's eyes but the are many differences.
1. The style and look of the races are different from wow. If anything mythic did a great job in keeping the games workshop renditions of artistry and figurines the same.
2. The world is the warhammer world. Warhammer isnt Azeroth. They are both geographically and historically different. The maps will show you.
3. RVR in WAR is a great concept......I never saw RVR in WOW. I remember in wow (b4 they changed it) if you killed the shopkeepers you got dinged for it.
4. The cultures of the games are completely different.
5. The game is much different than wow on how it plays. There may be some similarities but again the games are different.
Most ppl judge a game on how the game looks and thats it. WAR looks great. I havent seen any cartoony feel that WOW has. Im not bashing wow as wow was a great game. Im looking forward to a great fantasy game where i dont have to go into an instance 50 times to get an item i need.
IF YOU DONT LIKE WAR DONT PLAY IT!!!!!! Dont sit there and bash War because "it looks like" wow. Intellectually and graphically they are both different.
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
The who copied who argument is probably the worst defense you can possibly put out there. The only people who even know the back story behind the development of WoW and WAR are MMO dorks like us who hang out on forums.
The fact of the matter is it doesn't matter even if you are right. Let's say they did copy for the sake of debate. So what? Everyone knows WoW has been out for 3 years or more, and by the time WAR sees the light of day it may change that spread to 4 years. That would mean that in those 3-4 years, they were making a game that they knew was mimic another game that has already been on the market for years and did little to change that. The average guy who walks into the store won't know the story behind the development, he will but WAR, take it home, and think he bought a WoW clone. Cloning is nothing new in the video game industry, Diablo and Starcraft have both been cloned in their respective genres.
The liscencing is not given after the game is made, it is given before. They give it on faith that the game will turn out to fit their vision and lore. There are some things in this game about the mechanics of some of the classes that were not present in the tabletop game that ARE present in WoW. Anyone else find it odd that the rogue classes in both of these games use a 5 point combo system? I don't remember that in the tabletop.
While the OP may be in the beta and I respect his opinion, there are a lot of other confirmed beta testers that I know who say the opposite. Those screenshots are not honestly winning any arguments to prove your point. Graphically at this point the resemblance is undeniable. The PvP footage looks remarkable more like WoW than the do DAOC. I truly hope that they do enough to distinguish this game from its long-established rival, because honestly another botched MMO only hurts all of us.
I am sure you know some people in Beta, but I am wondering how long they have been in it to be honest. The "combo point" system you are refeering to was actually in the Table top game. Witch Hunters always had to build Conviction. Maybe you would think it's less like wow if they used a Bar, instead of a five point guage.
I also like how you say they look the same. Maybe in tiny little low resolution 2 year old Youtube videos. However anyone who has been to a convention or seen the game running knows it doesn't. The screenshots are Warhammer on all low settings. It doesn't look anything like Wow. Maybe you think the game magically changes in graphical appearance once you start to PVP, but it doesn't.
Here is another video, from a convention in 2007. It doesn't look like Wow, and thats an old build of the game. If you think it does look like Wow, I think you are remembering Warcraft a lot different from what it really is and suggest logging in again.
I've played WoW and seen the vids/creenshots for WAR and i dont see much similarity. Without playing the game, I can only judge on graphics but WAR obviously has higher detailed textures and smoother models that dont look much like WoW (unless you want to argue anatomy and natural motion ). In fact, some structures look like they were reproductions from Medieval Europe architecture. Other than that, a tree's a tree, a bush a bush, a rock a rock, a hill a hill
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I was going to avoid this topic .. but I'm on break and bored so why not!
Things that make WAR stand out (atleast to me)
1. Living Cities. Your cities are actually growing entities, they level according to the work your realm does. They become richer or poorer. Instances open up, NPC enemies can even be found hidden on the back streets! (i used to love that in eq1 lol). Your city suffers when its attacked. Things burn, things can be smashed including player statues of the top 10 rvr rankers for your Race!
2. Siege Weapons you dont have to spend X amount of life time on to build. You can go to your nearest war camp and buy them. Yea it definitly means more if you build it yourself but to keep with the spirit of the game which is constant warfare it makes sense you buy them already completed.
3. Public Quests...its been such a long time since I've experienced the joy of an open world event (atleast these are only 15 to 30 mins long and they repeat if you missed it!). The fact you dont have to even group up is nice, obviously for tactical reasons its better to group but you dont have to and you get rewarded fairly!
4. Interesting class hybrids. What other game lets you be a healer and still be a vicious opponent in a battle at the same time? Hell what other game rewards you for healing and buffing?!
5. Armor Dye 2 Tone system after having seen it in a presentation video yesterday I can honestly say this is the coolest bit of customization for your character besides Trophies. Besides just changing the colors of your armor you get to pick 2 tones and they change the look Drastically..very drastically.
6. Trophies - no other game awards you with trophies that you can actually wear in 15 different places per armor set.
7. Achievement system - yes lord of the rings has it but WARS is LotR's x 100. Plus WAR's isn't completely grind based
8. PvP...most pvp games don't interest me because they're severly unfair to say the casual player, they're free for all (which I don't agree with but don't shun games for supporting it because FFA players need games too), or they're just completely crap item grinds. PvP in WAR means something from a RPG perspective..and I plan to fully enjoy every moment of smash heads, breaking statues of Ranked RvR players, and then stomping on their corpse
9. Exploration - its been a long time since truely cool things could happen & be rewarded for going off the beaten path.
i could go on but ... well tehse 9 things are the biggest reasons I'm excited for WAR after being shafted since EQ1
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
I didnt know they were using a 2-TONE color system!! That's pretty wicked
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Out of any other MMO coming out, WAR reminds me of WoW the most.
WOW IS WAR WAR IS WOW and thats how it is.... Dont get fooled....
its not the same in every ways. But graphics (even tho war has abit better graphic) it looks quite the same. Its the only mmorpg that looks so much alike WoW.. so i understand people that thinks that War is a sad copy of WoW..
AoC pwns War. Have fun
The ultimate Wisdom.
Well I guess we know who isn't in either beta.....
haha what a crappy movie..
here is something u can watch:
First of all WOW copied alot of things from alot of games to make it what it is today. Interest in WOW is steadily declining as it too becomes a dated game. Warhammer on the otherhand would be a total failure if EA/Mythic made it similar to WOW which can't be done. WAR is a PVP game and WOW a PVE game with some PVP added in for carebears.