Well it's part of his job description, so of course he's advertising the game it would be very stupid of Mythic to miss out on any oportunity to promote their game... the hype around WoW was also huge when it came out, mind you.
About the work part; well... I don't suppose every single artist and developer stops working each and every time Paul opens his mouth to promote the game the work goes on. - END QUOTE
Whats up with gamers today...no sense of humour..matter of fact they don't know what that is.
The sunglasses are for FUN.....F U N...get it? ^^ Wow...I bet that just flew over 90% of the audience's heads right?
Games are for fun...P Barnett is a comedian..he's funny..well to those of us that understand humour...*wink*
He's good advertising for the game, and more than likely by now has his own little fan club, ...please lighten up and take his quips and puns for what they are...comedy value.
I don't think anyone can ever trust McQuaid again lol. - End Quote
Yeah I think McQuaid pretty much burned his bridges, haven't heard anything about him..since Soe swallowed up Sigil and a few employees..leaving the rest with no jobs in the parking lot. Shame. Although I note one of the people that worked on Vanguard..has shown up in Warhammer..good to see at least that person is still employed.
As for McQuaid, too bad he wasn't more organized, Microsoft would have probably backed Vanguard to the hilt...........Microsoft has alot of money ...hehe :P
I completely have given up on any games sponsored by or made by SOE...my focus is on EAMYTHIC and Warhammer, and I was an SOE customer right from Everquest beta onward.
Thats what happens when you disappoint your customers too often.
For those who might not know how EA Mythic is running their beta test, it is a little bit out of the ordinary when compared to your average test. Instead of just releasing players into the wilds of the game, each beta phase concentrates on a different element of the game
I've been in tons of closed beta's and this isn't something i would consider to be ordinary, as in atleast 80% of the close beta's i was in this was alway's the case, but you had to truly beta test meaning not only playing or trying the game itself but it would require you to be active on it''s beta forums aswell to know what is going to be tested or asked for.
Sorry guys but when they decided to make regular Warhammer game instead of Warhammer 40 000 and they totally copied WoW graphic style they gave up of any kind of originality which is main substance for the game in 21st century to sucseed. This game is crap and we have seen all this game has to offer at least 10 times before in some earlier MMOs. World of Starcraft is in development and coming out probably a year after SC2 so that would be only girl worth waiting.
I would of read the article , but the poser sunglasses just is unprofessional and it will show in there game.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
Originally posted by vipjerry
Sorry guys but when they decided to make regular Warhammer game instead of Warhammer 40 000 and they totally copied WoW graphic style they gave up of any kind of originality which is main substance for the game in 21st century to sucseed.
This game is crap and we have seen all this game has to offer at least 10 times before in some earlier MMOs.
World of Starcraft is in development and coming out probably a year after SC2 so that would be only girl worth waiting.
WoW stole most of stuff from other MMORGP's and implemented it as theirs. Can't call that originality.
Actually Warhammer looks like it always has. It's the style of the miniatures transferred to a computer game. That's the look of Warhammer and it's very strong and easily recognizable. If you want to know why Blizzard's art has such a resemblance to Warhammer, you'll have to ask them, not Mythic. Same deal with StarCraft. It's not a big deal, probably just means Blizzard's got some Warhammer fans on their art/story team (such as Chris Metzen).
You certainly can't say anything bad about Mythic for copying the Warhammer look in their game - they're in with Games Workshop - they're allowed to.
One thing Mythic HAS copied is Blizzard's tactic of releasing their game "when it's done". And that's one of the major reasons why Blizzard games are so polished and finished when they're finally released. The more companies copying that stance, the better.
LOL please Warhammers not even out, yet you act like other MMO's copied them. The sad part is the WOW thing has been done to death and people are looking for something NEW. So it makes no difference now most look at Warhammer as a WOW clone and say its not all you want its to late.
The Warhammer universe and art has existed for over 25 years. That's a long, long, long time before the WarCraft and StarCraft settings were created. Warhammer Fantasy battles for instance is a miniature board game, and you can clearly see the visual style of the miniatures both in Warhammer Online and the WarCraft series. If you look at Warhammer 40k you'll notice that StarCraft art and units also bears a striking resemblance to this. Warhammer Online also isn't a World of WarCraft clone, other than that it's an MMO. If you want to say it's a clone of something, the closets thing would be Dark Age of Camelot. The biggest difference between WoW and WAR is that WAR's focus is on Realm vs Realm PvP, while WoW's focus is on PvE dungeons and raiding.
In general, you should probably read up a bit on the game before making too many statements about it. There's many reasons for why WAR isn't necessarily your cup of tea. Maybe you don't like massive PvP fights, maybe you don't like sieging keeps, maybe you're not that interested in the setting. Perhaps your greatest idea of fun is sitting in a big raid week after week killing bosses in Black Temple - and that's fine. To each his own.
Originally posted by Ixnatifual The Warhammer universe and art has existed for over 25 years.
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere... This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
Nah, if you're going to do a Warhammer game, better make it look like Warhammer. If you're not going to make it look like Warhammer, don't make a Warhammer game. Dawn of War was also quite successful despite StarCraft already existing. There's no real problem with the graphic style of the two games being somewhat similar. If you're basing what games you play on whether or not you've seen a specific graphic style before, I can't help you, but I'm sure that kind of gamer is exceedingly rare. Gameplay is what keeps a player interested.
Everyone see it as they want to see it. Obiviously Vipjerry you think you are right. Maybe from your aspect of view you are. From someone else's view not.
Tolkien didn't invented elves, dwarves and other mythical creatures. He just shaped and changed them to fit his view. They existed in (German, Norser, Dutch...) mythology long ago before Tolkien even was born.
Any game that comes out with good graphic will be called clone of something else. Most of things we have seen in other games and probably want to see it in future game. Again it is aspect of view. Someone see it black someone see it white, someone don't see it at all... (wife called and have to go out to pick her up so can't finish this long post i've intended)
The Warhammer universe and art has existed for over 25 years.
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere...
This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
Based on how well the CE is selling, and how many people have signed up, and continue to sign up for the closed beta of this game, I concur you have not the slightest clue how successful this game is going to be. WoW copied everything it knows from previous games and was successful. It brought little to the table that was completely new. Instanced PvP has been done, instanced PVE has been done, low polygon graphics had been done. You don't have to have great graphics, and you don't have to do something completely new to have a successful game. What you do need is something fun, and to polish that fun thing, and that is what Mythic is trying to do. You are kidding yourself if you think this will not be a success.
Originally posted by hellspit Tolkien didn't invented elves, dwarves and other mythical creatures. He just shaped and changed them to fit his view. They existed in (German, Norser, Dutch...) mythology long ago before Tolkien even was born...
I'm very well aware of this and thats exactly my point. Warhammer in state it is now does not look all that great. Graphics already looks dated and gameplay is not something we didn't see before. But we shell see soon who was right or wrong.
The Warhammer universe and art has existed for over 25 years.
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere...
This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
It would be kind of hard making a 40k MMO considering THQ holds the license and last I checked they are going to be developing a 40k MMO as well. It was in a gamespot article last time I seen it.
Also I would have to say the Orcs of Warhammer are very unique considering the way they reproduce and all.
I have and will continue to keep an eye out on this game. Though there has been a lot of negative, subvertive walk-around the NDA 'reviews' posted on the net, I take all that stuff with a grain of salt. Closed beta is not supposed to be fun, its supposed to be work IMO, and that approach they're using seems to fit the bill perfectly.
However what I'm getting from Barnet and his crew is that they're enthusiastic, ambitious, and wanting to have a blast creating it and then seeing players enjoy the same thrill. I'm not naive enough to think they're doing this for alturistic purposes, it's a business there to make money, and as I've often said, I don't mind people making a bankload of cash, so long as they do it in a fashion that doesn't demean my time. WoW demeans my time, its PvP stinks, and its the area I enjoy the most. It has a certain degree of charm to be sure, but I think I'm going to like WAR a lot more if this philosophy and enthusiasm continues to open release, because I know it'll be both a (relatively) smooth launch and campy or not, if its actually FUN isntead of a brain tumor inducing grind, I'll be on it like white on rice.
And Mr Barnet, if you're reading these, please, I implore you, no gear grinds where you have to hit the same dungeon over and over and over again for essential drops just to be able to compete in RvR.
Even peace may be purchased at too high a price, and the only time you are completely safe is when you lie in the grave.
I have and will continue to keep an eye out on this game. Though there has been a lot of negative, subvertive walk-around the NDA 'reviews' posted on the net, I take all that stuff with a grain of salt. Closed beta is not supposed to be fun, its supposed to be work IMO, and that approach they're using seems to fit the bill perfectly.
Please do continue to take these "reviews" with a grain of salt. Like I posted in another thread where somebody said something similar:
Many people claim to be in beta and trash it yet only one, ONE, of them has ever been able to tell me their forum name or in game name to chat or talk about things. The thing about WAR is that you can say you are in the beta, and that there is a beta. This leads to ANYBODY on this forum being able to claim they are in it. Few people, including myself, make that claim and can produce some sort of evidence. When you call people out who claim to be in beta and they aren't they tend to:
a) Troll harder to try and change the subject
b) get mad and defensive at the fact they were called out
c) They stop posting for a little while or make a new user name before bashing the game again.
I'm not in beta but i'm hype and noxious and unpatient from one side to get into it. Since there is nothing i can do to get into beta - can only wait. And if i see it with my eyes then i can speak about it.
But as old PK on MUDS waited for similar game for long. As in old MUD Act of War to certain level you can PVE or kill monsters and bosses. After certain level you have to kill other players/faction to level up. Miss those old good days. Warhammer will bring that thrill and joy back to me from start for sure.
so we have to wait a few months longer . i dont think that actually suprised many . if anything i m glad they are taking time to iron it out . after all if your that desperate to play it you can get the delux edition and have a guaranteed spot in the open beta . the delux is overpriced but i guess this can be offset against the money you save in the open beta on not having the monthly fees ( if you take my meaning) if thats 3-4 months before its release its proberbly not so bad . personally i d rather wait till i talk to a few people who are actually playing it and see a few reviews before i buy the same applys to conan . after vanguard i ll never believe the pre release hype again . once bitten twice shy .
I knew when this game was announced I would play it, I have loved the IP for going on 10 years or so. Yes, it is disappointing to see delays, and I know a lot of the guys I've played other mmo's with have just said "to hell with it" as time has passed. But I have no intention of paying to play another beta. Finish the game, make it fun, make it challenging, make it WORK properly. I don't think this game will be groundbreaking or the be-all and end-all of mmo's, that kind of "waiting for an mmo messiah" attitude has caused nothing but pain and disappointment in the past. But I do think this game will entertain me, and that's all I'm really concerned about.
Yes, I would rather play a 40k mmo in the current fantasy loaded market. And while I do understand the playable races they chose in regards to the whole RvR theme, I am pretty damn upset that I can't play my Skaven, and am not sure how they would fit into the current setup. It's nice to see an official announcement as well, as frankly, I don't really care about concept art, and the fact that that was all I was seeing for a while from WAR had me a bit worried.
And that my friends is how you make a quality game.
Looking for something new.
Well it's part of his job description, so of course he's advertising the game it would be very stupid of Mythic to miss out on any oportunity to promote their game... the hype around WoW was also huge when it came out, mind you.
About the work part; well... I don't suppose every single artist and developer stops working each and every time Paul opens his mouth to promote the game the work goes on. - END QUOTE
Whats up with gamers today...no sense of humour..matter of fact they don't know what that is.
The sunglasses are for FUN.....F U N...get it? ^^ Wow...I bet that just flew over 90% of the audience's heads right?
Games are for fun...P Barnett is a comedian..he's funny..well to those of us that understand humour...*wink*
He's good advertising for the game, and more than likely by now has his own little fan club, ...please lighten up and take his quips and puns for what they are...comedy value.
I agree with the above comment of they probably won't push it back again, especially now that they have a pre-order box.
I'll trust EAMythic more then I did Brad McQuaid and Sigil..
I don't think anyone can ever trust McQuaid again lol.
I don't think anyone can ever trust McQuaid again lol. - End Quote
Yeah I think McQuaid pretty much burned his bridges, haven't heard anything about him..since Soe swallowed up Sigil and a few employees..leaving the rest with no jobs in the parking lot. Shame. Although I note one of the people that worked on Vanguard..has shown up in Warhammer..good to see at least that person is still employed.
As for McQuaid, too bad he wasn't more organized, Microsoft would have probably backed Vanguard to the hilt...........Microsoft has alot of money ...hehe :P
I completely have given up on any games sponsored by or made by SOE...my focus is on EAMYTHIC and Warhammer, and I was an SOE customer right from Everquest beta onward.
Thats what happens when you disappoint your customers too often.
I switched and so far am happy I did.
Nice articel .....BUT......
For those who might not know how EA Mythic is running their beta test, it is a little bit out of the ordinary when compared to your average test. Instead of just releasing players into the wilds of the game, each beta phase concentrates on a different element of the game
I've been in tons of closed beta's and this isn't something i would consider to be ordinary, as in atleast 80% of the close beta's i was in this was alway's the case, but you had to truly beta test meaning not only playing or trying the game itself but it would require you to be active on it''s beta forums aswell to know what is going to be tested or asked for.
Sorry guys but when they decided to make regular Warhammer game instead of Warhammer 40 000 and they totally copied WoW graphic style they gave up of any kind of originality which is main substance for the game in 21st century to sucseed.
This game is crap and we have seen all this game has to offer at least 10 times before in some earlier MMOs.
World of Starcraft is in development and coming out probably a year after SC2 so that would be only girl worth waiting.
Don't judge a book by its cover.
WoW stole most of stuff from other MMORGP's and implemented it as theirs. Can't call that originality.
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
Nice, I'm liking these new articles, the more I read, the more I appreciate Mythic delaying this game to improve it.
Couldn't agree more with you tachgb. Prefer to see game delayed and finished as it should be rather then just released as it is now....
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
[quote]they totally copied WoW graphic style[/quote]
Actually Warhammer looks like it always has. It's the style of the miniatures transferred to a computer game. That's the look of Warhammer and it's very strong and easily recognizable. If you want to know why Blizzard's art has such a resemblance to Warhammer, you'll have to ask them, not Mythic. Same deal with StarCraft. It's not a big deal, probably just means Blizzard's got some Warhammer fans on their art/story team (such as Chris Metzen).
You certainly can't say anything bad about Mythic for copying the Warhammer look in their game - they're in with Games Workshop - they're allowed to.
One thing Mythic HAS copied is Blizzard's tactic of releasing their game "when it's done". And that's one of the major reasons why Blizzard games are so polished and finished when they're finally released. The more companies copying that stance, the better.
LOL please Warhammers not even out, yet you act like other MMO's copied them. The sad part is the WOW thing has been done to death and people are looking for something NEW. So it makes no difference now most look at Warhammer as a WOW clone and say its not all you want its to late.
The Warhammer universe and art has existed for over 25 years. That's a long, long, long time before the WarCraft and StarCraft settings were created. Warhammer Fantasy battles for instance is a miniature board game, and you can clearly see the visual style of the miniatures both in Warhammer Online and the WarCraft series. If you look at Warhammer 40k you'll notice that StarCraft art and units also bears a striking resemblance to this. Warhammer Online also isn't a World of WarCraft clone, other than that it's an MMO. If you want to say it's a clone of something, the closets thing would be Dark Age of Camelot. The biggest difference between WoW and WAR is that WAR's focus is on Realm vs Realm PvP, while WoW's focus is on PvE dungeons and raiding.
In general, you should probably read up a bit on the game before making too many statements about it. There's many reasons for why WAR isn't necessarily your cup of tea. Maybe you don't like massive PvP fights, maybe you don't like sieging keeps, maybe you're not that interested in the setting. Perhaps your greatest idea of fun is sitting in a big raid week after week killing bosses in Black Temple - and that's fine. To each his own.
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere...
This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
Nah, if you're going to do a Warhammer game, better make it look like Warhammer. If you're not going to make it look like Warhammer, don't make a Warhammer game. Dawn of War was also quite successful despite StarCraft already existing. There's no real problem with the graphic style of the two games being somewhat similar. If you're basing what games you play on whether or not you've seen a specific graphic style before, I can't help you, but I'm sure that kind of gamer is exceedingly rare. Gameplay is what keeps a player interested.
Everyone see it as they want to see it. Obiviously Vipjerry you think you are right. Maybe from your aspect of view you are. From someone else's view not.
Tolkien didn't invented elves, dwarves and other mythical creatures. He just shaped and changed them to fit his view. They existed in (German, Norser, Dutch...) mythology long ago before Tolkien even was born.
Any game that comes out with good graphic will be called clone of something else. Most of things we have seen in other games and probably want to see it in future game. Again it is aspect of view. Someone see it black someone see it white, someone don't see it at all... (wife called and have to go out to pick her up so can't finish this long post i've intended)
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere...
This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
Based on how well the CE is selling, and how many people have signed up, and continue to sign up for the closed beta of this game, I concur you have not the slightest clue how successful this game is going to be. WoW copied everything it knows from previous games and was successful. It brought little to the table that was completely new. Instanced PvP has been done, instanced PVE has been done, low polygon graphics had been done. You don't have to have great graphics, and you don't have to do something completely new to have a successful game. What you do need is something fun, and to polish that fun thing, and that is what Mythic is trying to do. You are kidding yourself if you think this will not be a success.
Warhammer in state it is now does not look all that great. Graphics already looks dated and gameplay is not something we didn't see before.
But we shell see soon who was right or wrong.
Graphics are not DATED they are Warhammer and they are a lot cleaner-cut the WOW just look at the humans (there is a difference)
Cmon guys its ridiculous to argue, WoW is out for 4 long years now and that means Mythic can shovel their 25 years of existence story somewhere...
This is pointless btw by your logic Warhammer is LOTR ripoff than (Elves, Dwarfs, Undead, Orcs and Goblins... its all J.R.R. Tolkien).
If Blizzard ripped Warhammer in any way and we all know they did its to late now for anyone to say anything because WoW was first one who brought us that kind of MMO with that specific graphic style to PC.
Only way they could save this title or put it on another level of success was branding WH40k universe but they chose easier copy-paste variant of unoriginality and once they find out that this game has like 100 times less subscribers than WoW after 5 years they will maybe decide to start another game - WH40k and its going to be completed probably 4 years after Blizzard release of World of Starcraft and all over again...
It would be kind of hard making a 40k MMO considering THQ holds the license and last I checked they are going to be developing a 40k MMO as well. It was in a gamespot article last time I seen it.Also I would have to say the Orcs of Warhammer are very unique considering the way they reproduce and all.
I have and will continue to keep an eye out on this game. Though there has been a lot of negative, subvertive walk-around the NDA 'reviews' posted on the net, I take all that stuff with a grain of salt. Closed beta is not supposed to be fun, its supposed to be work IMO, and that approach they're using seems to fit the bill perfectly.
However what I'm getting from Barnet and his crew is that they're enthusiastic, ambitious, and wanting to have a blast creating it and then seeing players enjoy the same thrill. I'm not naive enough to think they're doing this for alturistic purposes, it's a business there to make money, and as I've often said, I don't mind people making a bankload of cash, so long as they do it in a fashion that doesn't demean my time. WoW demeans my time, its PvP stinks, and its the area I enjoy the most. It has a certain degree of charm to be sure, but I think I'm going to like WAR a lot more if this philosophy and enthusiasm continues to open release, because I know it'll be both a (relatively) smooth launch and campy or not, if its actually FUN isntead of a brain tumor inducing grind, I'll be on it like white on rice.
And Mr Barnet, if you're reading these, please, I implore you, no gear grinds where you have to hit the same dungeon over and over and over again for essential drops just to be able to compete in RvR.
Even peace may be purchased at too high a price, and the only time you are completely safe is when you lie in the grave.
Many people claim to be in beta and trash it yet only one, ONE, of them has ever been able to tell me their forum name or in game name to chat or talk about things. The thing about WAR is that you can say you are in the beta, and that there is a beta. This leads to ANYBODY on this forum being able to claim they are in it. Few people, including myself, make that claim and can produce some sort of evidence. When you call people out who claim to be in beta and they aren't they tend to:
a) Troll harder to try and change the subject
b) get mad and defensive at the fact they were called out
c) They stop posting for a little while or make a new user name before bashing the game again.
I'm not in beta but i'm hype and noxious and unpatient from one side to get into it. Since there is nothing i can do to get into beta - can only wait. And if i see it with my eyes then i can speak about it.
But as old PK on MUDS waited for similar game for long. As in old MUD Act of War to certain level you can PVE or kill monsters and bosses. After certain level you have to kill other players/faction to level up. Miss those old good days. Warhammer will bring that thrill and joy back to me from start for sure.
Take the Magic: The Gathering ''What Color Are You?'' Quiz.
so we have to wait a few months longer . i dont think that actually suprised many . if anything i m glad they are taking time to iron it out . after all if your that desperate to play it you can get the delux edition and have a guaranteed spot in the open beta . the delux is overpriced but i guess this can be offset against the money you save in the open beta on not having the monthly fees ( if you take my meaning) if thats 3-4 months before its release its proberbly not so bad . personally i d rather wait till i talk to a few people who are actually playing it and see a few reviews before i buy the same applys to conan . after vanguard i ll never believe the pre release hype again . once bitten twice shy .
I knew when this game was announced I would play it, I have loved the IP for going on 10 years or so. Yes, it is disappointing to see delays, and I know a lot of the guys I've played other mmo's with have just said "to hell with it" as time has passed. But I have no intention of paying to play another beta. Finish the game, make it fun, make it challenging, make it WORK properly. I don't think this game will be groundbreaking or the be-all and end-all of mmo's, that kind of "waiting for an mmo messiah" attitude has caused nothing but pain and disappointment in the past. But I do think this game will entertain me, and that's all I'm really concerned about.
Yes, I would rather play a 40k mmo in the current fantasy loaded market. And while I do understand the playable races they chose in regards to the whole RvR theme, I am pretty damn upset that I can't play my Skaven, and am not sure how they would fit into the current setup. It's nice to see an official announcement as well, as frankly, I don't really care about concept art, and the fact that that was all I was seeing for a while from WAR had me a bit worried.