You know you dominate a game when other people are convinved the only way you can be that good is through cheating.
In other news, BoB internally takes a very hard line on exploits, abnd after ONE SMALL fuckup 4 years ago CCP has very strict controls in place to prevent a repeat.
Anyone who thinks differently is just terribly bitter they get beaten so hard by inferior numbers.
You know you dominate a game when other people are convinved the only way you can be that good is through cheating.
In other news, BoB internally takes a very hard line on exploits, abnd after ONE SMALL fuckup 4 years ago CCP has very strict controls in place to prevent a repeat.
Anyone who thinks differently is just terribly bitter they get beaten so hard by inferior numbers.
I think BOB is having a difficult dominating the Delve region, nevermind EVE in general.
All Empires go through cycles: Revolutionary Initial, Formative, Post-Formative, Couter-Revolution or Civil War, Reintegration, Pre-Empire, Imperial, Primary Decay and Fall.
can i have your stuff?
You know you dominate a game when other people are convinved the only way you can be that good is through cheating.
In other news, BoB internally takes a very hard line on exploits, abnd after ONE SMALL fuckup 4 years ago CCP has very strict controls in place to prevent a repeat.
Anyone who thinks differently is just terribly bitter they get beaten so hard by inferior numbers.
All Empires go through cycles: Revolutionary Initial, Formative, Post-Formative, Couter-Revolution or Civil War, Reintegration, Pre-Empire, Imperial, Primary Decay and Fall.
BOB is in Primary Decay, enjoy the Fall.
Yours in Imperial Plasma,