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I know this question has been asked a thousand times, but, do you think my current rig could run this game on high settings with a resolution of 1920x1200?
AMD Athlon 64-Bit Dual Core 2.6 GHz each core
4 GB DDR2 533 MHz RAM
EVGA 8800 GTS KO 640MB
Thanks for any help!
Yes, I do think it'll play.
Where exactly in terms of settings? That, I'm not sure about but a quick guess would be med-high or high settings, much like myself.
If your running Vista, somewhere in these threads, I recently saw a screenshot of the game requirements vista rating from the game folder.
It said min. requirements were a 4.0 rated sys. and recommended was a 4.8 rated sys. So, that may be a better judgement, in the end. Seeing your likely rated at a 5.0-5.3 in vista, again, like me.
* Life is not black or white, it's shades of grey. But, at it's best/worst, it hints at 32bit color. -Me (a.k.a. RuthlessTimes)
* I do not need to know how to make a better game than you. I just need to know how to cancel my subscription. -Antarious(a slight misquote but the sentiment remains)
No, I think you prolly need to upgrade to play at high settings
I think Vista may be a requirement for "High" settings. Just my impression based on games like Crysis.
I'm at 5.4 and haven't even upgraded my video card yet. Still waiting for a good 9 series card, cmon Nvidia... jeez.
That rig will run it on lower resolutions, probably maxed or close to it. I think the best you'll get is around 1600x1200. Anything higher than that you'll be dropping significantly in performance. You might need a Gx2 or a 8800 Ultra to get what you're looking for.
Of course, this is all speculation. The only thing we can do is make an educated guess. I agree with Tordak though.
I have a 2gb DDR800, 3.2ghz dual-core AMD, and a 8800GT 512mb card and can run Crysis in high settings easily on Vista. Not sure why so many people have issues(stays around 30fps, never seen it drop below 26 either in firefights). So I am pretty sure you will be able to run AoC in high, I know I will be able to. Crysis is coded very badly, which is why it takes a higher-end pc than normal games. Games like CoD4, etc have just as good of graphics and are not as demanding. So if AoC is even decently made well you should be fine.
-Currently playing FFXIV, and BDO.
Thanks for the help!