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Who are we:
We are a Hardcore EU guild, based on people who wants to be among the best in AoC when it retails. We are build up around people who has many years of leading and raiding experience from alot of different MMO games and we will be making our mark in AoC. Currently some of us are participating in real life while others are still raiding in WOW or LOTRO while waiting for AoC.
The Goals we have set:
We want to be at the top, we will be looking to be first at overcoming new encounters, leading the the battle and setting the pace on the server we choose. We will be hardcore focused and we will do whatever it takes to achieve these goals.
We will first and foremost seek to overcome PvE encounter, but will also participate in PvP and Sieging.
What server are we going for:
We will be playing on a PvE Server in Age of Conan.
Type of player we are looking for:
The keywords when it comes to the people we are looking for would be focused, mature and hard working, we want people to go above and beyond. We Require you to be above the age of 18 and be able to speak fluent english. We want people that constantly strive to better both themselves and the guild.
Plan for Recruitment:
As of now recruitment is open for some classes, this is subject to change should the situation change. We do not want to set a hard limit yet, but we do expect to be a small and well-rounded family. People that apply are expected to stay active on forums and IRC, if you fail to do this we will re-open recruitment for your spot and find someone else.
Sol Invictus
Sol Invictus means The Unconquered Sun, we are a guild that builds on an idea that everyone has a saying and that all people are equals, we try to project this into the guild by letting every member have a saying in what goes on and to let the members of Sol Invictus help dictate the future for the guild.
What do we expect from you
We expect you to represent the guild with respect for other individuals and guilds, we expect you to be able to take advice and handle it in a positive way. We do not expect you to sell your life away in order to play this game, but we do expect you to show some level of activity that mirror's what this guilds wants to achieve. We expect you to act maturely and treat others in the guild as you expect them to treat you. In return for these things we offer you a progressive guild that has alot to give back to its members.
Means of Communication
The forums and our Ventrilo are here to be used as a means of communication, we expect you to actively show your interest in the guild and take part in the ongoing project to make this guild the best it can be. Forums are used to keep you updated on everything that happends before release aswell, so keep a close eye on anything important that may be announced. Failure to make use of these means and becoming an inactive part of Sol Invictus will result in your removal.
Computer / Internet Connection
We expect you to have a computer that lives up to the minimum requirements of Age of Conan, you may find them on [url][/url] under FAQ, and we expect you to have a stable internet connection.
We expect all our members to be able to write and speak understandable English, we are an international guild and everyone is to respect that English will be the primary language for Sol Invictus, both ingame, on forums and on Ventrilo.
Application procedure
We will read through your application, discuss it and let you know whether we wanna move on to the next step.
If we move on to the next step you will be invited to join us for an interview with 1 of the officers and a raceleader. Once this interview has been done they will use some time to discuss it in comparison to your application and you will be given a final answer.
Trial procedure
All applications are subject to probation, this means you will undergo a period of 2 weeks where Officers and Members will evaluate if you fit in with the guild.
You should also take this period to evaluate yourself if this guild is for you.
During your probation period, you will be able to save up DKP and attend raids just like everyone else but you will not be able to spend it until you make the rank of member
All applicants are expected to attend atleast 4 raids a week.
All applicants are expected to use the forums to sign up to raids and to sign off from raids they cant attend.
Should this interest you then feel free to swing by our forums and read through our general guidelines and maybe drop us an application at [url][/url]
If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will try to answer them as soon as possible.
We also have an irc channel on Quakenet: #solinvictus
Moods - Guild Master and Co. Founder of Sol Invictus
Currently recruitment is open for:
2x Guardian
1x Dark Templar
1x Conquerer
1x Herald of Xotli
1x Demonologist
1x Ranger
1x Bear shaman
1x Tempest of Set
1x Priest of Mitra
I made an application. Don't forget to read it!
dunno if you're aware of the fact that the name 'Sol Invictus' you chose for your guild is also the name of a neofolk project that is related to 'death in june'. there are people who believe they are some kind of nazi. might not be the image you will want to have.
it's just to get sure you're aware of the fact. not meant as an offence. at least i myself like that band. if you're preferred language was german i might have wanted to join your guild (not just for the name).
I hate WoW and what it has done to the MMO genre.
First of all dont know where you get your information from but this quote is taken from Wikipedia:
"Sol Invictus ("the Unconquered Sun") or, more fully, Deus Sol Invictus ("the Unconquered Sun God") was the late Roman state sun god. The cult was created by the emperor Aurelian in 274 and continued until the abolition of paganism under Theodosius I."
and second the info your refering to is this:
And it doesnt say that it was Neo Nazism, actually it describes his band Crisis as a band that played concerts against Racism and Nazism.
So overall I do not think theres anything wrong with our name.
tony wakefords band 'crisis' lasted from late 70's to 1980. after this he's started 'death in june' who are devoted to SA and did some cover version of a 3rd reich song namend 'horst wessel marsch'. somewhen he left that band. today he's got 'sol invitus' but is a friend with the todays 'death in june'. last year he did some contract with a german label who's said to be nazi.
big part of this information can be found on wikipedia too.
it's not that i do condemn you for chosing same name as this guy. but some other german people might. i had some trouble in the past for naming island on a browser game 'sol invictus' and 'death in june'. i can tell it's not fun. those german antifa-kiddies become a pest if they suspect you being nazi.
I hate WoW and what it has done to the MMO genre.
Well fair enough but the base words Sol Invictus has nothing to do with Neo Nazism, that some twisted guy choose to use it for his band, well that sucks, but then again, If he drives a Toyota I wont hate Toyota cause of that.
We cant stop the world from turning every time "bad" people choose to associate themselves with things that was never intended for their usage.
If people want to view us like that because some guy chose to use that name, then I say they are the ones with a problem, the base meaning of Sol Invictus is what counts and its in no way related to Neo Nazism.
Anyways thank you for the free bumps.
first: thanks for the free bumps
second: the comment coming from someone with 666 (the number of the beast) in his name is pure comedy to me...
third: We never choose the name for the "so-called" nazi stuff, we choose it because we feel it would fit us. I do hate how you decided to post that trash here.
- European Hardcore PvP / PvE guild -
"Under the sun we will stand united, never defeated!"
| Website | Forums | Recruitment | AoC Guildhall |
i may say it again:
never meant to offend. it's just to prevent you from some trouble i once had.
btw. that 666 in the name is some relict from the past. we all where once young. and what to do if the name Necrite is in use. easiest way to solve adding a 'random' number that comes to your mind.
that example with the car... it's not that easy. there's old runes of germanic origin and swastika only for being misused by nazi folks nowadays forbidden to use here in germany. it's no matter where it's from and what's been the real meaning behind. the problem is what comes to peoples minds the moment they see or hear it. german law says it's all evil stuff, german schools teach it's all evil stuff and german TV says it's all evil stuff too. what folks will you happen to meet on EU server for sure: stupid german kiddies who watched to much TV and went so school sometimes maybe. i think there's a possibility few of them might misunderstand the meaning behind your name and go against you some way. and it's not that i hope to be right in that case.
and another free bump sponsored by a humble fellow of the beast
I hate WoW and what it has done to the MMO genre.
Ive asked a couple of German friends about this and they all tell me no one would see it like your saying, so ill consider this case closed.
only time will tell. well, good luck then.
I hate WoW and what it has done to the MMO genre.
I'm a Member of Sol Invictus and I have to say it's the most professional European Guild I have seen for Age of Conan so far. So if you're looking for skilled and serious players with a good website, mIRC, Ventrillo, DKP and more then visit the website and add an application!
2x Guardian
1x Dark Templar
1x Conquerer
1x Herald of Xotli
1x Demonologist
1x Ranger
1x Barbarian
1x Bear shaman
1x Tempest of Set
2x Priest of Mitra
Currently recruitment is open for:
2x Guardian
1x Dark Templar
2x Conquerer
1x Bear shaman
1x Tempest of Set
1x Priest of Mitra
Currently recruitment is open for:
1x Guardian
1x Dark Templar
3x Conquerer
1x Demonlogist
1x Ranger
1x Tempest of Set
2x Priest of Mitra
Currently recruitment is open for:
Exactly what I am looking for, posted a App.on your website.
A few things updated:
We have chosen to go for a PvE servers.
We are up to around 40 members now but still have spots open for most classes.