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I don't know if anyone is reading the thread for the April Fool's joke of Turbine, Pimp My Warforged.
You've got one contingent outraged that it's RACIST!
You've got another who is outraged that it's NOT FANTASY!
And then you've got the pinheads who think it's real and are threatening to cancel their accounts immediately.
I think it should be required that all of them post their character names so I never, EVER have to group with them in game...
I can kind of see the racist arguement. Kind of. I've thought of WF as big mean black dudes before so it wouldn't be a stretch.
As far as the rest...
There was a novel called "Wizards First Rule". You find out that the rule was...
People are stupid
I think that says it all.
There's deffintely some idiots who play DDO. The "racist" and "not fantasy" areguements are beyond doubt the most stupid thing I've seen from DDO community.
I thought it was funny. It would have been better if they included photoshopped pictures of the various upgrades in the main post. I bevelie then it would have become clear it was a joke.
Another thing, EVERY person I had grouped with thought it was funny. Not a single person said they thought it was in bad taste. Does this mean that the forums are nothing but a vocal minority who does not accurately represent the active gaming community?
It's obvious that you haven't had much of the diversity training that you get at most large companies these days. It doesn't matter if _you_ think it's racist or not... it still could be.
I used to work for ma bell many years ago. There was an article in the company newsletter which was titled something like "AT&T calls all over the world". It was accompanied by a cute drawing of the world with various people around the world using telephones. Except Africa. In Africa there was a monkey using a telephone. The person who drew that picture lost his job. I'm sure he thought it was funny when he drew it. I believe the editor also lost his job over it, but I'm not positive.
While I guess it could be considered borderline offensive, I took it for what is was supposed to be: an outrageous change to DDO that could never happen (or rather a change that would only happen if SOE acquired it - badum pssss!).
Haha, never quite thought of it that way, but good call .
It's obvious that you haven't had much of the diversity training that you get at most large companies these days. It doesn't matter if _you_ think it's racist or not... it still could be.
I've been stereotyped due to my name and while it doesn't offend me I get a good laugh out of it at times even if I do feel sorry for the person I might be speaking with. What's truely racist is thinking "pimp" is racist in its self when it has absolutely NOTHING to do with race in today's society.
Regardless, better judgement could have been used. My first thought on all of this was "Ooh, they didn't..." which was immediately followed by a good chuckle.
HOw's that old Sly and Family Stone song go...?
Personally I found it amusing, but yea there are a lot of idiots out there........
Another thing, EVERY person I had grouped with thought it was funny. Not a single person said they thought it was in bad taste. Does this mean that the forums are nothing but a vocal minority who does not accurately represent the active gaming community?"
Wanna rethink your post?
That Guild Wars 2 login screen knocked up my wife. Must be the second coming!
Nope, I would agree with mindspat that forums are the vocal minority. I sadly have several friends who play WoW and know they never check the WoW forums and a few of those would probably say, "WoW has forums?"
And Vincenz don't you think that MAYBE they were just April Fooling back acting like it was a big deal?
.. .... .- - . - .-. --- .-.. .-.. ... .-- .... --- .-. . .--. --- .-. - .-.-.-
Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate.
I don't think you read them
No doubt the forums are the vocal minority, if you read the forums you would get the idea that 90% of the gaming base (yea made up statistic but close enough to make a point) is power gamers, meanwhile my experience with the poeple I have run with points to most players not being power gamers.
On the other hand...Care to venture a guess at how many people have capped characters in DDO? My guess would be 90%. I know my nephew and I aren't 2 of 'em
Oh, the point is that DDO has been around long enough that there are many capped characters even among non-powergamers which makes the forums appear to be dominated by PGs [Other than the Newbie Harbor or whatever it is called.]
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While I belive anyone who's played DDO more then 2-3 months will have a "capped" character it doesn't mean there aren't a low of "lowbies" running around. At any point during the weekend there were at least 3-5 "lfm" options for me to join a group with my lvl 5 cleric.
I just started playing a cleric on friday. After about 4 quests I was invited to a guild. The giuld had about 20 players in it with the highest being lvl 5 (at the time) and the longest it's been since someone logged in was something like 3-4 days. ( I reached lvl 7 last night!)
I also found out that non of them ever posted on the forums and don't read them. A few of the players in the guild are from a different server and the others are entirely new to the game. They all like it with some exceptions, a few said they don't get but 45-60 minutes to play and some of the quest series were you have to run 3-4 quests in a row (ex: water works) makes it difficult for them to complete it in a single gaming session.
From this I'd say there's not enough "casual" environments like the outdoor areas in the game yet. Turbine really does need to pound out 1 outdoor instance for every 3 chracter levels if they intend to keep the attention of newer players and those who have little time to play.
I think this is the kind of stuff that's not voiced too often on the forums even though there's occasionaly someone who wants DDO to play like a game of solotair so they can cap out their characters in an hour and see ALL the content within that time.
Rid: How do you know that those are New people and not just alts?
"Real" new people don't have maxed out gear for their level and DO ask "where is" questions frequently. New people aren't Drow or 32 pt builds. I know of only 2 new people who are actually new - my nephew and a guy I met in the Harbor who was excited to show me that he could swan dive off the ledge by the harbormaster and not die. I know that there probably are some others, but I haven't seen them while at the mailbox or auctioneer in the harbor [But i do see a poopload of Drow and people under level 4 with some sweet looking gear - and stoneskin spells...]
Sorry Mindspat, your illusion is disbelieved... I've been around for more than 2-3 months and am still a lowbie [Highest is level 5, others are 3, 2,2 and 1 - last 3 are hagglebard/mules]. I fully agree that the Devs should add another 1-2 lower level adventure areas [maybe a 4-6 area, and I hear level 8 is a real slow spot, so maybe an 8-10?] Despite limited playtime, which is the reason - along with playing my main solo only so far - that I am still only 5th level, I for one do not want DDO to "play like a game of solotare" nor to cap in an hour [otherwise I'd have left many hours ago!]. Like othe casual players, I DO want to feel like the hour or so that I spend in DDO is well spent - scaling dungeons or more adventure areas would help that.
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The only people its raciest twords is Warforged.
If Pimp my warforged is racest then Pimp my ride and every other incarnation of that stupid show is as well.
Just old white men trying to find ways to legalize discrimination, and make the poor poorer
I absolutely agree with there needing to be a better scalable dungeon experiance, expecilally with the explorer areas since they are currently hard capped for a predetermined level that prevent any/all character from progressing if one chracter is above that range. Supposedly they are going to permit these areas to continue to track and reward Slayer kill counts, at least from what I recall. .
out of curriosity, how much time do you have to play during a given "session"?
p.s. I have not leveled a character above 7 since the first few weeks of the game launching.
I'm a game time nightmare!
I teach High School so I have some weeks - during vacations - that I play 2-3-4 days for 2-10 hours each. Many weeks, I play 1-2 hrs once a week with a 5-6hr session on Saturday. Almost as common are the weeks where I don't have time to login all week. Longterm overall average is probably 5-6hrs a week.
I play DDO with my nephew now, but play LOTRO with my wife - when in conflict, wife trumps all [Spouse aggro lasts DAYS past any "incident"!] I actually started my nephew on LOTRO, but he saw me playing DDO during a welcome back weekend and he decided he liked "the Other ring game" better
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Another fingerpointing "everyone in the world is racist except me" wannabe hero. Always amused me to listen to these super righteous who defend those whom can't defend themselves. Ya know, because they are just so much smarter and more intelligent than the oppressed.
How is it racist? I guess only black guys can be pimps? I think the OP is racist and sexist for thinking such things!
Hello.I'm a newbie here, I came here just want to know more about the game, so please introduce more , thanks in advance.
on topic:
I continually fail to see how the term "pimp" is racially motivated any more then Grand Theft Auto, Thug, Rape or Criminal are. Do these also have a racial affiliation? Of course not. Only ignorance would say it did.
When I hear the word Pimp it means, to me, something that's flamboyantly outrageous beyond any fasionable sense. Of course, there's also the other more questionable usage of Pimp that most people are getting confused with. But when used in a fassion sense, or lack of, it's entirely appropriate and acceptable.
I dont understand why this caused so much controversy, its obvious it was ment to be a joke and its also obvious the inspiration for the joke came from the old MTV show Pimp my ride..i dont rember that show ever being tagged as racist....
There was something similar in the news recently, something like a teacher had a "pimp my chalkboard" day or whatever at a school, and of course some people don't understand this use of "pimp" and got all offended. The most amusing part of things such as this are the parents who think their kids wouldn't be exposed to this use of the word, much less the word in general, otherwise.
As far as warforged players, oh yeah, some of them on the main forums seem to be completely off their rocker. There was a guy on there last year who posted all the time and took great offense at pretty much everything in the game deeming it all "warforged racism." Things such as warforged not getting this or that immunity, etc. He seriously equated it to real-life racism due to skin color.