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Alright, alright so here's the deal. I'm a picky kinda person about my online games. I'm paying 15 dollars a month so I expect it to be the very least entertaining. So DAoC, the fun is in the PvP. Problem is from far away the targets are jumping all over the place. I just figured it a little unsatisfying when you're playing a long range class and your targets are teleporting all over the place in front of you :P. Now, it isn't my PC. DAoC being a dated(Sort of) game, my computer runs it very well and can handle a whole bucket load of people at once :P. So hm...Anyone else experience this? Even though I highly doubt it but I won't rule out it being my PC. Just curious, thanks for the help.
speak english? I can't tell what your question is about.
seems pretty clear to me jess...he has a problem..doesnt know if its his computer or is asking for help on how to solve the problem...pretty clear and understandable to me
Maybe I should be more clear for Jess's sake. Graphical issues with PvP at long distance, enemy players seem to twitch around. Better?
Well, I can assure you that it's not your computers fault in any way. It's been like that ever since I played it way back and it's one of those things you just have to learn to live with.
I have no idea if this is right but I remember reading about the spherical loading engine (the world would continously load around the character as he/she moved around) that the game used which made a seamless world possible (a nice feat back in that day) so If I had to guess, I'd say that's the reason for the gliching when a character (or npc) is far away.
Either that, or it's just something to do with the graphics engine Mythic used for the game *shrug*.
Far clip-plane issues?
If I understand the issue correctly, the problem is the ghosting of players on your screen. This has been an issue and I believe its server side not your client side. Not much you can do about it , IM afraid. Last time I was on I hadnt had that much of a problem with it tho.
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I had that issue with my old PC a few years back, not really teleporting, but ghost players running into clip range then poof, gone. Since then I have learned a nifty trick that not only stops that problem, but actually gives you a little clue that enemy players may be near. Like someone has already stated in this thread DAoC loads everything in a large area around the player. As you move this load "bubble" moves as well. The ghost players are a result of both server lag and "load lag" or your PC loading the player model. By the time your PC has rendered the enemy the server has "caught up" and of course they are actually not there so you get the teleport effect as they are removed from this load bubble range. The best way to reduce this is lower the detail of distant objects. This will of course lower the amount your PC has to load and by the time the emeny gets in clip range the server will (sometimes) remove them.
Here is the cool part which I'm sure 99% of DAoC players have already encountered. As you run around in any RvR area you will get the odd "load lag" when an enemy comes into your load bubble, which is larger than your clip range. The faster your PC and the less amount of detail it is loading the less this lag will affect you, BUT, you will get some. So don't let the ghost players get you down, just let it remind you to stay on your toes!
I had something like this a few years back. It turned one of my sticks of RAM was bad. Once I removed it then it stopped.
Other than that, just make sure your graphics settings were not changed and your clip plane is set to far.
"As you run around in any RvR area you will get the odd "load lag" when an enemy comes into your load bubble, which is larger than your clip range. "
aka : "Feel"
lol. DAoC
Lewk- Healer of Legacy Gareth
McDee- Spiritmaster of Maelstrom Percival
Murgu- Skald of Mordred