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Now that the game is being pushed back until the Fall. Let's suppose they worked like dwarven slaves with mugs of ale strapped to their heads just out of reach and meet all their "polish" goals ahead of schedule. Suppose they have 1-2 months of "creative time" to mee their launch date.
What would you like to see implemented into the game?
I'm a little torn between stealth and mounted combat, although chicken levels would just be a novelty, it might be fun for a while.
What I'd really like to see are player houses. However they have already said that they won't have them at launch and will probably never have them.
As for the public quests, there are already more than 1 per area. Those of you who like the public quests will be happy when you run around and see how many you get to participate in.
- - "What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?" - -
More pie would be cool.
We shall not cease from exploration and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started... and know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
Im lookin for voice chat..but i wonder if the server can handle the amount of players! LOL! Maybe WAR needs to sublet voice chat to vent :-)
As soon as the game launches i wanna see an expansion pack news conference with 2 new races in it!
Long live the Dark Elves!!! Ulthuan will fall!! Malekith will rule all!!!
later Marines!!!!!
Played : WOW, LOTRO, COH/COV, EQ2, SWG, and WAR.
Playing EVE Online and AOC.
Wtg for SW:TOR and WOD
Looks great to me on the current path!
Kemih ~ 13 Red Mage | Currently playing FFXI & LOTRO, awaiting Warhammer Online & Aion...
I was wondering if the chicken concept would receive some votes. Wouldn't it be a hoot as a meta game for players to have chicken fights? Level ups unlock abilities like claw attacks, peck attacks. etc.
Chickens get experience from attacking natural creatures like maggots, insects, other chickens.
A lvl 40 chicken has 40 hps, caps out with 40 damage output. To prevent from camping level 1 players, NPC guards should make you into chicken soup anyway.)
Chicken gear is a must. What do cockfighters adorn their pets with?
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I guess I would vote but the option, "none of the above" is not available. None of things on that list is critical. WoW has a ingame voice chat and guess what its crap.
By what the Paris videos show, they already have enough PvE content. So let them polish the freaking hell out of this game, before launch and not have a "Vanguard" fiasco.
Couldn't really settle for anything, but in the end I decided to go for in-game voice chat. There is simply no reason to not have it in as the more experienced guilds will use ventrilo or teamspeak anyway, and the more unorganized teams will be suffering due to their lack of such chats. Adding voice chat is great in pretty much every aspect, as long as you've got the ability to mute some players.
I voted for Chicken. Not that its anything I truly want. But the idea of being able to Lvl as a Chicken and maybe get a really bad-ass chicken. And maybe a special Title when your a High lvl Chicken. =P
But still, I dont really know if I would want anything of those above. Most would be to launch the game, but I would rather like them to finnish it all before shipping it off.
Yeah but having in-game voice for pugs are great, since not everyone can be on the same guild voice channel!
The in-game voice works wonderfully in LOTRO, as I use it when helping other players....can get in and do what they need using voice the whole way while playing. "Don't stand there, move, stay with me!" Explaining an event or quest is quick and much easier than typing it out.
I do kinda hope there is in-game voice built in now that I think about it!
Kemih ~ 13 Red Mage | Currently playing FFXI & LOTRO, awaiting Warhammer Online & Aion...
I played DDO and sometimes in game voice chat was great for PUGs but most of the time it was completely useless when dealing with yellers, loud music players, people who don't listen anyway, or any various other behavior you really don't want to hear. Hell even GUILD chat was a pain in the ass for me..since most of my guild was a bunch of jocks / military types (no offense army dudes!) and some acted as if they couldn't chat with a girl like shes just another gamer. Voice Chat for the lose atleast in my experience lol.
If you need someone to yell at you so you know what to do ..or your unable to read / write then I guess built in voice chat is fantastic.
If it has someway to hide my voice that'll make it better...atleast for me...since I have to deal with creeps making passes at me all the time. It makes my experience completely unenjoyable as someone who likes to 'get immersed' in the game and only casually out of game talk with people she knows.
Please Refer to Doom Cat with all conspiracies & evil corporation complaints. He'll give you the simple explination of..WE"RE ALL DOOMED!
Mobs that are smart, they drink , eat and do other stuff then just wait for you to show up, migrate to new areas..
Eye con that shows there looking at you..
Gards that takes Breaks and stores that close at night and some open at other times..
World with seasons and weather effects, Not just stupid rain like wow offers...
Killing on mounts is fun..
Blood and plenty of it..
Have the game BUILD That feels like its been there a long time, not just build in a hurry but That it looks ALIVE !
Tattos that you can add you char..
A game thats build around talnets of the player, not build around gear !
More i could think of... just not now..
Dunno if voice chat is in or not, seems to be the "way things are going" so I'm sure if it's not in at release, it'll be in eventually.
There are over 300 public quests.... That's a lot more then 1 per zone.
Mounted combat would be cool, but'd have to be balanced w/ foot combat.
More races will come in time...
Dunno how many emotes and such are in game, but I'm sure it's "average" with other MMOs.
Know clue how much high end PvE and raid content there is... We know at least 1 per capital city.
Chicken / chaos chicken is a punishment to cowards. Leveling them up would defeat the purpose.
Things I'd like to see:
Weather seasons in games. In current games, areas are created with pre-defined weather systems or look-feel. Some have snow, some have sand, some have grass, etc.,.. They look like that all the time. They never change. You go there in January, April, July, October... doesn't matter. They always look the same. Change it up.
Places that are covered with water during the summer could be frozen over during the winter. In order to fish or hunt in the water, you would need to break the ice. Or, a place where you used to have to swim across, you could now walk/run/ride across. Sound would change during seasons in the area... from flowing water or waves to a more calm sound (the water would be still/frozen). Integrate the sound of cracking ice as players move across the top of it. Beware, food is scarce in those places during winter... you may become food for someone or something in these areas.
A place that may be a lush forest during certain months should change. The leaves should turn and eventually cover the forest floor. The trees could become leafless... and give the forest a completely different, almost dead feel to it. Sound would alter too... rustling leaves, trees blowing and swaying with wind, to a 'dead calm' in winter months. There used to be plenty of shadows to hide in when you hunted here, now the florest floor is covered with twigs and branches that give away our location if you aren't careful.
Some places would stay frozen. Some places would stay sun-baked. But for the other areas, give us some variety and switch them up.
You can also introduce creatures/npc's that are 'seasonal'. Certain animals hybernate, others don't. Some creatures migrate.
You get the picture...
Realism in combat. What I mean by that is this: when I swing my sword vs an enemy, it should not just pass through them. And if I swing my sword and it does pass through them, they should be dead. I shouldn't have to hit something 12 times with my sword to kill it... not if my sword (graphically) goes through the target each and every time.
I'm not asking for 1 shot, 1 kill scenarios. Maybe you hit someone until it passes into/through their armor and into you? But seeing a weapon pass through a layer of armor, through a player, back out through their amor... multiple times before they die? Nah, shouldn't happen in a game.
Also, I don't want to see someone run through me. No standing in the footprint of my character. If I'm standing somewhere, then nobody else should be able to either.
If players aren't allowed to walk through most targets in games, why should they be able to walk through one another?
Player customization. Tattoo's, body mod's, scars, brands, etc.,... I don't care if they are from a pre-approved list or not... allow them. And, furthermore, allow me to get them during and after character creation. Too many games have a 'set it and forget it' attitude towards player appearance.
Let my character smoke cigars, a pipe, etc.,.. I don't smoke, but maybe for the sake of RP'ing, my player wants to. Maybe not all the time, but it should be something I can activate like a 'temporary' mod appearance.
I want to be able to dye or color my armor. If I get a suit that's 'black', and I'm in a snow scenario... I may want the ability to recolor my armor 'white' or even use 'winter camo' of some type. I know that leads into my next point...
The ability to trade in loot or retool loot to suit my character. Too often we get quest rewards that are absolutely meaningless to our characters. I want quest rewards that are specific to my race as well as my class. Nothing worse than completing quests and getting nothing you can use from them, imho. And, in some games, you can't wear certain things because of your characters race (swg, for example). I hate that.
2nd part of that...
If I'm 'spec A' for a class and I run 900 rvr rounds to get enough 'points' to get my suit of armor, then I decide I want to change to 'spec B' for my class.... I should just be able to trade my armor in to the vendor and get the suit for 'spec B'. It should cost something (not my RL time), but I should be able to do it.