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I wonder what will happen with WoW after the next expansion, will we see another one?Because if not there is no reason for a monthly fee, keeping the servers up and fixing bugs isn't just true and this fact was proven by many other mmos.
I'm asking this because a few months ago in a press release blizzard said that they are working on a next generation mmo witch is not another WoW expension or WoW 2.
Want to hear opinions, thx.
Just because they are working on another game doesn't mean that they will stop working on their current one. Every company has to move forward and if you include development time WoW is probably well over 5 years old now with over three years in the market, so the fact they are looking at a new title is no surprise.
Even if they have started work on a new MMO, with nothing being leaked about an actual title or style you can probably safely say that it would be at least another couple of years away yet, so you can expect ongoing updates and expansions for WoW up to there and beyond. If you look at some other titles that have been running for many years without the commercial success of WoW, even after other titles by the same publishers have been released it should give you an idea of WoW remaining longevity.
In other words, no need to panic
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Running game servers is very expensive. I know of no commercial MMO that doesnt ask for payment for running, except the special case Guild Wars that publishes extensions on a regular basis to pay for the upkeep of the game.
And if Blizzard isnt able to develop a second MMO besides WoW, no game company in the world is.
eq still have expansions after 10 years...
it sound like you know nothing about mmo...
This is my personal opinion and is not factual at all. Now, with that being said I think this is going to be the last expansion on the WoW series. After merging with Activision I am sure there is something planned in the works besides focusing on WoW. Come one it took them what 2 years and some months before they came out with an expansion. ALMOST another 2 years to come out with this next one and that is assuming they don't push it back. Blizzard is a solid company, I am not sure with the merge now.
blizzard have more than one team..its not like they stopped making expansions for WoW cos of starcraft 2......WoW has many more expansions to come...
Is that a fact. Can you present them to me, I said mine is opinion and you say it is a definite. My question to you is Diablo 2 was a great game I loved it. One expansion that is all? What makes you think blizzard is going to spend time on a dated game?
We got your point housam, I said I wanted to hear opinions not you talking like a blizzard official.
EQ is another game produced by another company with different plans,if EQ still has expensions that doesn't mean WoW will too,and don't tell me what I know about mmos or WoW where i could kill you naked.Better go and install a real O.S. because vista is a failure and let the players tell their opinion.
diablo 2 was not an mmorpg....most normal games only have 1 or 2 expansions
Very simply put, WoW has nearly 5Mill EU & US customers paying a monthly fee and a very lucrative license deal in the eastern markets, so the question is why "wouldn't" they maintain it??
At the end of the day as long as there is a market for the game they will keep it running and making expansions to keep people interest peeked. BC sold over 3.5Mill copies in it's first month of release alone, a figure that most game companies can only dream of and if WotLK only sold half that amount it would still be more than viable.
No-one can say for absolute 'fact' what will or won't happen in the future, for all we know the game could close tomorrow, but we can make sensible guesses based on the current state of the game and subscription figures.
It must be Thursday, i never could get the hang of Thursdays.
Wow is running out of new things now. And the biggest problem is yet to come. Scalability of items and character abilites. This is already becoming major issue on TBC and will get alot worse in the new expansion.
But hey .... 5th expansion will give u items that have +1500 dmg, 2000 stamina and 1800 mana. PER item...
We are already up to itemlvl 150 something... it shows how badly the game has been scaled out JUST to sell few more copies.
WOTLK will not be the last expansion. But it will be the expansion that proofes to most players that the devs have screwed the game up really badly.
Thay would be prety stupid to NOT bring out more exspansions, its a goldmine...
I suspect there will be at least 3 more exspansions afther this one, over a time span of 8 years.
Playing: World of Warcraft.
Played: Lord of the Rings Online, Starwars Galaxies.
Tried: Starwars the Old Republic, Everquest 2, Guild Wars, Vanguard, Age of Conan, Aion.
That's true..Housam...occasionally there is someone that knows less on every aspect of mmo's than another person might...amazing.
You have to look at industry and company trends both when considering such things, you also have to look at the company's profitable, active subscriptions, renewal rate, and a lot of other things that I am not mentioning here and others I likely have not even thought of. You know who has? Blizzard. They have scores of people looking at such items, and they will make the best decision based on profitability.
Right now WoW is a huge cash cow for them, and based on all that I have seen so far in the genre I would be shocked if they did not expand again after this if they continue to trend in their current direction. Even if they lose a large number of subscribers to the next batch of MMOs they have a huge subscription base and can still sell a lot of copies of their expansions which keep the players subscribed and thus the cash rolling in on a regular schedule.
Simply put. I would expect another expansion.
They will at least maintain and patch/update with new content...face it..WOW could practically hemorrhage subscribers for 2 years straight and still house all the blizzard employees in mansions made of money...I don't think it will die soon..UO is still kicking about for crying out loud.
I shouldn't feed the trolls but...
Vista is fine, stable, and secure...go back under your rock.
You beat me to it!
Make the Crocs a playable
As much as I would love to see Blizzard shut down the servers and close WoW entirely (if only to laugh long and hard at the millions of poor fools when they go through WoW withdrawal), the simple fact remains, as jason_webb and AkbarNL have already pointed out: the game is a fracking goldmine! With numbers reaching 8 million users and more signing up daily, Blizzard would be insane to not continue developing further expansions.
It is worth mentioning however, that the life expectancy for MMORPGs has been on a steady decline. As more and more MMOs hit the market, the players begin to spread out, each one seeking that "perfect" MMO experience. But the truth is that it has to end somewhere. Sooner or later World of Warcraft, EverQuest 2, and other hot titles of today will find themselves alongside the first generation of MMOs, their player base dwindled to maybe a few thousand dedicated people. EverQuest may have endured for over 9 years but today it's merely a shadow of its former self. The old world continents have been all but abandoned, entire expansions no longer see any activity. Lost Dungeons of Norrath is the the perfect example of this. When LDoN first released, it enjoyed immensely positive feedback, and players jumped at the idea of being able to take on dungeon crawls specially tailored to their group's strength. Today, those dungeons are as empty and abandoned as the rest of the game's elder zones. As the game expanded further and new instances were added like the now-popular Monster Missions, other parts of the game have become totally obsolete. Why would anyone want to spend their time running the hour-and-a-half long LDoNs when they could take advantage of the offerings of new expansions which feature better EXP rewards and loot possibilities?
Time alone will tell what the fate of today's current MMORPGs will eventually be. Perhaps I'm wrong, and five years down the road World of Warcraft will still be at the top of the MMO totem pole. However, if the history of WoW's predecessors teaches us anything, it's that gamers are a fickle lot, and their loyalties go only as far as the developer's interest in consistently providing their players with fresh and exciting opportunities for their characters to pursue.
Blizzard isn't just going to dump WoW development just because of a new game or even a new MMO. WoW is just simply far too profitable for them.
MMOs are sustained by expansions. They bring in extra revenue to offset costs and provide all important shelf space at the local video game retailer.
Blizzard will continue to development new content for WoW until the revenue is not enough to cover the costs. Considering that WoW has 10 million subscribers currently that won't be for a very long time.
The only other factor that might impede new expansions is Blizzards dedication to quality. Seriously after another 3 expansions and level 100 there won't be much more room for growth. Blizzard could go the SOE route and simply release expansions that merely add a new dungeon or 2 but thats not how Blizzard operates.