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So, every now and then since beta and launch times, I've occasionally peeked in on Vanguard whenever my Station Access account has been active, which has been the case the last week or so.
Up until now, I've always played Vanguard on a dual-core Pentium 4, GeForce 7950, 4 gigs of memory, Windows XP machine that ran it decently on Balanced settings. The only problem was the hitching issues and performance drops in places like Khal.
One of my chief complaints has always been the animations, but I reserved complaining about the graphics all together due to never being able to crank the settings all the way up at a higher resolution, and using external software to force antialiasing on the client.
Well in anticipation of Age of Conan, wanting to play Lord of the Rings with DX10 enabled, run The Witcher smoother, and Crysis on higher settings (i.e. I don't upgrade for any one single game), and SP1 for Vista having finally released, I shelled out for a new rig; 3.0 ghz core 2 extreme, 4 gigs of memory, a GeForce 9800 GX2 and two 10k RPM raptor harddrives with Vista as the OS.
I've been able play Vanguard with Ultra High settings and all the sliders pushed up at a 1680x1050 resolution...and I'm utterly unimpressed.
You know, its not that Vanguard's graphics are all entirely bad, its just that the featureset seems incomplete. No water reflections, the terrain looks plastic, the avatars look plastic; everything looks randomly generated and sterile.
'course, all of this has been said before, and more articulately and eloquently than I can put it. I'm no technical artist, so I can't explain what a full featureset of graphic technologies in modern games is comprised of; but I do know there's a huge gaping hole in what Vanguard's engine accomplishes. What's missing goes beyond mere things like antialiasing.
There are some things impressive in Vanguard; voluminous storm clouds in the distance that appear to actually fill the sky, and the detail in textures on things such as bone corpses with dirty nooks and cranies when one zooms in. But, everything in-between the large and small details are very subpar and unimpressive.
As for the animations, they're unchanged and as terrible as before. Some things like the Charlie Brown clouds of the Druids' Lightning Bolt casts don't bother me so much; since its a matter of preference if a person likes spell animations small in scope or over the top.
What does bother me though is that most of the combat animations and spell effects aren't at all telling of what the hell is happening.
I'm used to my character falling asleep on his feet or stumbling around dazed in City of Heroes if he suffers a status effect. I'm used to an arrow appearing in my character if he's shot, or his shield shrugged up to defend against a blow if he's blocking in Dark Age of Camelot.
In Vanguard, I'm forced to look at the combat log if I care to know everything thats actually occuring. So its not so much the quality or scope of the animations, its more that they don't serve their purpose.
The spell effects are terrible as well. There's entirely too many generic bursts of color sprays and sparkles in lieu of animations that actually visibly represent the flavor text of the spell. Swap a frost and fire spell animation in any other MMO and there's a visible change; swap any two animations of most spells in Vanguard and who cares; except those who've trained themselves to know a blue firework is actually a bone projectile.
Anyway, I originally planned to tough Vanguard out a good two weeks or so, and give it a review. I can't bring myself to play that long though, the graphics are too incomplete, and animations too terrible for me to enjoy.
So I have to say, my number one wish for Vanguard during my time usin' and abusin' Age of Conan and Warhammer like I do every other MMO, is that SOE overhauls the animations as planned, but go beyond that to enable more of, or add to the engine's graphical capabilities. It's simply terrible as is.
On some miscellaneous notes, I hitch as much on this rig as I did on my last. By "as much", I mean as frequently, the pauses are actually shorter, and chunking takes only 2-3 seconds, but hitching is still an issue. I'd say if they managed to squash hitching all together, they'd be well off performance wise. I don't mean the game is good to run on 6 series GeForces as advertised, infact I still think performance blows on 7 series cards; but at the rate they're churning out performance boosts, a lot more incentive will hit the gaming industry for people to go ahead and upgrade before they make this game perform better on earlier cards.
Also, I don't much mind all of the facial customizations being removed. I haven't gotten to a level where I've gotten to experience a whole lot of different helmets; so its not that I favor those or anything, its just that I believe the facial skins have more of an impact on how a character appears than modifying facial dimensions. The problem is, there seems to only be four faces and four hairstyles per race still. Ontop of that, they're mostly ridiculous and bland. I'd much rather they add more faces and hairstyles than try and reimplement dimensional facial adjustments.
As for bugs, patching took a good dozen attempts before it finished, I crashed to desktop my first time ingame, and while I didn't "fall" through the world, I damn sure swam through it a few too many times. The game is still buggy, but not unplayable. I can't say I've encountered a bug in-game that I've encountered twice, unless I purposefully recreated it or reapproached a plot of bugged terrain.
On my most positive note, I have to say I believe the server population on at least Seradon has improved a good deal since I played last. Now I say server population because a game-wide growth in population would probably mean the other three servers fairing well alongside Seradon. Considering the game is down 4 servers from 13, I doubt I'd even be impressed if it grew enough to warrant the opening of three new servers, so one server's population cannabilizing three others isn't much to brag about.
It is good though that I'm able to log on 2 a.m. in the morning, find 3-4 other people in newbie zones and a good 30+ people in Khal. Not a whole lot of people, but enough to get newbie questions answered, two- and three-man groups for "Small Group" quests. I actually saw more people that time of night than I did early on in the Christmas playtime event.
So my thoughts of Vanguard nowadays in short:
1. The graphics and animations are terrible, my only gripe that renders the game personally unplayable (not for any technical reasons).
2. Hitching is performance issue numero uno; remove it and I'd say Brad's prophecy of Vanguard being "fixed" by people upgrading their PC is realized.
3. There's still bugs, but nothing gamebreaking.
4. Seradon's population is decent, less ghost town prone than months ago.
5. I don't think the customization changes are all that terrible; but rather they reveal the lacking of facial skins and hair options that've always existed.
Should I conclude and say Vanguard has "potential"? Yeah it does, but it seems the more potential that's realized, the more daunting it seems for its small staff to ever realize any of it. Unlike most people that admit Vanguard has potential, I don't believe it'll ever be realized; or rather it won't be in any reasonable amount of time.
I'll check Vanguard out again after a year or so, but i'd bank on 2-3 years before it's resolved my personal gripes with that small staff it has.
I actually preferred Vanguard in Beta 2 over the final product, for a number of reasons, but I always find distaste for Vanguard's art and graphics interesting, because I have higher praise for it in that area than any other game save perhaps EVE, although EVE gets off easy by rendering far less than any terrestrial setting demands.
Out of curiosity, which MMO do you favour visually? I mean it sincerely, not suggestively.
You refer to LOTRO, which I also play besides Vanguard, and this makes me a little puzzled. The advantages of LOTRO over Vanguard Graphics are for me (my personal taste) the "lighting effects" and facial animations. Other then that, even the body animations are in my opinion lacking in Lotro compared to Vanguard. Sorry I do not want to derail this thread into a vanguard vs lotro graphics, its just something that surprised me in your post.
What puzzles me is the graphics look like complete shit and the world is completly empty and bland and the animations are soooo horrible and the character models are the worst i've ever seen and yet people still play it.
If this game has enough subs to keep it running then I dread to think how long SWG will go on for.
People say it's about the gameplay and yeah if Vanguard had good gameplay but it doesn't it's just a poor buggy version of what we already got and you just know SOE will patch it to a crap WOW clone within the years.
I have to look at the graphics so if I don't like them then why would I play? We're in the 3D age now so please make things look kool so I can be happy with my character instead of thinking how ugly looking he is and frigging make places I want to explore..... Currently Vanguard has a giant open world of jack shit in it.
Ya really heres a guy that plays LoTR trying to tell me whats wrong with vanguard and than lists a bunch of stuff thats actually worse in LoTR than it is in Vanguard
If those are the things you dont like in vanguard i cant wait to see your face when you fire up AOC for the first time
I have to agree with the OP. I have played VG since BETA, on and off, and the last try was only 3 weeks ago...when i rolled a new toon to 20. My highest is a ranger 39 and i have tried all classes at least till 10, with my favorite a warrior level 27. So overall, i have spent quite a bit of time in VG, in all 3 spheres.
Now, to the graphix issue. You start VG, look at the grass and wow, looks great. Look at the trees, and wow looks great. Look at the sky, especially at night, and wow looks great. Look at the depth of field (ie. distance) and wow.Now, look at all this together, and that's where my issue is.
Despite fantastic looking graphic elements, they dont seem to go together. Trees feel like they were dropped on the ground, so do rocks and others. As for toons, the armors look absolutely gorgeous, especially as you level up, but again, as mentioned by the OP, some classes feel dull when moving or in combat. This is on almost ultra high settings as my rig can handle it.
The best animations to me are tanks, casters are the worst.
As for LoTRO, I beta tested it but did not buy. Reasons are mine, but when looking at graphix the world does come together very nicely. Toon animations i agree (especially the running) need some work and will not be for everyone's liking. The customization wasn't very attracting to me either.
So for people who will ask, which toon animations look best? I would go for Guild Wars, with WoW in 2nd place and EQII in 3rd.
My ideal game: GW animations/graphics + VG world size (throw in some instancing but that's another debate and more content) + WoW playability (not how easy the game is, but how intuitive it is to play) + EQII Lore and crafting.
My 2 cents.
Good read. I always follow news about VG, partially because I fail to understand why SOE paid so much for it and does almost nada, but maybe expecting reason from a company like SOE is too much to ask for. *shrug*
A friend of mine, when I first showed him VG (at the time I still was positive about it) said, it looks just as platic-like as EQ2. And thats true. I mean ok I played EQ2 for almost 3 years but it wasnt damn sure for the graphics. This entire EQ-thing always looks the same, and VG shows its roots in everything. The plastic styling, the cumbersome Fedex quest, the hollow lore and the lack of almost any catching stories. Its so EQ2 without anything good, they only took the bad parts of Everquest.
While grand in design there are very few places with real atmosphere. One of the biggest reasons is Sigils failure to make a) good textures and b) good use of light, shadow and fog. Just go to LOTRO, think of the game what you want, but the look BREATHES atmosphere at every corner and with WAY less polygons and hardware demand. They just made damn good textures and breathtaking use of lights, shadows and fogs. Just go to the Old Forest for instance; its not big, but when you stumble there the first time it feels like a giant labyrinth of a forest! No high res VG forest ever created a similar atmosphere, for example. And the list goes on: cities, villages, dungeons... all barren and plasticy. Khal's revamp showed how much better it can be made with relatively small changes. But it took so much time to rework only one small part, so I kinda gave up the hope they redo any bigger part of the game. Alas.
I also agree with the combat. I never felt the realism or impact of what I do, just as the OP said, with very few exceptions. Disciple played ok and Ranger too, but still leaving wishes open.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Which do I favor? Good question. The thing is, I don't much favor one over the other when it comes to which has "better" graphics. That's why I was careful to critique Vanguard's graphical offerings as terrible for being incomplete more than anything else.
By that I mean, oceans of flat, sparkling water are ok; but how does it compare to the waterfalls of LOTRO, streams breaking through and streaming from frozen rivers, or ponds that actually appear muddied? A lot of that has to do with quantity of animations, and their quality, an area Vanguard is lacking in with both avatars and the world design.
Vanguard's water is closer to City of Heroes' in appearance to me. Prettier, but just as static and unchanging in appearance from place to place.
I revisited River Valley on my higher level Dread Knight; that's about the only place I've encountered where the water seems at least somewhat different, and stylized. While I keep rambling on about water, that isn't the only graphical aspect that concerns me. There's a downside and incompleteness to just about every graphical feature.
Seen and played AoC at DragonCon here in Atlanta. So thanks for the warning, but I've already been thoroughly impressed with my "first time".
So while I appreciate your usual doomsday talk, all I did was list my own personal gripes with Vanguard and why I find it unbearable to play; and compared it to LOTRO because the two demand similar hardware and released close to one another.
I'm not currently subscribed to LOTRO, and there's some things I could mention that I enjoyed in Vanguard over LOTRO; such as the ability to actually dive under water and experience cities with doors not glued shut. This isn't a versus thread though; its just about my personal gripes with Vanguard. When I want to complain about other games, I will and on their appropriate forums.
I think GU5 is focusing a lot on the hitching. Read it a couple of places.
Seen and played AoC at DragonCon here in Atlanta. So thanks for the warning, but I've already been thoroughly impressed with my "first time".
well guess thats why there are so many differents games out there , because people like you and me are so differentSo while I appreciate your usual doomsday talk, all I did was list my own personal gripes with Vanguard and why I find it unbearable to play; and compared it to LOTRO because the two demand similar hardware and released close to one another.
I'm not currently subscribed to LOTRO, and there's some things I could mention that I enjoyed in Vanguard over LOTRO; such as the ability to actually dive under water and experience cities with doors not glued shut. This isn't a versus thread though; its just about my personal gripes with Vanguard. When I want to complain about other games, I will and on their appropriate forums.
You have hardly played vanguard and you dont like it and me am retired been playing sence day 1 and probally play more in 1 week than most people do in 2 months and i love the game
Same for AOC you played it once at some show and love it and the same applies for AOC as it does for vanguard for me and i cant stand the game. Guess will see how well this console game can be ported to the PC when it comes out
Seen and played AoC at DragonCon here in Atlanta. So thanks for the warning, but I've already been thoroughly impressed with my "first time".
well guess thats why there are so many differents games out there , because people like you and me are so differentSo while I appreciate your usual doomsday talk, all I did was list my own personal gripes with Vanguard and why I find it unbearable to play; and compared it to LOTRO because the two demand similar hardware and released close to one another.
I'm not currently subscribed to LOTRO, and there's some things I could mention that I enjoyed in Vanguard over LOTRO; such as the ability to actually dive under water and experience cities with doors not glued shut. This isn't a versus thread though; its just about my personal gripes with Vanguard. When I want to complain about other games, I will and on their appropriate forums.
You have hardly played vanguard and you dont like it and me am retired been playing sence day 1 and probally play more in 1 week than most people do in 2 months and i love the game
Same for AOC you played it once at some show and love it and the same applies for AOC as it does for vanguard for me and i cant stand the game. Guess will see how well this console game can be ported to the PC when it comes out
It doesn't take much to entertain and please me. I don't take MMOs nearly as serious and close to heart as you seem to. You won't find me complaining about the MMO genre as a whole, or any MMO period except Vanguard. So I'm quite different than you.
You seem to incomprehensibly hate every MMO that isn't Vanguard; and as I've already stated, I've given it a try numerous times, and plan to again a year or two from now when I feel the resource strapped developers have had enough time to carry out some promises; such as animation revamps.
Just a tip, you should change your tone if you want to actually start convincing anyone of any merits that Vanguard may have. You come off as a person who can only like Vanguard after first tearing down every other MMO in his own mind. So you try and convince others that every other MMO, present or future, sucks.
Sounds like a lot of unhealthy self-deception, and a convenient retreat from having to actually devote thought to how Vanguard stands tall on its own; if it infact does. All it convinces me of is that liking Vanguard requires a lot of spiteful, negative thoughts towards other games in the genre.
If everything else is bad, Vanguard is good by default, I guess?
@ sepher,
You'll get used to swede2's rainbow and lollipop posts. He generally tries to raise the BS flag on posters who have criticism for VG and claims VG is of the steepest quality (even when the devs say otherwise). Just sift through his post history and save yourself some time. Aside from posting his extensive experience with games he hates, he merely professes his love for VG over and over.
I agree, I use to love Vanguard and be a "Vanboi" as well, but that has changed due to this game having no direction and going nowhere. Anyone telling you other than that or defending it with a "Mithril" shield needs to be closely inspected or ignored.
Sepher on a note to I'm on Seradon "character's name is Yeurl" and I can tell you GU was the final straw for a lot of guilds, "guild populations and numbers have dropped dramatically". The only thing keeping the game a float now is the number of new people coming into the game (more newbies than what you can shake a stick at now ingame).
I like vanguard so much because thats where my guild is playing at the moment now where a friends and family guild thats beeen around sence the pen and paper days ,where mostly all adults we have our own custom Ui for vanguard. Sorry bud am just involved with some quality people and thats what mmo's are all about
i dont bash other games, you will never see me at the LoTR forums telling people over and over how shitty i think the graphics are when you get up close to anything or how i think the animations are the worst ive ever seen in any game but when people come here and try and tell me vanguard this and vanguard that i think i have just as much right to say, seen in before in other games no big deal i have about the same amount of problems with vanguard as ive had with any game
You guys come here and post the same crap over and over every few weeks move on if vanguards such trash, normal people dont sit on the forums of a game they cant stand and say the same things over and over for what over a year now the fact that you and sepher are still here after that long justs says agenda to me what did you both lose your jedi or what
Get a life and go find a game you enjoy and try and make some friends in game thats what its all about if.If your still playing than hook up with me and will go play the game for a few hours and you can show me all these terriable things in vanguard , i promise i wont get you kiiled to many times
I have to partially agree with OP here. Vanguard has some great looking landscapes for the most part, but I happen to like the way the characters look...the armor and weapons detail is amazing. What is lacking is the animations need to be done better and there needs to be more polish put on combat in regard to what is happening. I mean as a ranger in game it is sad that we're still getting the to-hit lag when we shoot our bows. Creatures die before we release the shot that killed them. ::sighs:: And why no visible arrows sticking out of the creature like other games?
Another one of my biggest gripes is the lack of detail. I really don't care what others think in this regard but for me a game should look polished and complete in all environments and Vanguard misses the boat here. Water needs revamped completely. They need to add splash when we swim and when we run in the water and where is the underwater environments. No sea greass, no fish, there is nothing for the most part. Though there is a couple of places you'll see seawead - but they are few. That is one place games like WoW and others leave Vanguard in the dirt and it hurts the overall feel of the game.
Vanguard should and could be the game it was marketed as and yet it is the little details that hurt it the most - the world feels incomplete.
Here are some screenies. Like I said the environments like this is what really makes the graphics shine...but the game is still lacking in other graphical areas.
Ya i guess i do agree somewhat with what you and OP are saying it does seem kinda odd when i run through water and i dont leave a wake or make any splashes with my feet but its like ive said all along every game ive ever played had things i liked and lots of things i didnt guess ive just learned to not let the little things bother me . You cant even get a single player game now days thats gets everything totally right in fact most of them have numerous things that are totally stupid
What bothers me the most about vanguards graphics is the fact that ive been running this game on ultra high every setting maxed at 1920x1200 sence day 1 and at times i even force 8xQ AA and 16 x anisotropic filtering and i look around this game now and mountains that where once clear and detailed from miles away are all grey and fogged in now and it just feels like all ive been getting from sony is less and less feature's in the name of performance. Ya forsure they fixed alot of bugs and added some content so what that was never a problem for me
Thats to strange with my ranger its almost the opposite of you. i love to kite with my bow and what happens to me is all let my last bow shot go and the mob dies on my UI and its all timed right with my shot , but the mob in the worldf is still red and has i tiny little bit of heath left enough to take its last few steps and if i run up and loot real fast the mob will even get an attack in even though its been dead on my UI for a good 5 seconds its to funny I remember my ranger been like your describing 10 months ago or more
great post. i plan on waiting till gu5 and if it's deemed a step in the right direction i think i'll probably try it out then.
I must admit the graphics to me does seem underwhelming compared to LoTRO. I actually just started subs in both games (along with DDO and FFXI) and am having a difficult time choosing.
I mean, the LoTRO is much more colorful and the graphics and detail are much richer but I hate the classes. I mean, I can't even be a wizard in the LoTRO, from a lore that virtually epitomizes the wizard. And don't even get me started on DDO; one city? Come on.
I love many of the features on Vanguard that I can't find anywhere else; like building our own ships, and the awesome collection of mounts to choose from (Ya, fluff, I know, but it gives me something to work for).
My only question is why does a game that has such underwhelming graphics require such a high end machine to run it? I mean, I understand why WoW went with poorer graphics and lower polygon count, so that more people could afford to play it, but Sigil went with mediocre graphics that less people could run on their machines.
I really wish they would just touch up the graphics a bit and I would be fine with everything else because I still want to play it. Heck the cobblestone streets look as bad as Meridian 59 graphics (for anyone who knows that game).
Dan H
Seen and played AoC at DragonCon here in Atlanta. So thanks for the warning, but I've already been thoroughly impressed with my "first time".
well guess thats why there are so many differents games out there , because people like you and me are so differentSo while I appreciate your usual doomsday talk, all I did was list my own personal gripes with Vanguard and why I find it unbearable to play; and compared it to LOTRO because the two demand similar hardware and released close to one another.
I'm not currently subscribed to LOTRO, and there's some things I could mention that I enjoyed in Vanguard over LOTRO; such as the ability to actually dive under water and experience cities with doors not glued shut. This isn't a versus thread though; its just about my personal gripes with Vanguard. When I want to complain about other games, I will and on their appropriate forums.
You have hardly played vanguard and you dont like it and me am retired been playing sence day 1 and probally play more in 1 week than most people do in 2 months and i love the game
Same for AOC you played it once at some show and love it and the same applies for AOC as it does for vanguard for me and i cant stand the game. Guess will see how well this console game can be ported to the PC when it comes out
Look sepher am not going to cry over things in vanguard when ive seen the same things in other games ive played Ok why would it bother me that i fell through the world in vanguard 5 or 6 times when it first came out when at one time in WOW i was falling through the world in Arathi basin more in one day than i have in over a year of playing vanguard that was when wow was about 1 year old or maybe a little older took blizzard 3 months to fix that little fear bug i could list a hundred other things that where quite common in wow when i played it but whats the point i dont hate on other games i just dont hate on vanguard for things ive seen in every game ive played they all have there moments where they dont run well even WOW maybe not LOTR but who cares that game is gayIt doesn't take much to entertain and please me. I don't take MMOs nearly as serious and close to heart as you seem to. You won't find me complaining about the MMO genre as a whole, or any MMO period except Vanguard. So I'm quite different than you.
You seem to incomprehensibly hate every MMO that isn't Vanguard; and as I've already stated, I've given it a try numerous times, and plan to again a year or two from now when I feel the resource strapped developers have had enough time to carry out some promises; such as animation revamps.
Just a tip, you should change your tone if you want to actually start convincing anyone of any merits that Vanguard may have. You come off as a person who can only like Vanguard after first tearing down every other MMO in his own mind. So you try and convince others that every other MMO, present or future, sucks.
Sounds like a lot of unhealthy self-deception, and a convenient retreat from having to actually devote thought to how Vanguard stands tall on its own; if it infact does. All it convinces me of is that liking Vanguard requires a lot of spiteful, negative thoughts towards other games in the genre.
If everything else is bad, Vanguard is good by default, I guess?
Ive got 2 WoW accounts in my house for my kids and they have there own computers to play and guess who was sitting there on a friday night not able to log on to there servers thats right blizzard had i butt load of servers borked yesterday
The graphics?
I am not an artist, and my opinion is worth what it is worth.
But on graphics, my answer would just be to link you this video.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
Ah well, if you want a nice landscape go look at a painting. I do like landscape graphics being nice but only if the character models/animations can match. Otherwise it seems out of place. I've only seen this game and have never played it, but was surprised to read about the bad spell animations and little graphic things that make the game feel alive. Heard this game was supposed to have demanding requirements, but maybe I was wrong lol.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Well, the overall problem with Vanguard is that there is a lack of continuity in almost all aspects of the game. This game is demanding of system requirements and often times I look around the landscape and wonder why? Anyone can easily fire up LotRO and find themselves in a graphically cohesive and beautiful world that runs fairly well on most WoW capable machines. While Vanguard doesn't always get every spell effect (Force Barrier spell for Sorcs come to mind) right, or every character animation right, there is still much to be said about how beautiful the world is.
It might not be 100% perfect but I tend to prefer Vanguard's graphics over any other MMO today. For better or worse, they are the most realistic of any game out there today (minus the glossy effect of armor and rocks).
Currently playing: No MMOs. They all suck.
Yep, the video says it all. Nuff said. I just want to add to my previous post that ANYONE can take ANY MMO and make criticisms against various aspects of the graphics. Not every MMO is going to be 100% perfect or 100% visually pleasing to everyone.
Currently playing: No MMOs. They all suck.
My problem beside my character looking plastic and shiny is most of the building's look like they have just been built, even the ruins shattered about. From a distance they look great, but get in close there is no sign of age. Like the OP stated it makes the game world appear sterlie and makes the game objects appear mis placed. Just an opinion but I think this is down to lack of resources due to finding some atmospheric places, i.e like the graveyard near Veskals exchange.
Overall I enjoyed my time in Telon and the pro's outweighed the cons. I don't play VG anymore, but this is more down to the direction I feel the game is heading.
All I can say is, this is a preference/taste thing, because I have not played another mmo in which I sometimes just stand about looking at the scenery. The armour, char models, building to me all look way beyond that of other games. Even the art I hate still 'looks' bloody excellent imo.
The person who is certain, and who claims divine warrant for his certainty, belongs now to the infancy of our species.