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Man up and say what you mean and mean what you say. Trying to sneak an extra $5 out of potential ly interested subscribers is beyond cheap; its deceptive. Chalk another point of interest in the Warhammer column for me.
And...charging for 10 days added gametime and 3 days headstart is again?
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Final Fantasy 7
And...charging for 10 days added gametime and 3 days headstart is again?
Heh your common sense isnt going to get through to him.
And...charging for 10 days added gametime and 3 days headstart is again?
Isn't that a perk of a pre-order though? To get in early and/or an item?
Not cheating, genius. No one said anything about cheating, to the bright (cough) poster above. Nice spin-attempt.
I wouldnt call it sneaking $5 out of you. As downloading the 12gig's worth of data needed to install the 26gig client is going to end up costing whoever offers you the preorder download more then $5 in bandwidth costs.
Somebody must have lost their tin-foil hat.
Not a good a deal as POTBS had offered for sure, which included a headstart and some preorder items at no additional cost. A pity that game kinda fell from grace though. But at least is was a little less interested in fees for every little thing.
Waiting for: A skill-based MMO with Freedom and Consequence.
Woe to thee, the pierce-ed.
This has been known about for a long time its no secret. Wasn't one bad post / comment under that column on massively either.
Thats laughable. You think other potential customers, 3 days later, are paying an additional $5 to download. Nope.
If it was widely known, I wouldnt have posted it. Obviously if they wanted it to be widely known, they would not have hidden this in 'small-print' in an attempt to bait potential customers into thinking that what was once considered a very short-term, non operationally harmful perk, is an attempt to take another $5 that wouldnt otherwise be gotten for downloading the game electronically a few days later. The subscription should clearly tack another $5 on the front-end of subscribing rather than attempting to bury it.
Ok folks let me break it down for you.
Your not paying for the download, your paying for the 10 days. You get 3 days before anyone else, then 7 days after launch. Thats 1/3rd a normal month, thus 1/3rd the normal subscription.
So... your not paying for the dl your paying the going rate for game time.
If it was widely known, I wouldnt have posted it. Obviously if they wanted it to be widely known, they would not have hidden this in 'small-print' in an attempt to bait potential customers into thinking that what was once considered a very short-term, non operationally harmful perk, is an attempt to take another $5 that wouldnt otherwise be gotten for downloading the game electronically a few days later. The subscription should clearly tack another $5 on the front-end of subscribing rather than attempting to bury it.
Actually you may be the last person to realize this because it has been widely know for a long time. Every preorder site clearly lists it and as stated you get 3day head start and an additional 10 days of subscription time this is more then fair for $5. Unless of course you are mad because you don't make your own money and now have to convince those buying the game for you to spend a whole extra $5.
Pack it in, Jack. You've lost the argument.
I would like to know how they are "sneaking" it if you have to knowingly pay for it. Its not like they are drafting 5 bucks out of your bank account or CC without your authorization. Its also not required that you pay the extra 5 bucks to play only if you want the early access.
Sneak - implies you are unaware.
warhammer it is
Tho if it's hidden it's a bad move from funcom,5$ for 10 extra days is more then fair.A monthly sub costs 15$ and gives you 30 days of play,soo 5$=33% of a 1 month subs play time.
Well, PoTB and LoTRO most likely have asked money for there early access, but just had increased prices of the pre-orders. What I gather is you can choose to participate in the early access event of AoC or not and so that for me is a good thing.
Also the early access thingy is something recently annouched (Not sure) and most likely they where not planning of having this so it was not included in the price of the pre-orders.
Thats laughable. You think other potential customers, 3 days later, are paying an additional $5 to download. Nope.
1) True you didn't say cheating. But it's not sneaking either. As Avery stated, this is well known, and was never made a secret of.2) The potential customers three days later do not get 10 days extra. And now let's do a bit of math. A month costs roughly 15$...So 15$ for 30 days. 10 days would be then....YES! 5$. Congratulations.
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7
i think fc went to the $OE school of how to rip your players off.
I think the broken record of the pre-CU bitterness dropped two corners back.
Seriously though, you don't get anything for free beyond the 3 extra days head start and you pay $5 to play 10 extra days. Noone is cheated of anything. I didn't care about the head start so I didn't bother. You might as well do the same, noone is forcing you to pay the $5 if you don't want to.
If so then some of you went to the school of Hyperbole. You're getting a head start for a nominal fee I don't see this as being sneaky.
BTW the abligatory SOE dig no longer nets brownie points, time for a new poster child.
Dutchess Zarraa Voltayre
Reborn/Zero Sum/Ancient Legacy/Jagged Legion/Feared/Nuke & Pave.
For players that try the game for 2 weeks and never pick it up again, thats $5 extra they paid for nothing.
Additionally, you pay $5 to preorder the game, just like any other preorder, only in this instance the fine print says the $5 doesn't go towards the purchase of the game, but is in addition to it. Following a well established method and changing the rules slightly is sneaky.
how is this hidden?
the fee only applies to people playing the game 3 days early
EQ2 fan sites
If you want to pay for it you do, if you don't you don't. Nothing sneaky about it, it is all up front and in the open.
If you think it should be free, well that is another debate but this is certainly not sneaky I have known about it for a long time as has everyone else who cares enough to research a game before they buy it.
I even saw it when pre-ordering the CE on gamestops webpage. No small print either, right there in the Bonus Offer Box. All it takes is someone with reading skills to clearly see it written.
I don't like paying, but nothing sneaky about it. I saw it awhile back listed on that page.
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