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I want to buy a new graphics card for AoC...
I need serious suggestions, preferrably from people within the beta or from people who know.
please no guestimates if they are based on the official "recommended" specs. we all know the 7900gtx is far too slow. (and I already have the 7900 gtx anyway)
I have to choose between these three cards:
Nvidia 9600 gt
Nvidia 8800 gt and
Nvidia 8800 gts 512
I have, and I am not kidding, extensive knowledge of what these cards can do, I know all the specs and have seen bookshelves full of different benchmarks. I do not need infos about the hardware. I know which is how much faster than which card.
but I have never seen, let alone run AoC.
I need infos on what card runs AoC on which resolution with which detail setting.
I own enough CPU power (overclocked q6600 @ 3Gh and 4 gig Ram), so the sole limit should be the graphics card
I own a 24'' TFT so I would like to run a high resolution, but high details and high shaders is much more important for me than resolution.
what would interest me personally, as an unrelated topic is, how much RAM AoC actively supports. (I remember Anarchy Online was really the first game that gave me a very very significant boost when I doubled my RAM to 1 gig many years ago. )
also unrelated, how different is DX9 and DX10 in terms of eye candy and fps
thank you guys in advance!
Out of the list of choices, the 8800 GTS 512 beats all of them.
They remodeled the board and it now has 128 stream processors (used to have 96. The GT only has 112) and a much higher clock freq. Its almost comparable to a GTX in some resolutions/situations.
Just be sure its the 512meg G92 version and not the older GTS. If you can verify the stream processors (128 as opposed to 96) then youll be good to go.
"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a robot foot stomping on a human face -- forever."
its a weird question you're asking, if you know already that much about those card , you'll go for the gts 512mb, i wouldnt even think about the 9600.
but if its was me since im low on money i'll go for the 8800 gt, the difference between the gt and gts in very low
and im actually getting one tomorow, woohoo i cant wait ,
Gainward BLISS GeForce 8800 GT Golden Sample
let's assume I am not in possession of unlimited amounts of money.
ring a bell?
if AoC runs at 1920*1200 fine with a 9600 gt why should I pay for a gts? ok?
the important thing here is that this thread is not about nvidia cards, but on the AoC engine.
let's assume I'd asked about Crysis at 1600*1200.
The 8800 gt would often be at framerates under 25, while the gts would be about 14% higher and over the very important 25fps line. it might still jerk and stutter once in a while, but not all the time, as it is in framerates under 25.
today no card on the market is good for future games. the 9800 gtx is basically a 8800 gts and is severely limited at high resolutions by its tiny 512 on-card RAM.
the gt200 based cards will come out end of the year, which will feature 1 gig RAM and maybe even twice the shader units.
so I am not willing to invest in old technology as the g92 is.
but I want to play AoC and I am willing to pay the necessary amount of money to do that without a stutter-fest.
I hope this makes it clearer
hey people are trying to help you make a choice, be nice man.
like i said I wouldnt bother with a 9600, get a 8800 gt , you can get a cheap one, and you're not going to only play ages of conan are you?
I have a 8500 GT, and works fairly well for me it has 512mb. I would like to get two sli cards though for more power. Right now I am getting a new HD for this game since it has a 30gb requirement I am a little outdated on HD space I went cheap and small now I am going 300gb SATA.
I am a nice "man" usually, but I hate off topics and people who do not read what I say or think: I do not care what he says because I can not imagine that he really wants to know what he is asking - I think he wants to know which card is fastest. so I will go ahead and post that instead, and if he is unhappy about the continual spam in this thread by the likes of me, I will tell him to be nice to people who "just try to help"
the important thing here is that this thread is not about nvidia cards, but on the AoC engine.
let's assume I'd asked about Crysis at 1600*1200.
The 8800 gt would often be at framerates under 25, while the gts would be about 14% higher and over the very important 25fps line. it might still jerk and stutter once in a while, but not all the time, as it is in framerates under 25.
today no card on the market is good for future games. the 9800 gtx is basically a 8800 gts and is severely limited at high resolutions by its tiny 512 on-card RAM.
the gt200 based cards will come out end of the year, which will feature 1 gig RAM and maybe even twice the shader units.
so I am not willing to invest in old technology as the g92 is.
but I want to play AoC and I am willing to pay the necessary amount of money to do that without a stutter-fest.
I hope this makes it clearer
be careful with SLI atm... there are some serious issues with quasi-fps related severe drops in framerate due to a synchronisation issue with SLI systems (or crossfire). it might be related to the game engine or the drivers... no real solution yet
you won't notice in normal games, only when you play high end games like AoC or Crysis. then it can seem like you do not even have an SLI system, because of constant and severe drops in percepted fluidity...
ATi is affected as well. that's why I wait for the gt200 based cards
you have the 8500 gt and use it to run AoC? which resolution ?
Hey there.
Personally, if you can find an 8800GTS 1gb go for that. I believe that only Palit offer this version in N.America at the moment.
If not the regular 8800GTS, even over 8800GT 1GB.
Not sure where your going to buy from, but as your in Canada you should check these guys out: very competitive compared to ncix for example - just a heads up.
please, for the love of God, this is about AoC and people who run the beta or have access to credible information on the engine!
also, there is no 8800 gts with 1 GB RAM and there will never be one. and even if, it would be outside the price range of the gts 512
(I am not saying you are wrong, but the companies who announced a 1 GB edition never got around producing one and atm it seems nvidia itself does not want them to do that, so that the -----> gt200 will seem even more powerful.
the gt with 1 GB is no solution because it is a) expensive and a lot of RAM is useless without enough shader power behind it )
stay on topic PLEASE
be careful with SLI atm... there are some serious issues with quasi-fps related severe drops in framerate due to a synchronisation issue with SLI systems (or crossfire). it might be related to the game engine or the drivers... no real solution yet
you won't notice in normal games, only when you play high end games like AoC or Crysis. then it can seem like you do not even have an SLI system, because of constant and severe drops in percepted fluidity...
ATi is affected as well. that's why I wait for the gt200 based cards
you have the 8500 gt and use it to run AoC? which resolution ?
When is that coming out anyway, I heard early Q2 is that true? Its prolly going to cost like hell too.
Q3 - Q4 unfortunately according to the most recent info
Ok, since I would like to help, but would not like be yelled at, I will simply say this, as far as I know, the NDA on the AoC beta is still in place, so no one playing the beta can give you detailed information. Since you said the post is not about Nvidia cards, and is about the AoC engine, I would say you're shit outta luck.
It seems like people releasing performance related information (especially in regards to the beta engine) at this point may potentially violate the NDA since no one has "correctly" answered you at this point.
oh and btw only $370 smackers. Not Bad.
Ok Im sorry but I knew you was trouble and acting like an ASS.
There is a 1gb PALIT 8800GTS in retail in NORTH AMERICA at the moment.
For someone who thinks they know it all you dont...
There is one on NewEgg right now. And seen as though Newegg dont ship to Canada i cant be asked to tell you the Canadian retailers who has them in stock.
No one will tell you what perfomance is like under general beta ok Have a nice day
I have not yet played AOC but from what I've read, its going to be well worth your money spent on those cards! All three meet the minimum req needed for AOC, you are in luck. I have a similar choice and I picked the SLI 8800 gt and can confirm that it kicks butt in other new games like cod4, Sherlock Holmes and Sam & Max Adventures. If you needing more info on the performance of this card let me know
Please respond with your ingame handle and we can quest together in the future. Good luck and see you in AOC! I hope this helps
anyone could post here and say that it runs crappy/acceptable or fluently at ... but you need card XYZ
I do not want statistics, just an educated guess based on even the flimsiest of experiences or word of mouth.
someone must know something
Christ. Make an edumacated quess here. Faster Card + More Ram on Card = Better. Spend what you can. Oh, and since you didn't comment, just wanted to make sure you saw my post with the 1GB 8800 GTS that will never exist.
palit never sold it in Europe (where I live)
and it is over 140$ more expensive than the cheapest 8800 gts 512 at 229$.
let me guess: you "assumed I did not want to save money, but an overly expensive penis-expansion"
if I wanted speed at whatever cost, I'd go for 2 9800 gtx in SLI, ok?
so yes, you were right, and that's why you post here. not to add anything useful, but to make a point about a unavailable, insanely pricey card.
hope you are happy now
Christ. Make an edumacated quess here. Faster Card + More Ram on Card = Better. Spend what you can. Oh, and since you didn't comment, just wanted to make sure you saw my post with the 1GB 8800 GTS that will never exist.
and in case you never read my postings about saving money, which you did not, I am indeed about to "spend what I can".
I just can not spend money on an unavailable card
plus, I do not want to waste money on a inferior technology Here is a link for a great card with a great price it's the Evga geforce 9800 GTX . on the same site there is great vid review on card price tag on card $299
FFxi Retired
Coh/Cov Retired
Guild Wars/Retired
VSOH/ retired
AOC/retired that was fast
Waiting 4 DCUO ,and FFXIV
Don't be a jackass and you might not get treated like one.
There are a half-dozen posts about the PvP beta weekend. Try looking through those if you want specs, I'm sure you'll find the information you're looking for without even having to go and act like a pompous a-hole to just about everyone that responds to you.
I hope you find what you're looking for, and quick.
You could most likely have made your post much shorter, and through proper wording avoided misconceptions.
I am looking for a new video card that runs smoothly on AoC in it's current beta state. I know this is a fairly stupid request but I'm a douchebag and wish to run a top of the line machine built solely around AoC -beta just at the slim change I get one of the May 01, 2008 beta keys.
The cards I'm currently looking at are the:
Nvidia 9600 gt
Nvidia 8800 gt
Nvidia 8800 gts 512
I require information on these cards. I wish to know which resolutions they will run AoC on and their overall performance on the maxed out and lowest game settings.
*End post*
There we go! Not so hard, now instead of being a douche because you fail at English composition, people will clearly see what your question is and how they can properly help you. This will save you much time posting in red and repeating yourself, while frothing at the mouth with nerd rage at the fact people do not understand your need to the best and shiniest hardware and performance.
As for helpful advice. I will give you only this.
AoC is a Vista / DX10 showcase game, I would assume you know this. It has been building around the 8 series cards. Now if you have been reading about the cards, you must have stumbled over complaints about the 9's drivers and slow patch response from Nvidia. Couple that knowledge with the fact that you are currently wishing to build a computer around specs from a Beta client and you will have your answer as to what is most likely going to be the most fluid and stable card. Incase you didn't catch it, I mean the 8's.
Give it some time, let the patches go out and the 9's will preform better. But you seem to have money to waste, and an ego to please. Do what you will with that little bit of hand-me-down common sense. Just don't come on here bitting at people because you have a shitty grasp of this language and are to lazy to find resources yourself on this information.
Ok Im sorry but I knew you was trouble and acting like an ASS.
There is a 1gb PALIT 8800GTS in retail in NORTH AMERICA at the moment.
For someone who thinks they know it all you dont...
There is one on NewEgg right now. And seen as though Newegg dont ship to Canada i cant be asked to tell you the Canadian retailers who has them in stock.
No one will tell you what perfomance is like under general beta ok Have a nice day
Avery, you are truly amazing! Thanks for putting this guy in his place!
Avery, you are truly amazing! Thanks for putting this guy in his place!
I am truely puzzled by this degree of completely missing the point.seriously, you think this guy can put anyone "in his place" ? English is not my native language, yet my spelling is better, my grammar usually flawless and I include a reality outside my own pants-wetting solipsism in my postings.
I am not offended, I am not angry, not even amused, but rather intruiged...
In all seriousness, I am truly, honestly at a loss as to how in the world you can think this guy "put me in my place"? Has the de-education gone that far already?
From a language point-of-view, look at how he forms his sentences:
" Ok Im sorry but I knew you was trouble and acting like an ASS." <--- this doesn't even make sense. Firstly he writes "was" when it should be "were". Secondly, "he knew I was acting like an ass"? I was rather harsh, but at least I did not call people "ass" and offend them with bad language and style.
"For someone who thinks they know it all you dont..." <---- He seems offended that I seemed too sure in dismissing a card that was announced ages ago in Europe, where I live, but not a single one was ever shipped. Excuse me, but the US is not the world and just because one company ships a very limited amount of cards for a few weeks in only one country in the whole wide world for a very limited amount of time, which is over 60% more expensive than the 8800 gts does not mean this card is "available".
"No one will tell you what perfomance is like under general beta" there is no such thing as a general beta. There is only closed and public beta. And there is the NDA.
"And IT IS ON TOPIC.." no, this was not on topic. Money was the only limiting factor in my decision which card to buy. He also ignored the fact that I would never be able to buy this card because it is not available where I live, nor is it in stock in the US it seems.
I tried to make a financial decision and tried to spend money economically and explicitly stated I included only 3 cards in my decision.
He ignored every single one of my points. And he seems to be very young or uneducated, judging from his poor knowledge of English spelling, grammar and choice of words. He even called me names.
All that tells you, he "put me in my place"? It would be funny if it wasn't so disturbing: would those be the people I would have to play with? Is the WoW crowd invading an adult themed MMORPG?
For me it seems he put himself into his place. I found it almost humiliating, how he presented himself here. That some people, like you, have so little insight to think he is anything but embarrassing, is just puzzling.
This makes no sense. You don't want a current card because you are smart enough to see that newer ones will be out later this year. However, you're an idiot because you clearly said you are on a budget and you are going to buy one anyways. Make up your mind. Either deal with a g92/g80 or wait. Why are you asking us to tell you what you already know?
The IQ and life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.
One more thing for the know it alls.. Just because you have 1gb or more of video ram doesn't mean games are going to go any faster. Crysis can barely even eat more than 512mb of video memory... So if you think AoC is going to need more you are out of your mind, let alone dumb enough to fall into the trap of thinking more video memory = better. Many other factors are more important than the number of MB your video card setup has.
The IQ and life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.