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I cancelled my account with them because for about a year it was worthless. Two days ago I see the "Subscribers get beta keys for AOC" So i re-up my account and all that jazz.
Maybe I completely missed it, or maybe they hid it in the fine print, but I saw NOTHING about this being a "refresh" contest to see how many people could get the keys first.
Fuck Fileplanet.
the open beta has a 50,000 hardcap for selection from Fileplanet
its refresh or hope for a random number of being lucky to be among the 50,000
I'd rather take my chances with current method
theres no good way to EXCLUDE paying Fileplanet subscribers
- I neither like the 50,000 limit or Fileplanet Exclusivity, but thats what Funcom setup
EQ2 fan sites
Anyone have a rough idea timewise when its good to start the refresh? How many hours (UK) are we ahead of PDT? :P
i just set my windows clock to PST :P it's 05:51 atm
if you ask me, ANYONE who pays to use a download central where most of the 98% things are free to download anyway, are either incredible wealthy, and/or spendthrift.. I dont care how much really, its the symbolism behind it... I could easily afford it, but i wont throw my money out the window like that. I have NO respect for fileplanet subscribers ..
I don't like fileplanet much either, but for me it's a good choice. I'm not real sure if I want to buy AoC, as my game time is really limited. Droping 15 dollars I can live with, 50 not so much. And I ALWAYS try mmo's before I buy them.
Oh, and I got the key about 11 am yesterday.
But in another thread (which got meanwhile deleted for no obvious reason ), I estimated that the 12 Gigs download costs the file host only about $2. So there is quite some money in for fileplanet.
FilePlanet claim to have perks for subscribers. Really? What are those perks? Download FREE demos? Download FREE patches? Download FREE game mods? No thanks. I have a bittorent client.
If some people want to pay for things that should be free, be my guest. But I for one refuse to give in to a company that its only merit is the fact that it managed to kill all competition from decent download portals such as
Even if the FilePlanet subscription would cost 5 cents I would not pay for it.
Never argue with idiots. They are immune to logic.
the only reason I pay for it is for early access to *MMOs Beta*
World of Warcraft got me started using the "fileplanet method" to have access to their beta back in 2004
only Fileplanet subs had guaranteed access to the WOW beta -- *months* before it was open to many
EQ2 fan sites
most people assumed if they paid for a subscription to Fileplanet they would get in the beta.
it seems fileplanet is just a scam
another set of keys just got released for AOC at Fileplanet
EQ2 fan sites
and if they did ASSUME
- they did not read the fine print that said beta is *limited* to 50,000
heres the Fileplanet announcement
EQ2 fan sites
HA! You make it sound like people who subscribe to FP are subscribing to Nazi Weekly! I've subscribed there for years for a lot of different reasons, beta tests not being high on the list. I will really miss your respect, though, because it means so much coming from someone I don't know. Geez... so bitter. Why not channel all that strange hate for FP subscribers into something meaningful, like World Hunger or homeless kittens? Just about ANYTHING is more important that who subs to what gaming service.