Aquilonian, ranger or assassin, is what I am thinking of at the moment, however we will see once it is released, also the fileplanet beta I got into will help me decide
Herald of Xotli or Tempest of Set but.... i love 2w too so maybe I will make Conqueror too, do not know yet.
1 character it will HoX probably, I always loved idea of fighting mage, weak point is 2handed weapon, I dislike it, it does not fit to me. Each class has some +`s and -`s , most important thing is enjoying of gamestyle.
the issue I have is what to play as main... cause honestly I can't look at any of the classes and say I wouldn't play that....
I'm a sucker for a melee healer though... I almost always end up playing a healer in MMOs cause I like to have a solid value to a group and I tend to gear them out to be more combative than your average healer is anyway.
the problem is if I go bear shaman am I going to get bored cause I'll be doing teh same thing I always bloody do.
I'm thinking I'll try a mage or ranger... I so rarely play a ranged character and I do kinda like being able to blow stuff up.
Plus cause this melee system is new and shiny I'm thinking mages and ranged DPS is going to be a bit less common cause everyone will be going fighters... and I prefer taking the path less travelled.
ok well if u play as a healer alot i do recamend ranger or assasian.
to no one cause u will get into a then u will then someone will see u then i will be and then someone will u will be and i will say and then come and u
if u are all going to comment my scinrios with the faces do so nowt
there once was a man he was he to conan conan was taken by a and a he came back to earth he saw that was he had on hes was ugly then he started i was then i had a i had to give him a he i was then a came i i started fishing then a fish i was i turned and i hes head i was the end
For some reason I almost want to be the least popular class... just so I'll be rare
ok thats good i say that might be barbarian but who knows
Aquilonian, ranger or assassin, is what I am thinking of at the moment, however we will see once it is released, also the fileplanet beta I got into will help me decide
ok i have thinked being a stygien or something
to conan
Herald of Xotli or Tempest of Set but.... i love 2w too so maybe I will make Conqueror too, do not know yet.
1 character it will HoX probably, I always loved idea of fighting mage, weak point is 2handed weapon, I dislike it, it does not fit to me. Each class has some +`s and -`s , most important thing is enjoying of gamestyle.
oh i forgot to post b4 what is the most thing in aoc u are looking 4ward to myns pvp/mini games/drunken brawl
to conan to zeus to meto the dwarfs then turn
Cyann thats right gaming style is the thing
TO the and the and u will be like this
the issue I have is what to play as main... cause honestly I can't look at any of the classes and say I wouldn't play that....
I'm a sucker for a melee healer though... I almost always end up playing a healer in MMOs cause I like to have a solid value to a group and I tend to gear them out to be more combative than your average healer is anyway.
the problem is if I go bear shaman am I going to get bored cause I'll be doing teh same thing I always bloody do.
I'm thinking I'll try a mage or ranger... I so rarely play a ranged character and I do kinda like being able to blow stuff up.
Plus cause this melee system is new and shiny I'm thinking mages and ranged DPS is going to be a bit less common cause everyone will be going fighters... and I prefer taking the path less travelled.
ok well if u play as a healer alot i do recamend ranger or assasian.
to no one cause u will get into a then u will then someone will see u then i will be and then someone will u will be and i will say and then come and u
if u are all going to comment my scinrios with the faces do so nowt
there once was a man he was he to conan conan was taken by a and a he came back to earth he saw that was he had on hes was ugly then he started i was then i had a i had to give him a he i was then a came i i started fishing then a fish i was i turned and i hes head i was the end
sorry about that i will stop
Aquilonian Dark Templar. Melee, spell DPS, lifetap heals, and shields ftw. It's right down my alley
ok im going to be a ranger or a guardian