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I've been clean for 2 months, but I'm just now finally getting the urge to play an mmo, any MMO, WoW, EVE, LoTR, even Neocron, even all the freebies.
Question is: how do I fight this urge?
I've stayed away from browsing this site for those 2 months also, but because of stress from work and school I've wandered here checking up all of my favorite past games.
Or... go read books!![](
Senhores da Guerra
Why fight it?
Dont fight it exactly! When it gets boring or you loose interest in favor of the next wow killer that doesnt deliver just take a break. I've played mmo's on and off for 4 years. WoW, GuildWars, DDO. From August 07 till right now I havent played any MMO's. I've downloaded the 12gb AoC beta and cant wait!
I don't have the time, and its a waste of money.
When I was younger and couldnt buy games for myself, my parents would try to shame me into not playing video games, but you know what? Its not that big of a deal. There was recently a series on.... some cable station about the history of videogames. They are no worse a form of entertainment than movies or TV, they are, infact, even more engaging many times. The people who tell you that you "play too much" are just bored shitless and they're most likely jealous that you have something to do. The most important thing in life is to be happy, dont worry about standards and expectations of others unless you truley want the results might come from the situation. As long as you find time for other things and take a 10 minute break for every hour, theres nothing wrong with mmo's.
But I work 40 hours a week, go to school full-time, at the sametime volunteer at the archaeology lab, and party when the opportunity arises. Video games seems to come up last now, and if its anything that I play is CoD4. But right now I'm just getting that urge to play an MMO, either EVE, WoW, or LoTR.
its called will power, its how the human race fights urges like killing and drug addiction.
I've got zero interest in playing the current crop of MMOs. Until they offer what I want, I'm not giving them a penny of my money, period. I never really get the urge to play, I just get depressed that I'll never play again considering that I refuse to play the "lowest common denominator" games that developers try to foist on everyone.
I demand better.
Played: UO, EQ, WoW, DDO, SWG, AO, CoH, EvE, TR, AoC, GW, GA, Aion, Allods, lots more
Relatively Recently (Re)Played: HL2 (all), Halo (PC, all), Batman:AA; AC, ME, BS, DA, FO3, DS, Doom (all), LFD1&2, KOTOR, Portal 1&2, Blink, Elder Scrolls (all), lots more
Now Playing: None
Hope: None
It's cool, my friend. All you need is an ice cold glass of reality.
Open your eyes and stare into the very bottom of the abyss of MMO fandom. Let the flames of that madness remind you of where this dark road leads, in a fetid pool of boredom, misplaced expectations, and regret. Hopefully, this example shall be enough to prevent a relapse.
I'm kinda burned out on MMO's right now. It just feels like I've done everything too many times. I was hoping when book 13 for LOTRO launched that would revive my interest, but it didn't really. I logged in and ran around the new zone, caught a couple fish and logged off. I feel distracted....just playing ten minutes I start yawning, get blurry eyed and then make up some lame excuse to log.
I'm turning my attention to Grand Theft Auto 4 instead when it launches as it is something the wife and I can play together. She doesn't like mmo's.
I still like coming to this site though. For some reason, right now I am having more fun reading about mmo's than playing them.
OP go to [insert game] forums so you can read about player whines and lose interest or just watch player uploaded in-game videos to remind yourself why you left
mmog = massively multiplayer online grind