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Ok since I felt extremely bored and underfed in terms of MMOs these days and week, I thought WTH lets take one of those fileplanet subs, those $5 per month are even cheaper since the good Dollar VS Euro exchange (since I apparently live in Europe).
Joyfully I was writing down my AoC beta key and started to download the beta... only to feel totally ripped off now. I mean, I didnt expect it to have in 2 or 3 hours, but for a PAID subcription service to get 25-50 KB/sec, sorry that just a total scam and cheat.
Time left 80-100 hours... thats hilarious, absolutely hilarious and I can, based on this experience, only warn people from thinking twice before you go to subcribe to Fileplanet. And before you suggest you any torrents, the one I saw was not a bit faster. I understand its difficult to spread a game to so many ppl, but if I pay for a service I DO expect a WEE bit faster download.
People don't ask questions to get answers - they ask questions to show how smart they are. - Dogbert
Did you pick a sever that was close to you? I always get my max download speed from FilePlanet, as long as I pick an east-coast server. Same with friends of mine. If they pick east-coast, [those near me], or west-coast [those in cali], they get max speed.
I have been a member of FP for a long time.. yea the dl's are getting slower but the whole point is getting beta's and stuff earlier... AOC beta starts Thursday so aslong as you get before then whats the prob? try dl'ing something else I bet it wonf have 50,000 people trying to dl it like AOC.. makes sense
I totaly agree. Im downloading it faster than that right now from a torrent. If you pay for a download service then it should go ALOT faster than 50kB/s
You paid for a "open beta" ?
I play all ghame
I have been a member for some time... and I can't get a key. Someone have an idea why?
would hardly call $5 for a month paying for a game.. anyway..
Just tried to re download AOC beta and I am getting 300k atm
have to be on the ball..... check site OFTEN.. the keys are up for about 20 mins when released so be fast
Bandwith is not some etheral force that sustains a world where unicorns run nilly willy on rainbows.
It has its limits, and when 100,000 people decide to sign up at the last minute for a shot at open beta it gets used up.
Most of the time when I download something from fileplanet I get up to 1mb/sec if not that then 600-700kbs. It has only been slow this week because of all the people trying to get the beta.
It's just awe inspiring what people do not realize about the limits of technology.
The Stranger: It's what people know about themselves inside that makes 'em afraid.
hehe nice, I'm with you
Wow, that's pretty slow. I downloaded the whole client in around 6 hours. Sometimes even a close server will have a crappy connection. Just stop the download and try again.
I personally find unicorns running 'nilly willy on rainbows' more awe-inspiring.
Its possible to download from all the mirrors available if you want, just use flashget, when the download starts pause it and then go to fileplanet's mirrors, open then right click on link and "copy link location" from the mirror and flashget will add that mirror, keep adding more mirrors and resume the download, downloaded it at my maximum speed of 1,8MB/s~
Think it took more time to unzip the file and then install the game than downloading it...
Hmm ya that is pretty crappy. Everything I download from Fileplanet (been a member for about 4 years now) I get at least 400 kb/s, and that's on the slow side. Try what the other poster right before me said.
That being said, a smaller percentage of people know about limits of speed/bandwidth/latency, and at the end of the day, don't (and shouldn't) care. If a company is doing its job on the internet, I shouldn't have to deal with those issues .
Seems like a problem on your end. My DL is averaging 500-600 kb/sec, i'm quite pleased.
I find doing it late at night a lot better---also have found cancelling the DL then restarting sometimes helps-also theres a big influx of people DLing it you can wait a few days and see if the rush slows down some and make sure you pick the server closest to you
wow i am amazed that people would actually pay for an OB -- remember if its OPEN it means its a free download not a source of pre release revenue from the kickbacks that FP is paying to Funcom for the privledge to host the 50k plus beta keys downloads.
If you have a subscription you can get a key any time you want now. They were going fast at first but It seems they have run out of people willing to pay for beta so just go to the site and get one almost any time now.
i agree with what a few posters typed. paying for open beta is assnine. this whole event reeks of world of warcraft tactics, making to much money? here is another way we can make more, pathetic.
can you smell that?!!...............there is nothing quite like it.....................the smell of troll in the morning............i love that smell.
Just like this "brainiac" said, I think they are employing World of Warcraft's slimey tactics, like charging a subscription and whatnot! Criminals! Boycott all subscription-charging games!
Kassiem OPEN means open to all not to only those that pay a fee to buy a lame subscripion so you can check out the game, it has nothing to do with free. Its nothing but a marketing scam to build hype and make a few extra dollars before release. and some folks are to stupid to relaize it
Must be something wrong on the OP's side because I always have good download speeds via fileplanet.
I got 1mb a sec almost the entire time I was downloading, had the client in less than 7 hours. Sounds lke a prob with your connect or something else. Don't be quick to blame the service just because YOU suck