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- There is still lots of room to improve EVE, so many things that have been promised long ago to be added somewhere down the line (no date given, mind) in order to make EVE as complete as I really expected it to be when I first suscribed. Damn, that market is still not really working the way it's supposed to, with drugs being just worthless.
- Dead game world. NPCs are kinda non-existent, when they should provide some artificial life to the game. CCP expects players to do that, but there will never be enough of those to fill 5000 systems with life. Instead have NPC-PC and NPC-NPC interaction that means something.
- Not enough content. Every star system really IS the same. I think there are three different backgrounds and, sure, the stars differ in colour, but I dare anybody to find out which system you're in if it wouldn't say so in the top left corner. They could at least come up with individual system/planet/moon/stations descriptions.
- not enough customizability. of course everybody likes the fancy face generator, but even those portraits all look the same after a while. much worse are the ships, which really are your means of in-game customization. no paint jobs, modules not showing up on the ship, so few slots per ship. I'd prefer to have more, less powerful slots than those we have now. more powerful modules could then take up several slots. If you are not a bs player, one level will almost always be very restrictive in the number of slots you have available. Oh, and I really want to be able to check out other players' ship docks when i visit a station, just to check out their rigs and maybe discuss them in station chat.
- boring stuff. admit it, there is a lot of it. who isn't minimizing EVE a lot of the time to surf the web instead, while travelling, mining, waiting, just registering the game noises in the background to know when something is happening? I wish there was small, exciting stuff that didn't take more than ten minutes to accomplish, maybe even on your way to doing something else. Such as shooting small, fast-moving space parasites that just slightly reduce your ore extraction amounts if you leave them alone? Or having the option of overcharging your warp drive, making for a bumpy ride where you actually had to steer a bit in order to gain some time, losing some if you steered badly?
- make exploring the universe not only more interesting by adding content but actually meaningful by including goals that can only be attained through exploration. reconaissance missions, for example, or hidden objects with some actual use.
- one point where I totally disagree with Zuko: there is not too little player synergy - there is actually far too much. I hate being forced to join up with other players. Some ppl think that's what a MMORPG is all about, but I don't think so, at least not for me. I wanna do my own thing at my own schedule and I would never consider joining a corp. I still want to interact with other players, and I want to feel like roaming through a living, breathing universe where other players' action create an ever-changing landscape. But currently, corps have simply too much of an advantage. Sometimes I feel CCP is only catering towards the corp player, with the whole POS thing really limited to them. Working together is what makes corps filthy rich and able to close off parts off the game to keep for themselves. Talk about synergies... :P
Much light in this game though, light enough to easily blot out those shadows of disappointment I menation here, and so much hope and promise for an even better EVE in the future. I for one will stay with the game even though I have my reservations, and I hope it's not just because I'm completely addicted
So maybe 8.3 (yay!) is really too high a rating for EVE. But which other game is better, really? So I will rate it 9 just because all the others are overated as well.
What do you guys think?
Edit: Eeek! EvE is down to 8.2. Is this the beginning of the end?! I really gotta write my review sometimes soon
Edit2: so, that did it. Back to 8.3
I agree with this, unfortunately he has buried them quite well among certain misconceptions about Eve is, and what he expects it to be. Of course, it doesn't help when people reply by shouting "Go play CS n0ob!!!" either...
That you just posted a very well thought-out post in a very constructive manner. Hence no replies.
Suffice to say that I agree with most of what you say. I don't know if Eve should have a rating of 6.8 or 8.3 or 9.456, but I believe it belongs at the top of the pile of current MMOGs. Otherwise I would be playing something else, obviously.
Oh, and I think my review for Eve averaged 8.2 or somesuch...
I'm not a fan of Eve Online. I found it be to the biggest waste of money I have ever spent on a MMORPG. Eve Online is very overrated it isn't worth a 8.3 more in the lines of 5.3. I'm intitled to my opinions so if you flame me i'm not worried.
Freelancer is more interesting then Eve Online.
Beta Tested: Dark Age of Camelot (EU), Ragnarok Online, Knights Online, City of Heroes, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft (US), Matrix Online.
*shakes head and sighs*
For the life of me, I can not figure out why these topics keep popping up. It is obvious, both by the number of reviews and the scores given that EVE is a MMO that definately has a good following and dedicated players and is a good game, even if YOU think it SUCKS or HAS TOO MANY BUGS or IS BORING.
I don't hop over to the AO (which I played for a long time) or any other board just to let everyone know how much worse their selected game is when compaired to EVE or how things are "rigged". I check these boards because EVE is a game based around it's players and I have hopes that some day all you people who need to make yourselves feel important by stirring the pot realize that it is not about you...especially if you don't play this game.
Sheesh, I am sure it would make huge impact for me to post in SWG just how badly it sucks after reading a couple things or maybe spending a minimal amount of time playing the game, everyone who loves the game would stop playing! Right...
If this game is not for be it. Carry on with your life in whatever MMORPG is to your liking. After all, if there was only one MMO then you would have a reason to gripe up a storm. But, there are many MMOs...if you love having pointy ears, and need a +3 sword to make yourself have fun...please go do it! More power to you! ENJOY!
I like killing pirates, PvP against other ships, working up more ISK to get a better ship to more effectively PvP and kill pirates. That is my thing. I love it. YOU DON'T HAVE TO.
I know all you bashers out there are the only people in the world with an opinion that is right or that matters...but give us a break already. We've read all this, OVER and OVER and OVER...and we still play EVE and it is still highly rated and it still has over 5000 people online at any given time.
Is your elaborate post thought as a specific answer to any poster in this thread? Cause I don't see anybody complaining about the things you state
One thing I've learned about this site is if you try out a game, and you don't like it, then spare yourself the trouble of going to that games discussion forum and flaming it. You're not going to convince anyone that likes the game that it sucks. And your criticism will be greated with an overwhelming amount of counter arguments.
I learned this when I realized that COH had about 2 weeks of good playing time before you run out of content to explore in the game. I decided to let everyone in the COH discussion thread know this. Apparently I was wrong. Many people think that constant level grind, no loot, no money, no crafting, no pvp adds up to tons of content.
Anyways I just stick to the forums of the games I play and try to post helpful comments for people that need help. Otherwise I'll be fighting a losing battle by trying to convince people that a certain game is not worth playing.
I think this kind of stupidity that you mention happens on pretty much EVERY board here. I've seen topics like this related to all of the different games I like that are represented on this site: CoH, AO, RO, and of course EVE. And the bashing topics are rarely thought out. For example, on the CoH boards, someone once posted how "OMG, TEH GAME WILL NEVER SURVIVE MORE TAN SIX MONTHS!!!11!!11!!!11!!!!!!one!!!111!!!eleven!!!!". Obviously, this person did not like CoH. And that's fine. But he came onto the board and started bashing it. Know why? Because CoH doesnt have PVP. "Whoop-de-do" was my response to that... I, personally, never got into PVP in any game, so I dont care.... but for someone to tell everyone that a game sucks simply because it's not designed the way YOU want it to be.... that's pretty danged STUPID.
I like CoH BECAUSE of its differences. And that is the same with EVE. But really, it's all just opinions. We each have our opinions... and that's fine... but I hate when people start going around, professing that THEIR opinions are the ONLY correct ones, and everyone else is stupid. That isnt how it should be done.
Seriously... if you dont like a game, just leave it at that. Dont go to a board filled with people who obviously DO like it, and start ruining their day... I CANT STAND Final Fantasy XI..... yet you dont see me on that board telling everyone how much I think it sucks.
As far as EVE specifically goes, I have always heard the same things, as with the CoH board... "WONT SURIVE MORE THAN 6 MONTHS, CAUSE IT DOESNT HAVE SUCH AND SUCH!!!!!11!!!!". Well, gee, what a surprise, all of the whiners have already been proven wrong. Not only that, but they have an expansion for EVE in the works. Nice.
Hmm. I better stop before this becomes a full blown rant
Whoah - easy with that candle, there, will you?! :O
Do I get this right - because some kid posted a unsubstatiated four-line bashing of EVE three people here find it worth to waste their breaths by ranting off about 'all those whiners'? C'mon people, what's wrong with you?
Please try to post constructive stuff. It's better for your blood pressure anyway
Contrary to what people are saying (generally EVE fans) who don't even seem to be reading what you wrote, just the topic name, I'd like to say that you have some awesome points. Small things that bug me that I try to dish away and pretend aren't there. They're definitely there though.
I think I wrote a very justice-giving guide to why EVE is so great in "The Giant Misconception of EVE-Online" and I think this thread is a justice-giving guide to the not so great things about EVE.
There is one point I'd like to tear up however, that I hear too many soloists constantly bringing up again. Corporations should have an upperhand over single players. Otherwise what's the point of joining a corporation? And after all it makes plenty of sense, in unconquered lands it will be corporations that are in large groups and navies that will take over areas, not single people coming with their single ships. Conquerers of the past didn't send one man to gain territory, they sent an army. If you're going to solo, you shouldn't complain about the limitations that come with it.
Anjelle [Freelancer Union]
I love rain, the color gray, and small apartments.
I hate CS, the term n00b and this thing --> ^^
But that's just me.
I love rain, the color gray, and small apartments.
I hate CS, the term n00b and this thing --> ^^
But that's just me.
Thanks for your support I read your 'misconceptions' post, and I very much agree. However, since everybody here seems to be passionately in love with EVE, I thought it would only make sense to mention the perceived shortcomings from my PoV. In a constructive way that might start some sensible discussion
The solo/corp part is a bit of a pet peeve of mine, I admit. Still, I do think it is proper that power in eve rests in the hands of the many, and thus the corps. I wish, though, that this would be a little more balanced by the power of npc corps, which are not very active in the game right now. So as it is, certain corps/alliances already rule supreme, having almost unlimited funds available. To create an isk sink for them to draw some of that off is not a bad idea at all, and ccp is doing just that with POIs (although I'm not sure if this will really work. I have a feeling the biggest corps will easily make a profit from them, only the middle ranks that have to fight for everything they get will see their isk drain off).
What worries me is that from my perspective of the 'lone ranger' type of player, I am sorta invisible to the devs. I believe they should extend the offered gameplay to both alike, since I believe I'm not the only one who mainly plays the game by himself.