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I played this game in high school all the time and always left and came back to it. I haven't been playing it lately at all, but this game was the original MMO for me. Pre-trammel was anyways.
UO had things the modern MMOs probably won't ever have. I remember levelin my skills up then hitting up buccaneer's Den for pvp/drama hilarity.
Housing, craftable items, and an enjoyable endgame. Ships, mounts, magic, swords, chaos/order, trashtalkin, ganking, buc's den, pkers. UO had everything a good MMO should have. Sure it had some pain in the ass things about it VENDOR BANK BUY SELL.
It's the lil things about UO that I miss. It wasn't spoonfed to you either. You had to learn by yourself or with help from other players how to do what and go where. Made you feel like a baby in a new world.
I doubt we'll ever see an MMO like UO again sadly. It didn't need the graphics. I was just a badass game.
Somtimes I feel like coming back, but I'm always hearing how it's just not like it used to be and that EA is running it into the ground.
Old UO how I miss the.
I truly miss the non item bases version of UO , the old days of hunting for those Silver Vanq weapons , training skills on the Bone Knight room in deceit..
The Biggest thing I miss most is theTrue thief class of old days , they were not only very fun to use , but very fun to play against..
Yeah, I truly had some great times back in the day. This was the first MMO my older brother introduced to me. I was only 12 years old at the time, he taught me the basic stuff, and then I picked up on some other things. I remembered being so scared of dying to a boar! LoL It was my first kill too. Everything was just so much better when this game wasn't item and colored based. I'd just buy a GM made katana and plate armor and run around killing things, didn't worry much about dying because I would just cough up some more cash to buy new stuff again or else just run back to my corpse.
PvP was great, during the server reset you got about 30 minutes to play before it came down. What everyone would do (in the Great Lakes server) is run to the graveyard up north from Brit and just battle it out. We didn't care if we died because it wouldn't save until the server comes back up.
There was a time when I had to leave to go out and eat, so I logged off, but there was an ogre chasing me. When I came back online I found myself dead and got pretty mad LoL. (I didn't understand that it was a persistent world where things still move on while you're logged out at the time) My brother would just laugh at me and tell me to start over again. It was something you could just brush off because like I said before, most or all the good stuff can still be crafted at the time. Ahh the memories, it was a great game. I played it until i reached 21 years old, but still would come back on and off, as a matter of fact I cancelled my sub to Vanguard just to try UO again for 1 month to see how things are.
Goodnight, sweet prince.
UO is still a good game and there is a reason why there exist at least 3 different UO emulators.
I would say give those a chance if you as some others do not like EA's version of the game.
Just adding my name to the list By far my favorite MMO to date. I spent five years in Brittania and still maintain one active account out of nothing but loyalty and nostaligia And to keep the "museum" I own on Great Lakes standing even though its in Felucca and no one goes there anymore lol. I have tried several times to go back to play, and it has never been the same. *feeling homesick*
It really was the best ever. The fear of dying and lossing all your goods ACK!!! I loved it. The ownership of houses and the pride you would take in them because it was difficult to place them was great. I loved it all. I liked the challenge, but that's just not something that is out there anymore and is probably dead.
Yeah I remember my days in UO, dying to a deer in yew when it was my first thing I attacked and trying to figure out why I died. Becoming a Grandmaster Lumberjack when you actually had to cut trees for wood to gain skill in it. I was one of 3 GM lumberjacks on Great Lakes back then. Running the Archery Tournaments in Trinsic, Protecting Trinsic from the undead Invasion. and being in the FCB (fishing council of Brittania). I have Many Many good Memories of the game and still have friends who never stopped playing it. If they had a Pre CU Crafting system of SWG in there, I would be back in a heart Beat.
Jenner - SWP Grandmaster Bowyer
Download Uogateway or something
I tried a couple different ones, but each one was not populated at all. To the point of it took days to see anyone else.
"VENDOR BANK BUY SELL" I lol'd....good stuff. UO was the best MMO I have ever played to this day and it has somewhat ruined others for me. I keep trying to relate them to UO but none of them can compare to the feel of oldschool UO. So many memories....too bad they had to ruin the game.
I have not played the game since Starwars Galaxies came out and fell in love with the Pre CU crafting System. What have they changed?
One thing missing from modern games is the mystery factor. Take WoW for example; there are 89809 websites now with spoilers, strats, maps, mob info, etc etc. You really didn't have this mass of info when UO was in it's prime.
I also miss the housing in UO because it really made you feel like a part of Britannia. Player towns, etc made each shard unique. As much as I enjoy WoW and EQ prior to that, you have the feeling you are ... just visiting. When I retired from UO (Chesapeake) I checked back a few years later and someone had taken over ownership of my house on Felucca and was kind enough to leave the nameplate the same, so even after all that time I felt like I had left a tiny mark on the world. Maybe it is still there today...
Ya I know what you mean.