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Well i recently built my rig core 2/ 2.4 8800 gts 2 gigs of ram and the like... runs like a dream have no problem running all the latest games on High or highest 1680 x 1050 resolution.
My question is i was THINKING about getting 2 more gigs of ram and making the switch to vista for dx10 for AOC amongst other things. Been playing AOC and it runs like a dream atm on high besides some internet lag because my ISP is a load but thats another story.
What are some oppinions? is vista a viable option for my gaming? i would like to keep the performance i have now but make the switch to vista for the dx10 "experience". Or even if someone could point me towards some good resources for info or something. One of my main concerns i don't wanna do this and then have a noticable drop in performance and i wanna make sure i can still play and use programs i have become accustomed to.
Thank you for all your help in advance on this matter.
If you upgrade 2GB more, then you shouldn't have a problem with vista as long as you use a 64-bit OS. There are compatibility issues with older programs, but that will exist regardless of how you upgrade.
You won't need the extra 2 gig, but if you really want it it won't hurt. Stick to a 32bit version of vista and you'll be fine.
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I run Vista 64 myself and have no issues with any of my games. Vista has been out long enough now that any driver issues have either been resolved or have some workaround. The extra ram would be a blessing if you plan on running AoC and Vista.
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You wouldn't understand
Well I have being running vista pretty much since release. Here are my suggestions for you and you won't have many if any issues. If you have a dual core processor and 2Gigs of ram, upgrade it to 4 Gigs even if you aren't useing the 64bit version of Vista. That extra 1.5 Gigs will help out ALOT, if you choose to go the 64bit route as I have you will have a couple little glitches here and there but overall nothing to terrible.
I was running a core 2 with a 7950GT and 2 Gigs of ram, with vista x64 ultimate and I did see about a 10% hit in performance in games like HL2, CS:S, WOW, ...etc. However I upgraded to a quad with 4 Gigs of ram and a 8800gt 512MB card and the differances are negligable. Please understand that there are still performace changes you can perform to vista to help get back all the performance you need. Look those up they are a great help, changing the secure desktop, and UAC are the first things I look at.
If you choose to do this upgrade for DX10, which is a good reason to me, remember that Vista is a power house. Just like the upgrade from 98 to xp was back in the day, you have to tweak vista just like you had to tweak xp back then. However once you get used to it, you won't want to go back to XP.
Either way good luck, let us know how it all turns out.
I have the rig as your except with 4Gb RAM and dual SLi 8800gts and am running on Vista. I havent had any problem with any game. But am I happy with Vista? No, because the difference between DX9 and DX10 is minute at best with all the games I played. In fact, the only game that had a big difference was Flight Simulator X. Anything else is between not noticeable to barely noticeable. Out of all the DX10 games there are, I have played LOTRO, Assassin's Creed, BioShock, Brother's in Arms, Company of Heroes and Crysis. None of these made any sort of significant difference in graphics.
The other reason I don't think it's worth it is because Vista has many problems as an OS outside of gaming. Performance of Vista is by far the worst out of any OS yet released. And I mean other versions of Windows as well.
So why am I still on Vista? In hopes that DX10 will be worth it some day.