yes lol where on one character you can do everything the game has to offer and do as much of it or as little of it you want. Player freedoms is what is missing most from new games.
That may sound cool, but it's too impractical. Skills are built upon other related skills. A person doesn't become a great musician by playing football. They have to practice their art long and hard. By the same token, a character who wants to be a master fighter doesn't do so by reading a spell book and vice-versa. That's why no character should be able to learn all things in the scope of a single game. They must specialze. That's why there are classes. Whether skill-based or level-based, classes are a good thing.
No they are not! they are limiting factors that force you to make choices rather than allow you to just do what you want to do. what you say about musician playing football .. no you train what you want to become what you want and have the capabilities to train them all. yes there are games out there that do this but have other factors that make them not good games. Having classes add too much predictablity to the strengths and weaknesses of those classes rather than not knowing what your oppenent is capable of. Your explaination of why this cannot be done does not make sense .. espcially since it has been done, just not on current games. If what a player can and cannot do is not determined by appearance than you have no idea what that player will do in battle taking combat to another level entirely. The whole see an elf know how to counter thing gets boring and predictable. When any player can look like anything they want but yet can mage in range gear brings a level of unpredictabilty to the table that is lost in most of these games.Just because they ranged you doesn't mean they are not going to melee you and mage you all in the same fight. that kind of switching of tactics allows for more exciting pvp. Allowing all players to train and use any of all skills in game allows for maximum enjoyment of one character rather than having to train many to accomplish this. If you want to be good at football train football .. but then if you want to be a good muscian take guitar lessons as well.. who is to say that just because you are a good football player doesn;t mean you can't take music too? that is ridiculous.
yes lol where on one character you can do everything the game has to offer and do as much of it or as little of it you want. Player freedoms is what is missing most from new games.
That may sound cool, but it's too impractical. Skills are built upon other related skills. A person doesn't become a great musician by playing football. They have to practice their art long and hard. By the same token, a character who wants to be a master fighter doesn't do so by reading a spell book and vice-versa. That's why no character should be able to learn all things in the scope of a single game. They must specialze. That's why there are classes. Whether skill-based or level-based, classes are a good thing.
No they are not! they are limiting factors that force you to make choices rather than allow you to just do what you want to do. what you say about musician playing football .. no you train what you want to become what you want and have the capabilities to train them all. yes there are games out there that do this but have other factors that make them not good games. Having classes add too much predictablity to the strengths and weaknesses of those classes rather than not knowing what your oppenent is capable of. Your explaination of why this cannot be done does not make sense .. espcially since it has been done, just not on current games. If what a player can and cannot do is not determined by appearance than you have no idea what that player will do in battle taking combat to another level entirely. The whole see an elf know how to counter thing gets boring and predictable. When any player can look like anything they want but yet can mage in range gear brings a level of unpredictabilty to the table that is lost in most of these games.Just because they ranged you doesn't mean they are not going to melee you and mage you all in the same fight. that kind of switching of tactics allows for more exciting pvp. Allowing all players to train and use any of all skills in game allows for maximum enjoyment of one character rather than having to train many to accomplish this. If you want to be good at football train football .. but then if you want to be a good muscian take guitar lessons as well.. who is to say that just because you are a good football player doesn;t mean you can't take music too? that is ridiculous.
Look, I can rebute your argument with one sentence. If you allow every character to learn every single skill in a game, then every character would essentially be identical, would they not? What could possibly be fun about that? In a PvP game, every person you fought would be a mirror image of you. You say you know what to exactly what to expect when fight a mage or a warrior or a rogue, but I say it takes more skill and more talent to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each class so you can fight each character differently.
Not sure if this has been done already but i really would like to see pure support classes that has nothing to do with the actual combat or healing of players. In SWG they had their Image Designer and Entertainer classes, so i guess it has been done. What i am looking for are several classes whose soul task is to support the war effort and help their race in all different matters.
These could be builders, crafters, politicians, spies, supply and logistics, entertainers, designers of all sorts, city planers, security and so on...
For me, having a sense of involvement as a key roll is more important than the thrill of direct engagement in combat. For example: if my race/clans city is functional and safe due to the things i do, i would be very happy with that role because without me and other like myself - the race/clan could not work efficiently and thus risk loosing the war in the long run.
One other thing that could be nice is to have, not classes as such, but an possibility for people that are not into gaming to be able to take the role as NPCs within the game world. They would have very limited functions other than to fill the world with actual players. They could spend their days running around, perhaps guiding people, chatting with eachother and so on. I do however see some risks and problem deriving from this. One is that everyone of these "extras" would need to behave and be in character for the role. Also, the amount of active players per server would greatly increase and thus putting a heavy load on the servers.
Look, I can rebute your argument with one sentence. If you allow every character to learn every single skill in a game, then every character would essentially be identical, would they not? What could possibly be fun about that? In a PvP game, every person you fought would be a mirror image of you. You say you know what to exactly what to expect when fight a mage or a warrior or a rogue, but I say it takes more skill and more talent to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each class so you can fight each character differently.
Memorization is not skill or talent.. and I usually have every class memorized after the first couple of times of fighting it. .. so to me that is boring, and even though every character has the opportunity totrain all skills they do not, so no not every character you fight is the same. And since any player would be capable of doing anything in battle you have no way of predicting exactly what they will do, or the order that they will do it in. That level of unpredictability in modern games is lost. As long as the skills themselves are plentiful enough and strong enough then the combos for one character would seem limitless.... it is like this, if someone breaks into your home to attack you you cannot know whether or not they will shoot you, stab you, or do nothing .. and the robber has no idea whether you are going to scream, call the police, or spray them with spray paint and set them on fire... the point being is that in real life we are only limited by physical ability, intelligence, and financial means.. why in games are we even more restricted? What is the fun of playing games where all your choices are removed?
If a game ever has a politician or sales marketeer class, I'd be sure to turn off my chat. Who knows what sales pitch or political correctness they'll spew. xD
EDIT: My class would be a Martial Artist. Think Jet Li and Jackie Chan, but pixelated.
* Want to see how dumb you are? Click here to take the dumb test!
I wonder if a Seer class could be implemented. A class that can see the future and inform people of what will happen to avoid the outcome. In game, that could be done like Timeshift. So like, you're about to go attack a Dragon and the Seer looks forward at the outcome. As you're fighting it, the main tank goes down because the healer was distracted. Seer uses the futureseeing power to roll back time a few seconds so the healer can keep the tank on its feet and things continue onwards.
Might be hard to implement, and the Seer would need some other powers to keep it interesting, but might be a cool class to play.
Quest Giver. This is a class I'd like to play. Stand there with an exclamation point over my head and think of random things for adventurers to do. When a knight runs up to me, "Bring me 2 Giant Turtle Meats, 4 Rocksalt of LavaDeeps, 8 Roots of Forsaken, and 3 ForestGrove Cheddars...I'm making a soup tonight for some friends. Now, off with you!"
I wonder if a Seer class could be implemented. A class that can see the future and inform people of what will happen to avoid the outcome. In game, that could be done like Timeshift. So like, you're about to go attack a Dragon and the Seer looks forward at the outcome. As you're fighting it, the main tank goes down because the healer was distracted. Seer uses the futureseeing power to roll back time a few seconds so the healer can keep the tank on its feet and things continue onwards. Might be hard to implement, and the Seer would need some other powers to keep it interesting, but might be a cool class to play.
Make a gnome seer who breaks the law...then he'd be a Small Medium at Large.
To me, I would want to be an entertainer of sorts. I'd love to be a guild inn owner and the local game of chance dealer. Dealer poker, roulette, stuff like that would be awesome. Just think about not having to worry about combat at all and just being able to hang out and socialize with the guildies and friends while they are enjoying games of chance. To me, that would be premium class to play in an mmorpg
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
An Elemental Grappler. Basically a big buff dude with a touch of magic in his hands. He grapples and slams apponents and also adds in an elemental magic property to his attacks. He is also a form of CC because he can hold enemies for a short while and perform certain melee moves that disorient and stun. Just imagine an electrical suplex.
A Wing Blade class. A demon, dragon, or any type of person with wings. they put blades on their wings and fight like a berserker or monk. They rely on swift dashes and movements through multiple enemies for max dmg.
Mimic pet class. I was thinking of a fighter class that uses a rapier. They have a pet, well say a fairy, that mimics their attacks and does their own attack based on the moves that the fighter does. Ulike other pet classes, the mimic's pets do not tank. The mimic fighter tanks and the pet has to not get aggro.
I've never seen a tank that can cast devastating offensive spells. Like a wizard/fighter type. I always see the fighter/healer combo that have the weak offensive spells.
The shadow knight class in Everquest (and perhaps other games as well) was a warrior/necro hybrid and had some some formidable offensive spells.
1) The Badass: Think Dante' from Devil May Cry. A character that seamlessly flows from melee to long range combat with the added bonus of magic for defense and improved offensive bursts. I know there have been classes that "can" use both a ranged and melee weapon, but usually there is a lack of strength and style when switching between the two.
2) Gentle Fist arts: Inspiration taken from Neji of the Naruto anime. To be able to kick someone's @ss with minimal physical excursion. It'd be a character that does little to nothing to actually take health away; instead, if allowed to build up X bar, the character would be able to seal X ability, Y regen rate, and Z defensive capabilities. The drawback would of course be that it's an extremely squishy but also quick melee character.
3) Gun-kata arts: While a character theme that closely resembled the movie Equilibrium would be nice, I just mean a generalized version of the concept. Take a character that relies solely on a ranged weapon but make him/her at their most effective when in close range. In melee the weapon doubles as a defensive and offensive tool.
4) An "all in" class: Nothing excites me more in fighting games than that rare moment where you know the last blow, the last clash, the final dance will end the battle. In marvel vs. capcom my friend and I would often run into this standoff if I had Hibuki and he was using Akuma. The moment would be so intense that when the circumstances lined up right we'd have to take a 5 minute breather to calm down before continuing. I want that in an MMORPG. I know in WoW I'd often be the dumb gnome rogue running into a mob of horde yelling at my computer "show me what you got xxxxxxx!" I want a class that does pretty terrible damage on a consistent basis to work up towards something. Let's suppose the character has to build up "will power" or "complete apathy." As this bar builds the characters overall stats slowly increase and do not deteriorate for X amount of time. Once the meter builds the character can activate (within in a very small window of opportunity) an attack that if successful (assuming a, b, and c conditions are met) will instantly kill an opposing character. This attack would drop the user to 10% health upon activation, exhaust the full bar required to build up the attack; however, if the attack was successful then you'd be given back 40% health for a grand total of 50% health when all is said and done, assuming you didn't take damage while retreating.
5) A true cannibal class: In some games you can steal health from team mates. Borrow health etc. How about a class that is so team dependent that it literally can not survive without killing a member of its own faction (or enemy faction) every X amount of time. In killing the enemy or friend he'd gain some attribute of that class while boosting his base attributes 2 fold. The general idea here is that you suck until you kill someone. If you already suck to start with how are you ever going to kill someone? Well that's where you team mate steps in. A friend dies to make you twice as strong as other players. The trick of it all is that while friendly units make you twice as strong as you were, killing enemy units make you 2.5 times stronger with the draw back of the boosted effects lasting for a shorter period of time. It's a pretty twisted concept but you get the drift.
I would like to see in say a fantasy type game something like jester (good version) and joker (evil version) have some spells like crippeling laughter, or knee slap, side stitch, smile of death, I rally dont know what it would be, maybe dps, or stuns or something, jesters and jokers are part of the medeviel that you rarely if ever see in a fantasy setting.
Your first mistake was using the word classes. Ever seen a class in any fantasy series? Oh I suppose those spawned off of DnD used classes, but you will find their no such thing as a class in the majority of fantasy series. Hence these developers have it all wrong. There should NEVER be classes in any game, they should be skill based. EQ was the abortion that started classes.
Unfortunately we have lazy developers that don't want to put in the time for a skill based system.
actually what i would like to see is more differences between the current classes.
in WoW take mage, shaman and druid (caster) for example.
now if you dont look at their details they are all some kind of magicians. their gameplay dont differ enough, their weaknesses are 'worse armor' and stuff like that.
what i would like to see? imagine a true pen and paper rpg vampire or werewolf.
while this would mean that vampires would have to do underground quests for the most of time and werewolves would be simple humans with a little improved senses half of the time... and most of people would scream how much that sux ... really though, extreme things like those would make things much more diverse and interesting.
oh and youll say that vampires or werewolves arent really classes and that it doesnt have anything to do with mage,shaman, druid etc classes and their diversity... well then... take good old dnd.
Classes suck. Plain and simple. Force me to choose between classes and I will take the last option every time... I won't buy your game.
Until developers get this through their heads and stop forcing us into the holy trinity scenario, I will keep on playing Dream of Mirror Online. At tleast there I am not limited to one class, plus it's free which is a bonus.
Your first mistake was using the word classes. Ever seen a class in any fantasy series? Oh I suppose those spawned off of DnD used classes, but you will find their no such thing as a class in the majority of fantasy series. Hence these developers have it all wrong. There should NEVER be classes in any game, they should be skill based. EQ was the abortion that started classes. Unfortunately we have lazy developers that don't want to put in the time for a skill based system.
ok ty for the negative input, but back to the thread, what classes wpuld you like to see? aside from a skill based system where everyone copies the same templates?
Impactor, A class that uses Tonfa's and martial arts as the main weapons. So far only 1 game that I have ever played has this as even a weapon, Its called Eve of Extinction and you don't really get the tonfa until the stage before the last.
That may sound cool, but it's too impractical. Skills are built upon other related skills. A person doesn't become a great musician by playing football. They have to practice their art long and hard. By the same token, a character who wants to be a master fighter doesn't do so by reading a spell book and vice-versa. That's why no character should be able to learn all things in the scope of a single game. They must specialze. That's why there are classes. Whether skill-based or level-based, classes are a good thing.
No they are not! they are limiting factors that force you to make choices rather than allow you to just do what you want to do. what you say about musician playing football .. no you train what you want to become what you want and have the capabilities to train them all. yes there are games out there that do this but have other factors that make them not good games. Having classes add too much predictablity to the strengths and weaknesses of those classes rather than not knowing what your oppenent is capable of. Your explaination of why this cannot be done does not make sense .. espcially since it has been done, just not on current games. If what a player can and cannot do is not determined by appearance than you have no idea what that player will do in battle taking combat to another level entirely. The whole see an elf know how to counter thing gets boring and predictable. When any player can look like anything they want but yet can mage in range gear brings a level of unpredictabilty to the table that is lost in most of these games.Just because they ranged you doesn't mean they are not going to melee you and mage you all in the same fight. that kind of switching of tactics allows for more exciting pvp. Allowing all players to train and use any of all skills in game allows for maximum enjoyment of one character rather than having to train many to accomplish this. If you want to be good at football train football .. but then if you want to be a good muscian take guitar lessons as well.. who is to say that just because you are a good football player doesn;t mean you can't take music too? that is ridiculous.
"no srsly d00d, getz on my back s0 we can pwnz dis guy."
That may sound cool, but it's too impractical. Skills are built upon other related skills. A person doesn't become a great musician by playing football. They have to practice their art long and hard. By the same token, a character who wants to be a master fighter doesn't do so by reading a spell book and vice-versa. That's why no character should be able to learn all things in the scope of a single game. They must specialze. That's why there are classes. Whether skill-based or level-based, classes are a good thing.
No they are not! they are limiting factors that force you to make choices rather than allow you to just do what you want to do. what you say about musician playing football .. no you train what you want to become what you want and have the capabilities to train them all. yes there are games out there that do this but have other factors that make them not good games. Having classes add too much predictablity to the strengths and weaknesses of those classes rather than not knowing what your oppenent is capable of. Your explaination of why this cannot be done does not make sense .. espcially since it has been done, just not on current games. If what a player can and cannot do is not determined by appearance than you have no idea what that player will do in battle taking combat to another level entirely. The whole see an elf know how to counter thing gets boring and predictable. When any player can look like anything they want but yet can mage in range gear brings a level of unpredictabilty to the table that is lost in most of these games.Just because they ranged you doesn't mean they are not going to melee you and mage you all in the same fight. that kind of switching of tactics allows for more exciting pvp. Allowing all players to train and use any of all skills in game allows for maximum enjoyment of one character rather than having to train many to accomplish this. If you want to be good at football train football .. but then if you want to be a good muscian take guitar lessons as well.. who is to say that just because you are a good football player doesn;t mean you can't take music too? that is ridiculous.
Look, I can rebute your argument with one sentence. If you allow every character to learn every single skill in a game, then every character would essentially be identical, would they not? What could possibly be fun about that? In a PvP game, every person you fought would be a mirror image of you. You say you know what to exactly what to expect when fight a mage or a warrior or a rogue, but I say it takes more skill and more talent to learn the strengths and weaknesses of each class so you can fight each character differently.
Not sure if this has been done already but i really would like to see pure support classes that has nothing to do with the actual combat or healing of players. In SWG they had their Image Designer and Entertainer classes, so i guess it has been done. What i am looking for are several classes whose soul task is to support the war effort and help their race in all different matters.
These could be builders, crafters, politicians, spies, supply and logistics, entertainers, designers of all sorts, city planers, security and so on...
For me, having a sense of involvement as a key roll is more important than the thrill of direct engagement in combat. For example: if my race/clans city is functional and safe due to the things i do, i would be very happy with that role because without me and other like myself - the race/clan could not work efficiently and thus risk loosing the war in the long run.
One other thing that could be nice is to have, not classes as such, but an possibility for people that are not into gaming to be able to take the role as NPCs within the game world. They would have very limited functions other than to fill the world with actual players. They could spend their days running around, perhaps guiding people, chatting with eachother and so on. I do however see some risks and problem deriving from this. One is that everyone of these "extras" would need to behave and be in character for the role. Also, the amount of active players per server would greatly increase and thus putting a heavy load on the servers.
Memorization is not skill or talent.. and I usually have every class memorized after the first couple of times of fighting it. .. so to me that is boring, and even though every character has the opportunity totrain all skills they do not, so no not every character you fight is the same. And since any player would be capable of doing anything in battle you have no way of predicting exactly what they will do, or the order that they will do it in. That level of unpredictability in modern games is lost. As long as the skills themselves are plentiful enough and strong enough then the combos for one character would seem limitless.... it is like this, if someone breaks into your home to attack you you cannot know whether or not they will shoot you, stab you, or do nothing .. and the robber has no idea whether you are going to scream, call the police, or spray them with spray paint and set them on fire... the point being is that in real life we are only limited by physical ability, intelligence, and financial means.. why in games are we even more restricted? What is the fun of playing games where all your choices are removed?
Mafia / Yakuza class. One phonecall *BAM!* mob dead.
Elemental fighter
My youtube MMO gaming channel
When I read that, I LOL'd really hard IRL.
If a game ever has a politician or sales marketeer class, I'd be sure to turn off my chat. Who knows what sales pitch or political correctness they'll spew. xD
EDIT: My class would be a Martial Artist. Think Jet Li and Jackie Chan, but pixelated.
* Want to see how dumb you are? Click here to take the dumb test!
If ever! i like to include the character of "Political Job" or a "Teacher"
I wonder if a Seer class could be implemented. A class that can see the future and inform people of what will happen to avoid the outcome. In game, that could be done like Timeshift. So like, you're about to go attack a Dragon and the Seer looks forward at the outcome. As you're fighting it, the main tank goes down because the healer was distracted. Seer uses the futureseeing power to roll back time a few seconds so the healer can keep the tank on its feet and things continue onwards.
Might be hard to implement, and the Seer would need some other powers to keep it interesting, but might be a cool class to play.
Quest Giver. This is a class I'd like to play. Stand there with an exclamation point over my head and think of random things for adventurers to do. When a knight runs up to me, "Bring me 2 Giant Turtle Meats, 4 Rocksalt of LavaDeeps, 8 Roots of Forsaken, and 3 ForestGrove Cheddars...I'm making a soup tonight for some friends. Now, off with you!"
Make a gnome seer who breaks the law...then he'd be a Small Medium at Large.
i miss warrior, mage, archer, rogue, tank classs
in general too much similar classes in almost every mmorpg....there could be houndreds of other classes you need just to change the time and genre
To me, I would want to be an entertainer of sorts. I'd love to be a guild inn owner and the local game of chance dealer. Dealer poker, roulette, stuff like that would be awesome. Just think about not having to worry about combat at all and just being able to hang out and socialize with the guildies and friends while they are enjoying games of chance. To me, that would be premium class to play in an mmorpg
Fear not fanbois, we are not trolls, let's take off your tin foil hat and learn what VAPORWARE is:
"Vaporware is a term used to describe a software or hardware product that is announced by a developer well in advance of release, but which then fails to emerge after having well exceeded the period of development time that was initially claimed or would normally be expected for the development cycle of a similar product."
An Elemental Grappler. Basically a big buff dude with a touch of magic in his hands. He grapples and slams apponents and also adds in an elemental magic property to his attacks. He is also a form of CC because he can hold enemies for a short while and perform certain melee moves that disorient and stun. Just imagine an electrical suplex.
A Wing Blade class. A demon, dragon, or any type of person with wings. they put blades on their wings and fight like a berserker or monk. They rely on swift dashes and movements through multiple enemies for max dmg.
Mimic pet class. I was thinking of a fighter class that uses a rapier. They have a pet, well say a fairy, that mimics their attacks and does their own attack based on the moves that the fighter does. Ulike other pet classes, the mimic's pets do not tank. The mimic fighter tanks and the pet has to not get aggro.
The shadow knight class in Everquest (and perhaps other games as well) was a warrior/necro hybrid and had some some formidable offensive spells.
A Mutant - Able to mutate parts of its body for different situations, spawn claws more arms ect.
Some sort of Robot/Cyborg/Android - With the ability to customize its parts, mess with the components in its brain ect
A Giant Insect - like a man sized Praying mantis
More Ninjas
A Priest that does good damage with a big hammer
A class that steals spells/abilities from other creatures - like FF Bluemage
1) The Badass: Think Dante' from Devil May Cry. A character that seamlessly flows from melee to long range combat with the added bonus of magic for defense and improved offensive bursts. I know there have been classes that "can" use both a ranged and melee weapon, but usually there is a lack of strength and style when switching between the two.
2) Gentle Fist arts: Inspiration taken from Neji of the Naruto anime. To be able to kick someone's @ss with minimal physical excursion. It'd be a character that does little to nothing to actually take health away; instead, if allowed to build up X bar, the character would be able to seal X ability, Y regen rate, and Z defensive capabilities. The drawback would of course be that it's an extremely squishy but also quick melee character.
3) Gun-kata arts: While a character theme that closely resembled the movie Equilibrium would be nice, I just mean a generalized version of the concept. Take a character that relies solely on a ranged weapon but make him/her at their most effective when in close range. In melee the weapon doubles as a defensive and offensive tool.
4) An "all in" class: Nothing excites me more in fighting games than that rare moment where you know the last blow, the last clash, the final dance will end the battle. In marvel vs. capcom my friend and I would often run into this standoff if I had Hibuki and he was using Akuma. The moment would be so intense that when the circumstances lined up right we'd have to take a 5 minute breather to calm down before continuing. I want that in an MMORPG. I know in WoW I'd often be the dumb gnome rogue running into a mob of horde yelling at my computer "show me what you got xxxxxxx!" I want a class that does pretty terrible damage on a consistent basis to work up towards something. Let's suppose the character has to build up "will power" or "complete apathy." As this bar builds the characters overall stats slowly increase and do not deteriorate for X amount of time. Once the meter builds the character can activate (within in a very small window of opportunity) an attack that if successful (assuming a, b, and c conditions are met) will instantly kill an opposing character. This attack would drop the user to 10% health upon activation, exhaust the full bar required to build up the attack; however, if the attack was successful then you'd be given back 40% health for a grand total of 50% health when all is said and done, assuming you didn't take damage while retreating.
5) A true cannibal class: In some games you can steal health from team mates. Borrow health etc. How about a class that is so team dependent that it literally can not survive without killing a member of its own faction (or enemy faction) every X amount of time. In killing the enemy or friend he'd gain some attribute of that class while boosting his base attributes 2 fold. The general idea here is that you suck until you kill someone. If you already suck to start with how are you ever going to kill someone? Well that's where you team mate steps in. A friend dies to make you twice as strong as other players. The trick of it all is that while friendly units make you twice as strong as you were, killing enemy units make you 2.5 times stronger with the draw back of the boosted effects lasting for a shorter period of time. It's a pretty twisted concept but you get the drift.
I would like to see in say a fantasy type game something like jester (good version) and joker (evil version) have some spells like crippeling laughter, or knee slap, side stitch, smile of death, I rally dont know what it would be, maybe dps, or stuns or something, jesters and jokers are part of the medeviel that you rarely if ever see in a fantasy setting.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Your first mistake was using the word classes. Ever seen a class in any fantasy series? Oh I suppose those spawned off of DnD used classes, but you will find their no such thing as a class in the majority of fantasy series. Hence these developers have it all wrong. There should NEVER be classes in any game, they should be skill based. EQ was the abortion that started classes.
Unfortunately we have lazy developers that don't want to put in the time for a skill based system.
actually what i would like to see is more differences between the current classes.
in WoW take mage, shaman and druid (caster) for example.
now if you dont look at their details they are all some kind of magicians. their gameplay dont differ enough, their weaknesses are 'worse armor' and stuff like that.
what i would like to see? imagine a true pen and paper rpg vampire or werewolf.
while this would mean that vampires would have to do underground quests for the most of time and werewolves would be simple humans with a little improved senses half of the time... and most of people would scream how much that sux ... really though, extreme things like those would make things much more diverse and interesting.
oh and youll say that vampires or werewolves arent really classes and that it doesnt have anything to do with mage,shaman, druid etc classes and their diversity... well then... take good old dnd.
Classes suck. Plain and simple. Force me to choose between classes and I will take the last option every time... I won't buy your game.
Until developers get this through their heads and stop forcing us into the holy trinity scenario, I will keep on playing Dream of Mirror Online. At tleast there I am not limited to one class, plus it's free which is a bonus.
playing eq2 and two worlds
Impactor, A class that uses Tonfa's and martial arts as the main weapons. So far only 1 game that I have ever played has this as even a weapon, Its called Eve of Extinction and you don't really get the tonfa until the stage before the last.