It looks like you're new here. If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons!
The link to the site is: It's awesome, you should not join under my referral link because it gets me 13.37% (<--1337 ) of your points you made but you don't get any taken away. Join my guild 'Illimitable' if you sign up, we can rack up the points. You can get a huge amount of points from the free offers on there really fast (they have an option where you can filter out the ones that need credit cards and even specific regions ) and you can use them to get free time for your mmorpg!
Also I'd like to note that yes, I do play mmorpgs, and I never have money for them. I've done like 20 City of Heroes trials. Here isn't my referral link: EDITED.
Your profile says you're 18. Why don't you just go and get a job? You know, that's how most people afford to play MMOs.
Suck at life?
Go join the Army. You'll probably suck at that too, but at least you won't get fired.
My mother strung me along for a while (years) assuring me I'd get my social security information in the mail and it'd been up until a few weeks ago that I found out she hadn't done sh*t and then I took it into my own hands and called my local SS branch asking to be mailed my SS-5. Also as I've applied to my local McDonald's and Toys R' Us for a meager minimum wage job for when it is taken care of so it didn't seem like a bad idea to hang back and play an MMORPG for free because that money won't help me enough even if I do get one or both of those jobs. I'm glad you took the extra time out of your morning to look in my profile and confirm you're a prick though, it helps everyone out.
Referral Links
It's for a good cause.
...Yeah I got you.
I'm keeping the guild name in there though!
As a representative of XpFTW I would like to point out that we *do not* condone posting spammy referral links like this post. I am glad you are excited about our site, but posting unsolicited links usually just makes everyone mad at you and make us look like forum spammers. (Not a good thing for either of us)
We do buy advertising on this site (usually just on the weekends) and that is probably how you found us in the first place.
I apologize for his spam.