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Farewell cuel MMO

I am washing my hand in the golden bow of water. I am retiring from the MMO world.

mmos is not fun. all do is kill mobs and level up. especially in korean mmos. I am a pvp loving person and I play mmos just cause of the pvp. I love challenges, competition and contest against others. some mmo dont lean toward pvp and MOST PVP IN A MMO IS NOT 100% LEGIT SKILL-BASED... its all about stats and equipments and also most mmos gotta grind and level up to have a decent pvp gameplay or to have the pvp feature on.... which i dont want to wait. i want pvp right away!

so talking out of typical mmos such as lineage2, wow, silkorad and all those korean mmos.... I found some arcadee online game where you can compete with others.

this one game.. an arcadee style racing game... but it is a massively multiplayer and room-based lobby.  why i say is it a massively multiplayer too is cause you can meet up with hundreds of players in a map.. open-world aka open-street and roam around do quests but the quests is mindless.... go there go there go here go there. it is a fake racing game... almost no skill involve cause it is overcome by stats and equipments. each level up you get stats up like speed stats, accel stats ect... and equipments plays a big roll it adds lots of speed and accel ect... also level is the capacity of better equipments due to level-restriction in equipments and to have faster car you must be higher level... level restriction. as you know online games are currupted... players buy ilegal in-game gold and buy all the top gears.  also this game is a free2play which mean to be a winner most the time you must spin cash on cash shops. I dont understand why people ilegally buy in-game golds ect.... win and do they feel proud? not to me. its not eve a contest at all. some people ilegally buys in-game gold or spin money on the games cash shop.... i see them win all the time even against a 20x, 30x higher level and they admited.... they do it cause they dont want to do quests, theyw ant to straight up pvp race against others right away and this game to be good u must do quest first to have money and buy gears.


this one game.. a side-scroll game with a nice pvp kindda like mario party.... the arena is long and high..... with platforms you can jump up and down....super fun pvp! but then theres only 3 default character to choose. melee, archer and mage. to have other character sunlock you must pay real money in cash shop. the archer is overpowered. i have lots of fun pvping with melee vs melee.... this game is super fun like said but sadly it is cash shop dependant like 98%.... it dont even have armors or weaps for low level to buy with using in-game money.... most must buy with real money aka cash shop. they could of atleast of low  level equipments that we can buy with in-game money. i feels like manipulation.....i understand that a free2play game must make money somehow.... but this is jus bull. pvp is not even 100% legit skill-based.... due to equipments and level.


this one game.. an online pvp game. it is room-based. yes with levels. higher level adds stats. and equipments. the gameplay is real-time hack and slash kindd alike dynasty warriors. theres this one version of the game where they no longer have power-up drops from the bodyguards..... if want power-ups must buy from cash shop.


many free2play is always like.... they make people pay for stuff that is supose to be in the game! know im saying? exameple.... pretend we must pay extra for adding cheese on carls jr super star burger when in fact super start burger supose to come with cheese. i feel like manipulation on these free2play games and most mmos......



I love challenges, competition and contest against others.. but most mmo or games on the pc is just not 100% legit skill-based and currupted. high level win low level lose./. cash shopper win non cash shopper lose. ilegal gold buyers win... legit player lose. btw I am not much of a first person shooter, sure it is 100% skill-based but im not into first person shooter. I will abandon online pc games and will play playstation3 online games instead and I hope online ps3 games will make more fighting-action more than first person shooter. cant wait for Soul Calibur 4 and Tekken 6... play online gotta be awesome!



  • paulscottpaulscott Member Posts: 5,613

    make sure you pick up a different hobby or else we'll see you back here in a month or three.

    I'd suggest getting some nice roller blades.

    I find it amazing that by 2020 first world countries will be competing to get immigrants.

  • SupafroxxSupafroxx Member Posts: 54

    Well if I didn't have the patience of a saint, I probably would've retained Soul Calibur 4, Carl's Jr. and I'm quitting MMORPGs from that in which case someone would fly in and go "QQ cry moar" or something of that nature. Anyways yeah it's sad that the ones with the most $$$ to throw away will steal the competitive fun in the F2P game you're playing. This is a good concept in theory, but if it's not balanced people will leave the games they started out playing happily with nothing but remorse and a hateful review. I guess if you want straight-up skill PvP you'll want to play an FPS. Instant gratification and (I think I talked about this earler ) there's no need to throw down $70.00-$100.00 a month.

    I think you were talking about Grand Chase in there (from the ramblings I could decipher) and yes the dilemma is the archer can be a vicious pain in your @$$. I have no problem with defeating them, but  because I'm a Smash Bros. nerd (I think that's what you meant instead of Mario Party) and fighting game buff in general. Why don't you take a break from them for a bit and listen to some music? There's no need to get heated over such trivial things, just laugh at the kid who spent $500.00 on something that doesn't even exist.

  • XImpalerXXImpalerX Member UncommonPosts: 606

         So what your saying is that you want an MMO that starts everyone off with the same level and all you do is PvP AND its online. You need to play Fury

    If that doesn't suit you MMO's probably were never meant to be for you. As they will always reward the long term player over nubs, there will always be bots/gold sellers and buyers, and you have to work  at and play long enough to be good. The competitive PvP doesnt start until your facing an equally decked out team or your so far above every1 you run around one shotting people.(which is a great feeling to lol)

      I think if you really like MMO's but dont like what is currently out becuase you are so far behind...the best thing is to wait and get into a new MMO at launch. Everyone will be new.

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEANT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.

    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...

    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.

    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.

    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?

    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.

    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

  • XImpalerXXImpalerX Member UncommonPosts: 606


    Originally posted by Grozfox

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEAT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.
    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...
    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.
    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.
    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?
    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.
    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

        Before flaming the OP have you ever heard of the MMO called Fury? I think it is more of what he likes. The games you listed for him to "GO PLAY" do not have an online community. I stopped reading your post once I saw this, as the walls of baseless, incoherent text were making my eyes bleed.

       Also the big draw of a MMORPG is the ability to use the character you've worked so hard(well not in WoW) to level up/customize to beat the living snot out of people. Who wants to kill retarded AI all the time?

       If PvE was the most important aspect in a MMO for you, why don't you just go play Oblivion or Console RPG's. They do a much better PvE/story telling/RPG job.

  • SupafroxxSupafroxx Member Posts: 54
    Originally posted by XImpalerX

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEAT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.
    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...
    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.
    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.
    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?
    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.
    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

        Before flaming the OP have you ever heard of the MMO called Fury? I think it is more of what he likes. The games you listed for him to "GO PLAY" do not have an online community. I stopped reading your post once I saw this, as the walls of baseless, incoherent text were making my eyes bleed.

       Also the big draw of a MMORPG is the ability to use the character you've worked so hard(well not in WoW) to level up/customize to beat the living snot out of people. Who wants to kill retarded AI all the time?

       If PvE was the most important aspect in a MMO for you, why don't you just go play Oblivion or Console RPG's. They do a much better PvE/story telling/RPG job.

    Huh, I guess having separate servers for people who RP and for those who want everything else was a smart idea? =/ Then again I wish I didn't have to make my character all over again because I didn't feel like not RPing that day. It seems like a large percentage of people on this board have something stuck way up their @$$ though and can't get it out, just look at the response to my first post. Honestly though OP if the only competition left in the game you're playing is "Who can spend the most money?" then I'd probably just forget the game entirely. EDIT: also Fury has cash shop <.< /autofail for me, and check this out, the OP would come back and b*tch at you pretty hard Impaler.

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46

    Yeah I understand and I do play oblivion actually but as much as I do like beating other players its just not what I find to be the core of things is what I'm saying if you actually are saying that MMORPG's core is pvp and not a story or lvling a charictor(I agree with you on the wow thing btw) and spending time creating an adventure for yourself then I have to dissagree slightly. because an RPG is not always about beating the brains out of some fool who doenst know what they are doing WoW got annoying with people running around at lvl 50 beating some unsuspecting lvl 15 when he/she was afk or was reading the map and then danceing around like they just won the lottery saying they are the best I found to be kinda ignorant but like I said everyone has a different opinion so.

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46
    Originally posted by Supafroxx

    Originally posted by XImpalerX

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEAT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.
    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...
    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.
    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.
    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?
    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.
    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

        Before flaming the OP have you ever heard of the MMO called Fury? I think it is more of what he likes. The games you listed for him to "GO PLAY" do not have an online community. I stopped reading your post once I saw this, as the walls of baseless, incoherent text were making my eyes bleed.

       Also the big draw of a MMORPG is the ability to use the character you've worked so hard(well not in WoW) to level up/customize to beat the living snot out of people. Who wants to kill retarded AI all the time?

       If PvE was the most important aspect in a MMO for you, why don't you just go play Oblivion or Console RPG's. They do a much better PvE/story telling/RPG job.

    Huh, I guess having separate servers for people who RP and for those who want everything else was a smart idea? =/ Then again I wish I didn't have to make my character all over again because I didn't feel like not RPing that day. It seems like a large percentage of people on this board have something stuck way up their @$$ though and can't get it out, just look at the response to my first post. Honestly though OP if the only competition left in the game you're playing is "Who can spend the most money?" then I'd probably just forget the game entirely. EDIT: also Fury has cash shop <.< /autofail for me, and check this out, the OP would come back and b*tch at you pretty hard Impaler.

    Supafroxx I love the RP servers lol I'm really patient and love that aspect I like pvp but as i said I dont think its the core of the games or shouldnt be because that strays from what an RPG was meant to be it should just be called a MMOFighter or MMOBeat the new guys face in till he crys lol.

  • XImpalerXXImpalerX Member UncommonPosts: 606
    Originally posted by Supafroxx

    Originally posted by XImpalerX

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEAT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.
    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...
    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.
    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.
    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?
    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.
    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

        Before flaming the OP have you ever heard of the MMO called Fury? I think it is more of what he likes. The games you listed for him to "GO PLAY" do not have an online community. I stopped reading your post once I saw this, as the walls of baseless, incoherent text were making my eyes bleed.

       Also the big draw of a MMORPG is the ability to use the character you've worked so hard(well not in WoW) to level up/customize to beat the living snot out of people. Who wants to kill retarded AI all the time?

       If PvE was the most important aspect in a MMO for you, why don't you just go play Oblivion or Console RPG's. They do a much better PvE/story telling/RPG job.

    Huh, I guess having separate servers for people who RP and for those who want everything else was a smart idea? =/ Then again I wish I didn't have to make my character all over again because I didn't feel like not RPing that day. It seems like a large percentage of people on this board have something stuck way up their @$$ though and can't get it out, just look at the response to my first post. Honestly though OP if the only competition left in the game you're playing is "Who can spend the most money?" then I'd probably just forget the game entirely. EDIT: also Fury has cash shop <.< /autofail for me, and check this out, the OP would come back and b*tch at you pretty hard Impaler.

    Bah, your right. Oh well its the best thing I could give him lol

    Although the various subscriptions dont give you a power advantage over the lesser subs. I haven't looked at the item mall, but I think i remember it having an option to buy and unlock every skill in the game without having to earn it through matches. Still When I tested the game i was destroying people who had better gear than me, becuase most of them have no idea how to heal themselves.

    Plus they do cool things like this:

    $25,000 Prize Pool Announced

    Fury League - Where Gamers turn their Skill into Cash.

    2,000 individual cash prizes to be won this month.

    Brisbane, Australia, May 8 2008.

    Auran Games, creators of Fury, the fast-paced arena combat game, today announced the launch of a new skill-based online competitive format called Fury League. Players can not only test their skills against other players but also win Fury Gold which can be converted into real cash.

    To introduce players to the new “turn skill into cash” concept, the Fury League Qualifying Season will run throughout the month of May. This is a totally free to play Qualifying Season aimed at building a large social and competitive online community based around fast paced arena combat.

    For more detailed information click here.

    Posted by Fury Team on 05/09 at 11:21 AM
  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46

    well I'm sure any little bit helps really

  • SupafroxxSupafroxx Member Posts: 54
    Originally posted by Grozfox

    Originally posted by Supafroxx

    Originally posted by XImpalerX

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    I see alot of this ppl just wanting the pvp fighting they dont want story or anything structured just beating ppl to death well this gives me a great way to say to anyone that sees the same as our poster here where the pvp is all you care about....heres and idea... GO PLAY A FIGHTING GAME. like hell go jump into an old mortal kombat or hey theres a new virtua fighter or hey why not go get a comsole system and play on the online stuff there. MMOPRG's are MEAT to be about story gameplay spending days,weeks even months developing a charictor.
    if ya dont wat that then heres a briliant question WHY THE HELL DID YOU START PLAYING!!! geeze ppl c'mon get your heads on straight...
    For years now ppl have proclaimed WoW as the king of MMORPG's.....excuse me? Does anyone actually know what a rpg let alone a MMORPG is actually suposed to be.....I do trust me I still play the table top version of D&D with my friends every other weekend for god sake.
    In closeing this goes out to not just this poster person here but to all MMORPG gamers who just wannt beat ppl to a pulp then complain and whine because they dont like that the recent expansion gave more story and nuthing new for pvp . ...ready pay attention... STOP COMPLAINING AND JUST SWITCH TO A DIFFERENT GAME. I mean what the hell I come on to forums and hear ppl crying because they dont like the story stuff or like this moron no offence but whats with the typeing... I understand your from korea but dam. Listen I am on xbox live with my 360 and my bio says it all I'll even post it here now..... In the time it takes you to whine and complain you could have done the thing your complaining about.
    We as MMORPG'ers as a comunity that is arent gonna be offended if you dont like something about a game or you wanna leave so dont go crying about it cause we dont care. its your choice not ours we care enuff mabie to say something like "alright see ya l8er" of course what you dont see is when were done saying that and your not looking we say "dam jackass". Yeah oh yea its true but hell why should anyone really care everyones different and like different things and its ok to try new things, but for god sake ppl dont get into a huge thing about it. Just say ya werent happy with it you tried it atleast and move on to the next thing. Stick with what your good at how hard can that be, is there something confuseing about that phrase?
    Anyway on a more on the point note UpskirtPower most of that rant was for others and not just you, I tried not to upset you but I feel like someone needs to say the things we all wanna say but never have the guts to say it. I'm truely sorry that you couldnt get into the whole MMORPG thing MMO's are actually different just so you know and multiplayer games like raceing games and such even with lobby's arent classified as a MMO they are just Multiplayer but thats no big as long as your haveing fun, and all in all that is the final point to my rant here. People, gamers all please play what you find fun dont play something just because someone else does. Games are worked and slaved on for years by developers and game companies but that doesnt mean you have to play it, if its not something your interested in then don't play it. That is unless you just want to try something new nuthing wrong with that. But they are suposed to be for our entertainment and fun and if its not fun for you you may want to concider something else. I dont like sports games or raceing games I dont play them nor care about them I just focus on what I know I like, of course I try new things with game types but I dont hate it and jump onto a forum and make some long speach about its flaws andhow ppl who play it are gay or something dumb like that. I'm not saying you did dont get me wrong I have just seen other posts that did say stuff like that and thats not needed.
    So anyway good luck to ya have fun and remember its all about haveing a good time what ever it may be.

        Before flaming the OP have you ever heard of the MMO called Fury? I think it is more of what he likes. The games you listed for him to "GO PLAY" do not have an online community. I stopped reading your post once I saw this, as the walls of baseless, incoherent text were making my eyes bleed.

       Also the big draw of a MMORPG is the ability to use the character you've worked so hard(well not in WoW) to level up/customize to beat the living snot out of people. Who wants to kill retarded AI all the time?

       If PvE was the most important aspect in a MMO for you, why don't you just go play Oblivion or Console RPG's. They do a much better PvE/story telling/RPG job.

    Huh, I guess having separate servers for people who RP and for those who want everything else was a smart idea? =/ Then again I wish I didn't have to make my character all over again because I didn't feel like not RPing that day. It seems like a large percentage of people on this board have something stuck way up their @$$ though and can't get it out, just look at the response to my first post. Honestly though OP if the only competition left in the game you're playing is "Who can spend the most money?" then I'd probably just forget the game entirely. EDIT: also Fury has cash shop <.< /autofail for me, and check this out, the OP would come back and b*tch at you pretty hard Impaler.

    Supafroxx I love the RP servers lol I'm really patient and love that aspect I like pvp but as i said I dont think its the core of the games or shouldnt be because that strays from what an RPG was meant to be it should just be called a MMOFighter or MMOBeat the new guys face in till he crys lol.

    I think the core of any game should be whatever reason that person's still playing it. Am I right!? We can all agree on that, I think. Now let's all shake hands, fondle each other, kiss and slowly make up.

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46

    lol ooh kinky lol well I never said I was particulary upset with impaler or the op its just I find it rediculas that ppl will complain about some of the most ignorant stuff ever in a forum but then thats a forum for ya I suposed lol. But ya gotta admit that a paerson beating down a defenseless player takes the fun out of the game I've actually see ppl quit a game because of it. When the southpark WoW episode came out and I saw it it rang so true cause I had seen that happen so manny times where ppl would get fed up and quit and it made me so sad because they might have been a great player and now they wont have the chance to see if they truely like the game because of one jerk. Its just so sad really.

    Hugs all around then lol

  • UpskirtPowerUpskirtPower Member Posts: 230

    I must give props to american mmos cause they dont have free2play and downgrade the quality of game and content. american mmos release the game at its true form with quality unlike koreans free2play... example this korean mmo where the siege supose to be its main core-feature but at launch.... the siege was not even implemented while having monthly fee from customers... then later it turned free2play and currupts.... due to sells items in cash shop that benefits pvp... making higher damage and higher defense ect...


    overall korean mmos love to launch game that is not finish.... ofcourse mmos never finish as it always expand.... but what I mean in finish is that.... korean mmos launch their mmo really not finish like supose a siege supose to be the main core of the game but at launch it didnt implemented.. and wait few months and say it will be an expansion for the siege. siege supose to be implemented at the beginning! while american mmos launch everything right there! no tricks!


    its like a car without tires.... saving it for upgrades. the real upgrade will be a car without spoiler saving for upgrade and that sounds right.


    korean mmos are tricky! but anyway american mmos and any other mmos is not 100% legit skill-based. at the end their all at the same league.







    Oh yeah back in lineage 2 I was gonna get in someones clan.. and the leader of the clan wanted to test me first if im good or not by going to some dungeon  south of gludin. I was like.... ?????  its not even skill involve! just auto hit mobs.... hp almost gone and drink health potions. I didnt even bother to do as he say and forget it!

  • XImpalerXXImpalerX Member UncommonPosts: 606


    Originally posted by Grozfox

    lol ooh kinky lol well I never said I was particulary upset with impaler or the op its just I find it rediculas that ppl will complain about some of the most ignorant stuff ever in a forum but then thats a forum for ya I suposed lol. But ya gotta admit that a paerson beating down a defenseless player takes the fun out of the game I've actually see ppl quit a game because of it. When the southpark WoW episode came out and I saw it it rang so true cause I had seen that happen so manny times where ppl would get fed up and quit and it made me so sad because they might have been a great player and now they wont have the chance to see if they truely like the game because of one jerk. Its just so sad really.
    Hugs all around then lol

         If I get beat down by a random player in any MMO, i would hope that I am in a good guild that can protect me and/or overwhelm by numbers. If you start playing a MMO that advertises Open PvP, you can't possibly go into it with a carebear mentaility. You will get ganked, you will tear your hair out, but you have to keep the end goal in sight. In time you will become more powerful and get closer to exacting revenge.


       This is really only an issue when a new player joins a several year old MMO(except WoW)

    Of course a new server will give any old MMO a fresh feel to it, but it has to have people actually playing on it, which of course, it may fail just due to the fact that people wont leave the server they are on to start over.

      i think Rohan Online has a neat feature that if anyone PK's you, without you fighting back and/or outlevels you by a certain margin, that player is added to your hitlist. Then you can go or with a group instantly teleport to that player to exact revenge.

  • UpskirtPowerUpskirtPower Member Posts: 230, I will not wait for Aion! Aion used to be the mmo I thought of being the number one mmo.... but I finally opened my eyes...... mmos is a delusion and time-consuming. why mmo must have Level? why have level that raise stats each level up? to be strong must dedicate your time to get high level and be stronge.

    Why not making it no level?

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46
    Originally posted by XImpalerX

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    lol ooh kinky lol well I never said I was particulary upset with impaler or the op its just I find it rediculas that ppl will complain about some of the most ignorant stuff ever in a forum but then thats a forum for ya I suposed lol. But ya gotta admit that a paerson beating down a defenseless player takes the fun out of the game I've actually see ppl quit a game because of it. When the southpark WoW episode came out and I saw it it rang so true cause I had seen that happen so manny times where ppl would get fed up and quit and it made me so sad because they might have been a great player and now they wont have the chance to see if they truely like the game because of one jerk. Its just so sad really.
    Hugs all around then lol

         If I get beat down by a random player in any MMO, i would hope that I am in a good guild that can protect me and/or overwhelm by numbers. If you start playing a MMO that advertises Open PvP, you can't possibly go into it with a carebear mentaility. You will get ganked, you will tear your hair out, but you have to keep the end goal in sight. In time you will become more powerful and get closer to exacting revenge.


       This is really only an issue when a new player joins a several year old MMO(except WoW)

    Of course a new server will give any old MMO a fresh feel to it, but it has to have people actually playing on it, which of course, it may fail just due to the fact that people wont leave the server they are on to start over.

      i think Rohan Online has a neat feature that if anyone PK's you, without you fighting back and/or outlevels you by a certain margin, that player is added to your hitlist. Then you can go or with a group instantly teleport to that player to exact revenge.

    I dont go in with a carebear attitude Impaler but see I dont have 30+ friends that start guilds and such I have been in guilds but they always disban so I am always alone when I play. I wish I had tons of online friends but I dont cause the ones that I do have dont play the same games I do. I never get help or a group so I dont know what servers you play on where ppl are sooo helpfull to you it always seems if I need help they just laugh at me. so untill the day I actually find a large grp of friends who play the same games I play like right now I just got back into CoH/CoV( wont know a dam soul and be by myself mostly but still) I will always be alone in the MMORPG's. basicly I have gotten the short end of the stick when it comes to stuf like that. If you know a way to get lots of online friends that I dont know of let me know.

  • GrozfoxGrozfox Member Posts: 46
    Originally posted by UpskirtPower, I will not wait for Aion! Aion used to be the mmo I thought of being the number one mmo.... but I finally opened my eyes...... mmos is a delusion and time-consuming. why mmo must have Level? why have level that raise stats each level up? to be strong must dedicate your time to get high level and be stronge.
    Why not making it no level?

    because in real life to become strong it takes time and dedication, would you rather be a unskilled weakling who gets bullied or a skilled combatant that ppl fear. and as for why cause thats what an RPG is at its core it seems to me you like multiplayer games but dont like RPG's which right now is whats dominateing the MMO circut. haveing no level is like an arcade game simple, an MMO as you put it is complicated its not for the impatient. MMORPG's are well liked by ppl who love spending hours working for a goal not just rushing thru. can I ask you this have you ever plaied an RPG before like final fantasy or Dungeons & Dragons or anything like that?

  • UpskirtPowerUpskirtPower Member Posts: 230

    Originally posted by Grozfox

    Originally posted by UpskirtPower, I will not wait for Aion! Aion used to be the mmo I thought of being the number one mmo.... but I finally opened my eyes...... mmos is a delusion and time-consuming. why mmo must have Level? why have level that raise stats each level up? to be strong must dedicate your time to get high level and be stronge.
    Why not making it no level?

    because in real life to become strong it takes time and dedication, would you rather be a unskilled weakling who gets bullied or a skilled combatant that ppl fear. and as for why cause thats what an RPG is at its core it seems to me you like multiplayer games but dont like RPG's which right now is whats dominateing the MMO circut. haveing no level is like an arcade game simple, an MMO as you put it is complicated its not for the impatient. MMORPG's are well liked by ppl who love spending hours working for a goal not just rushing thru. can I ask you this have you ever plaied an RPG before like final fantasy or Dungeons & Dragons or anything like that?

    I guess you just helped me find my perference and what I despise and dislike.


    so it is the RPG element in a PVP that I dont like and despise so much.... not mmos.


    why developers dont make a massively multiplayer game with chatacters like in streetfighter with no stats no level.... and do pvp or even pve in a massive vast world?


    yes i played dungeons and dragons online for like 4 days while in the trial but not the original one. yes i play final fantasy games and i love final fantasy 8 the most! greatest active atb and characters ever! in my opinion before final fantasy 7. ff8 is a true step up to ff7. ff10 is a disgrace in my opinion. i love final fantasy for its PVE..... for its story driven..... for a single player game. i also like suikoden games... greatest stories ever! overall i dont despise RPG.. i just despise RPG in PVP which will lead to no skill involve but only equipments and level.

  • RecantRecant Member UncommonPosts: 1,586

    Go outside, catch a few STDs and come back to MMORPGs when you're older and uglier.

    Still waiting for your Holy Grail MMORPG? Interesting...

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