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SupafroxxSupafroxx Member Posts: 54

Hi, I don't know if this forum is frequently read but I'd like to help update the game list. I was thinking of improving it dramatically with not only a detailed synopsis of the game, updated news and in general a vastly improved list of games. (there's like a bazillion I know of that's not on there) I know you guys are always busy going out and reporting about the big titles, and thanks for keeping us up to date there by the way, but since your hands are (probably ) tied I have no problem helping out.

There are other sites with more information, but it's scattered and hard to find. (even the sites) I think is the perfect site for such an endeavor because as it's namesake it should be the central hub for all MMOing. What do you say? Is it a good idea or what? Don't let those poor MMOrphans (I made it up ) wander forever!


  • FrostHearT09FrostHearT09 Member Posts: 93

    You got a good idea here dude.. but do you think the moderators will absorb your plans for MMORPG?

  • keNg_eLLykeNg_eLLy Member Posts: 33

    .. thats good idea and may be they can add a sliding banner of all featured games with a direct link to their site..

  • mike470mike470 General CorrespondentMember Posts: 2,396

    I like your idea, but for some reason I doubt this will happen. 

    You can reccommend games for the list at

    Your idea is great, but unlikely.

    In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten

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