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first off let me state I detest Conan's combat system. Having said that, I figure I can avoid most of the sillyness by playing a caster. I tend to play mages anyway.
Im not interested in the hybrid mage, that one appears to be more of a group-friendly buffer type that does less damage.
So it comes down to demonologist or necromancer. According to funcoms site,
"The demonologist is the mightiest of sorcerers, wielding the power of hell and earth and capable of conjuring pillars of flame or titanic storms of electricity. "
However I played another MMO where my caster was supposed to be the most powerful damage dealer as well (publicly stated) but clearly warlocks and shadow priests were better dpsers than the mage class there.
So without violating NDA and such, is demonologist living up to its billing as the strongest of the mage class dps wise ?
I'm pretty sure anything past the level 20 mark about the game that was otherwise already mentioned by FC is considered restricted by the NDA.
In the sense, yes, the demonologist is supposed to be the best damage dealer in the sense you are thinking, similar to mages in other games. A necromancer is meant to be more of a summoning class. We won't know if this is the actual case for a fact until release.
Though your question is a little unclear. Do you mean the most damage per spell or the most effective damage dealer with DoTs? Either way though it's just the same answer; we won't know until release, no point in asking these questions, only a couple days away anyhow.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
another sissy in a dress.
Honestly Im not too crazy about pets either. I want a straight up caster type that does nuke damage. Leave the dots and pets for the warlock types.
Pets are too distracting to me. I dont want to control two toons in combat.
Lol. He said Shadow Priests outdamage Mages.
Credibility gone.
It looks like Demonologists are the sorcerer casting type, even though they do have summoning ability.
Honestly Im not too crazy about pets either. I want a straight up caster type that does nuke damage. Leave the dots and pets for the warlock types.
Pets are too distracting to me. I dont want to control two toons in combat.
the necro is the main class if you want pet control, as in you can control more than one. The demonologist only gets one pet, and you don't really control it with as much control as a necro can, so no need to worry about that.
I think you just need to look into it a little more than just the names of the classes... you seem to be confusing yourself with WoW classes I think.
If only SW:TOR could be this epic...
PoM Vengeance spec!!! lol..
Just based on Open Beta, Demonologist would seem to be your best fit. Pure caster and great damage. Things may change later but to the 20s it seems the pet is more valuable for it's buff than for any DPS contribution. It doesn't seem to be a "pet class" in the way you might expect from other games.
What I kept thinking while leveling a Demonologist was "wow, this feels a lot like playing a City of Heroes Blaster".
If you want a pure high DPS caster with out the melee combo system, I can recommend this class.
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From what ive heard and seen the Necro class has be very easy to level quickly, causing a steady ammount of damage with summoned creatures and spells yet taking little damage. DPS is hard to state considering nothing really matters untill higher levels which no one knows about yet. I would say that Necro has more steady damage like i said though, probibly not having many Strong attacks that can cause large ammounts of damage with a slow cooldown rate on its spells. If your looking to get killing blows i dont think Necro is the class to be.
I personally use Assassins
I found the Demonologist to be kinda, Meh and that was my first choice. I found all the other caster classes and most the healers felt more mage like to me. Keep in mind from what Ive heard its not a pet class. The demon seemed weak and more there for buffs. I also found my demon in my way more times then not. Hope that helps, but it was just my experience yours may be different.
Herald of Xolti > all
My pokemon is better then urs. Really u should roll class what play style u like, not what is "best".
Or u can try just go back to WoW.
Don't bring that dps bullshit to this game, first time I see a damn dps meter I will boot you out of my party.
This game means more than I want to spam firebolt/shadowbolt all damn, I have higher dps than you look. Hell with that...if thats how you feel please stay in WoW.
But if you want to play a fun game and have fun teaming up with others to take on instances or pk camping. Than the door is wide open.
Im a bit guttered the Dmnist has a pet as a weak buff/weak dps, hope they improve te pet functionality even if it means cutting the casters damage focus
Cheese - better than crackers?
Did anyone play a Preist of Mitra at lvl 20? because i only got to play for ten mins before beta closed and at low lvl she was knocking people dead with one spell.....
"Trump is a blunt force, all-American, laser-guided middle finger to everything and everyone in Washington, D.C." - Wayne Allyn Root
I played Nec, Demo, ToS in Open Beta to 13. Well then the bump in the end.
For PvE Nec is fastest solo'er out of the 3, at that lvl.
Nec and Demo have this very similar Pulsing PBAE spell, but I believe Nec's does slightly more dmg. Another side effect of the Nec's AE is that whatever enemy you kill has a chance of resurrecting and fighting along your side for a brief period. This chance seems to be fairly high too, something like 25% to 1/3rd of the time. I've had like 7 things fighting besides myself at once. Your basic 3 monsters, couple of Ice Beast things and 2 or 3 skulls. The skulls are the ones that resurrect. Most people probably don't even notice them. I think you also have to let that whole spell play out for it to resurrect, but I could be wrong on that.
The downside to the Nec is when it comes to PvP. Maybe this gets better higher, really depends on the CC options to this class. The problem with this class is you just can not do dmg fast enough. PvP really depends on who can dish out the most dmg the quickest.
In this case, the Demo is king. Plus in PvE you do not level much slower than a Nec, about the same actually. You are slightly more likely to come out alive as a Nec though. You can root and pull with Demo, where as with Nec either you take them all or you die. You can only root 1 at a time with Demo, but in tight areas with higher mobs this is a good thing.
I know I hadn't said much about ToS, well that is mainly because they asked about the mages. I will throw this in though. The thing I do not like about the ToS, at least at those levels, is the timer on your main nuke spell. It can get you killed, because you just can not nuke fast enough. The heals aren't enough to counter-act the dmg that you have coming in. It is a fun class, so don't think it's not. Just something you need to know going into it though.
BTW, I really DO NOT like playing mages in MMOG's. But I have to say, they are a lot of fun in AoC. One of the main reasons is because they are not as squishy as in other games. You can actually stand toe to toe with stuff for a bit. I do not like kiting so much, I think it is just tedious. So if that is what you enjoy doing, I'm sure you can; but there is no reason to under most circumstances.
Anyway, if you plan on PvP'n much I would go with ToS or Demo. If you want to be more useful in group, of course ToS. Pure carnage, go with the Demo. I had a better than 2:1 kill ratio in PvP with my Demo. Think I had something like 83 deaths and 178 kills.
Meh, my HoX killed plenty of demonologists/necros. She also doesn't have to hide behind pets and gets up close and personal with the enemy :P
Never use your pet in PvP, just a word of advice(for demo).
Well at least at those lvls don't.
What in everyones opinion is the best class to start up in to make cash to support other characters?
to me demonologist seemed the better pure damage dealer. but i personally was never that much a pet fan in any game. what i noticed at around lvl 20 is that the area damage spells seem to do more damage than the single target ones which i find a bit strange, but maybe the upgrades will correct that again.
demonologist pet is not much damageoutput so its really mainly your spells that do all. i did not get much time to test both fire and lightning feat lines so cannot say which one will do betetr, at early levels you get more fire spells but the lightning ones seemd to do a bit more damage (but at endgame this could all be completely difefrent).
Don't bring that dps bullshit to this game, first time I see a damn dps meter I will boot you out of my party.
This game means more than I want to spam firebolt/shadowbolt all damn, I have higher dps than you look. Hell with that...if thats how you feel please stay in WoW.
But if you want to play a fun game and have fun teaming up with others to take on instances or pk camping. Than the door is wide open.
A few people are queueing for a rude awakening.And i hereby nominate myself for the Told-You-So medall 2008
Best balance can be seen when a demo casts single target damage spells at a tank type. Tank type runs to mage. Mage casts one or two quick cast damage spells. But, whether mage is bashed to death or tank dies by spell damage is "in the air". That's the type of fight I'm always looking for.
Unfortunately.. it doesn't matter what spec you are, all of the feats, in all of the trees are based somewhat around healing. So, ultimately, you're either going to be a divination uberhealer or you'll go into vengeance and be a hybrid healer/damage dealer.. It just wasn't designed to do a ridiculous amount of damage.
What about overall best dmg dealing class? Assasins? or?