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****US PVP/SIEGE GUILD EAST COAST HARDCORE, Avg age 25, Mature players only****
Spartan Militia is recruiting for Age of Conan upon our move from WOW. We are a six year old pvp guild with a strong core. Our adventures have lead us through Ultima Online - Dark age of Camelot - Shadowbane - WOW and Vanguard(epic failure of a game). Our core was forged in the depts of battle emerging Spartans, we have thrived on siege warfare and flourished in it. If you wish to know more information please visit our dedicated website
You can find our recruitment page for AOC on our forums the application on front is for our Wow players. Upon entry you will be pulled into our vent to await launch and yes we have pre-ordered.
What do we have to offer.
1. A Dedicated 100 man vent.
2. A large and strong mmo vet core.
3. A thirst for pvp and siege warfare.
4. A Dedicated website and forums with our own domain.
5. Videos and Screenshots of our victories and military style combat.
6. But best of all an oath to never retreat.
PS: We will take your city =}.
Updated website and forums complete!
3 Hours till launch (regreatably), so ROLL CALL TIME!
Those wishing to be praticapte in Spartan Militia will be accepted into vent via personal msg plz post here for US PVP SERVER DOOMSAYER! Post here or send a private msg for vent information and your login and pass.
PS: We will take you city!
Attention Spartan Militia player base, SERVER changed to Doomsayer due to recent bane server announcment to be faction based. It has been noted on our website aswell and in vent MOTD.
Send me a message with Vent info!
I have vent, but I cannot talk. My mic is screwed up. You can hear sometimes, but not other times.
Information sent let me know know if you have any issues i sent it to your inbox.