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Searching for things for my new site I found THIS and I must say it's quite funny:
The London Metropolitan police have just issued new measures in the fight against terrorism. During a five week campaign police officers are expected to stop and search more “odd” looking people and the public are being warned to report anything “suspicious”. But after just two weeks since its launch the public are starting to question whether it’s infringing on civil liberties. Photographers in particular are sick of being questioned by policemen and being told to move on. To voice their complaints, artists are creating their own versions of the campaign’s posters.
The publicity campaign was launched on 25 February 2008. "Odd" looking photographers, houses with "unusual activity" or "suspicious mobile" phone users are all things to look out for. Here are the original posters:
Click the link though, there are some knock-offs of the official ones which some of them I found pretty funny:
-In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08-
I don't know how so many stupid people manage to get into public positions of power when the propose and implement such patently ludicrous measures. Taking a picture openly? That's definitely sufficient reason to jump to criminal conclusions.
If you are not being responded to directly, you are probably on my ignore list.
Taking pictures is now probable cause. Welcome to slave-ship Earth.
Non Terrorist
Non Terrorist:
Non Terrorist:
Non Terrorist:
Non Terrorist:
Non Terrorist:
Hope that clears any doubts of the differences!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
tag em and bag em.
chips, dips chains & whips.
Thanks for clearing that up Enigma
LOL!!! good job enigma XD