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I played the trial a while back( both the villains and the heroes) and after the initial tutorial I was lost and confused.
If someone would help me out, show me the ropes, etc.. I would really appreciate it. I got no prefference on whether I want to play Heroes or Villains( even though I like the Villain summoning class a lot)
Veni, Vidi, Vici
I will give this a bump. Still want to play this game but not sure about some things...'
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Would be happy to help you out. I play almost everyday on the Protector server, and our SuperGroup has several players who are on every day and all are willing to help out new players. We will get you off to the right start. Just let me know when you would like to do it...
In game global handle is @Panzerwaffen
I am not really sure of what first character would be the best for me. If you could help me out with that, then we could meet up in game.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
If you're a Villain, Corrupter is very easy to learn. Heroes would be blaster or scrapper. The mastermind (the summoning class) is pretty tricky for beginners...I had trouble with it the first time I played. Dominator I found wasn't too bad, that's a Villain class...and brutes are always fun. I'd try Corrupter first, since they can heal if you pick the right power pool.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
I think I will be playing a Hero on Protector. What do you think is overall better, blaster or scrapper.. Also what do I want to pick for genetics(or whatever its called, mutation, magic, etc..)
Thanks for all the help.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Your character origin has little real effect in-game. The only thing it really does is affect the first contact you receive when leaving the tutorial and the very first set of missions you have access to. Pick the one that best fits your character 'concept'.
Both blaster and scrapper AT's work well solo and on teams. Tankers are good solo, but are a bit more team oriented. Defenders and Controllers are the most team oriented AT's. There are some really good guides to the various powerset combos on the official CoH forum.
Scrapper vs Blaster basics
Scrappers have higher HP, their primary is melee and secondary is a type of armor or defense. They have the ability to go toe-to-toe with the bad guys, and stay there.
Blasters have low HP, their primary is ranged attacks and secondary is melee attack. They are essentially all offense and very little to no defense. They can seriously put the hurt on bad guys, even in melee, but can't survive there for long.
If rolling a scrapper, Willpower is a great choice for your secondary as a new player. It is a very low maintenance secondary that requires little attention to work well. Other secondaries are just as good, but may be a little more involved.
Alright, i think I will make a scrapper. I will talk to you in game once I make it.
Veni, Vidi, Vici
I might not be on until later this evening... At work now, and have limited ability to use the laptop at the moment. Probably around 7:30P EST would be best.
Alright made my hero. Name is Ragana on Protector. I made him a scrapper with blades but he ended up looking kind of goofy
Veni, Vidi, Vici
Cool... Meet you online in about an hour or so, soon as I get home.
Blasters are actually the most popular AT apparently, so you may like them better even though they are "squishy"
You get a second costume slot at 20 and can goto the tailor and change your current costume as long as you have money.
Just wanted to point out that the blaster's energy set of secondary powers has plenty of options to knock enemies away from you when they get close. An energy/energy blaster is an offensive juggernaut.
Just wanted to point out that the blaster's energy set of secondary powers has plenty of options to knock enemies away from you when they get close. An energy/energy blaster is an offensive juggernaut.
I'm typically a villain player (Love me some was my first and most beloved AT), but I made an Eng/Eng Blaster JUSt so I could try and make a hero that looked like MegaMan.
In case you are wondering, I succeeded/ Little things like that are the whole reason I play this game over every other MMO out.