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This post is not a rant about the WAR videos. This post is addressed to all the people who say what I quoted in the title.
So many arguments on these boards will contain at least once, or multiple times statements to the effect that the videos suck, the combat is boring, or there is no action. The number of these ignorant statements has caused me to snap and make this post.
First we all know there are two types of WAR videos: the video of the month type stuff, and the game play videos. In regards to graphics and effects, its already been stated many times that its still in development, so I won't bother.
What I would like to stress about the video of the months is that, MOST LIKELY, there ARE NO PLAYERS!! Can anyone seriously believe that the dev teams calls the entire office to log in, create completely generic look-alike characters, and march around straight lines for five minutes? Not to mention, create a perfectly built character with all skills hot barred for a character they never played before, and perhaps expect them to use cunning battle strategy when their supposed to be writing code to manage something important like guild banner effects?
Frankly, if those videos DIDN'T use scripted NPC's for the filming, I'd be disappointed in how their spending their development time. Don't even bother saying it could be beta players... you think the 'film crew' would waste time with people waving 'hi mom' on the video?
Finally there is the actual live real game play footage... which again raises the question of boring combat, and endless running around or standing around. Tell me oh great WoW fanbois; were you an epic level PVP-god when you installed the game and started killing wolves near Stormwind? I didn't think so.
Also, the next time you think the combat is slow, please wear 60 pounds of platemail and swing an axe the size of a motorcycle, and tell me if you can perform John Woo type choreography.
Who gives a crap about reality. I just want to have fun ^^
u created account just to post this crap ? Shouldnt u be playing AoC?
As a WAR fan, I use the OP as an opportunity to at least address combat in WAR.
All the videos I have seen so far have been pretty decent, however, the OP does make a point which would serve well as a point of discussion.
Why does combat seem slow?
So the game doesn't have the AoC mash button 1-2-3. To AoC's credit, the swinging does seem responsive. I can mash 1-2-3 and my avatar will swing in three different successive swings in pretty good response time.
When I see the beta footage in WAR, it just seems there is a longer delay between actions. I understand the concept of cooldown of abilities and I am fine with this as your combat model.
But a previous poster did make a worthy comment. Big plate tanks should not be able to perform Mortal Kombat manuevers with unrealistic sized machetes. At least not in WAR.
So make their animations powerful and deliberate, make the animation long enough so when the ability is ready to be used again the avatar actually looks like it has recovered from its mighty swing and ready to chop wthits choppa again.
But, what about combos? Simple, abilities that chain allow different animations. So at least there is never a true pause of characters in combat unless they are not playing.
Spellcasting is easier because gestures and such, but can't a caster show some dodging animations in between spell cooldowns?
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Nice one
Ah, so if you die in the game, your character gets deleted and you're not able to play again? Real life comparisons don't work in gaming, especially when you try to use it as an excuse for slow game mechanics. (not that I know if WAR is actually slow or not... I'm just saying. ;P)
This account is older then yours, I just never saw a reason to post until now because i feel this is a technical issue everyone ignores. As to whether your comment is saying I'm a WAR hater, I'm quite the opposite, considering I even hobby the tabletop version.
Ah, so if you die in the game, your character gets deleted and you're not able to play again? Real life comparisons don't work in gaming, especially when you try to use it as an excuse for slow game mechanics. (not that I know if WAR is actually slow or not... I'm just saying. ;P)
I'm actually a supporter of perma-death if someone made a game that supported it properly, and I did play EVE for a good 2 years. Of course WAR can not support that type of game. I too love final-fantasy-esque or anime-style huge swords and crazy martial arts, I'm just saying that if the developers chose to take a more realist approach to their tanks, or if they make their NPC populated videos use auto-attacks instead of the 'crazy sweet combos' I too would look forward too, don't assume the game play is going to be boring.
Perma death is *never* going to work in a MMO based on killing eachother. It's just ridiculous. Especially since there are never drawbacks like there are in real life. Eg high risk of losing your character for doing the act rather than suffering through it.
And even if there were. What's to stop anyone that basically decides that he's gonna quit the game and who doesn't care about his own character anymore to go out in a blazing glory and take as many as he can with him while he does so?
That's like living in the real world but you have an extremely high change that people around you randomly turn into bloodthirsty maniacs and go all columbine on you.
Perma death has no place in a mmo... so, you spend 4-6months on getting to lvl40... you avoid scenarios etc, get to lvl40, does some public quests etc to gear up, and finally you decide to group up with alot of ppl, and try to attack the enemy main city. you and your friends storm the gates, but 50 of you get killed befor even getting to the fun; bashing stuff around, killing guards etc. So... would you then just start a new char, start all over, and spend 4-6months again? NO! if you would, u got to much sparetime!...
But 1 thing that could be fun is, that when you reach 40, if you could make a "hardcore-char" kinda like in diablo2 (with the perma death) but insted be lvl55, really powerfull etc. Then it could be up to yourself if you wanted to create an alt char, and possible sacrifice him on the battlefield
The problem is too many of you have too narrow a concept of mmorpgs. Perma-death could easily work in the correct setting, for example a skill based game where it takes alot longer to kill a person then just your uber 'one-two punch' of doom, where perhaps injuries and recovering from them is more important than zerg rushing, and where major population centers are protected by 'Concord-like' police (but actually defendable against) and where dead characters could reincarnate some of the experienced of their dead characters. Who knows if such an MMORPG would ever be made, or if it would actually work, but if it did, perma-death could belong there.
This is all off-topic anyway. WAR will never have perma-death. I don't want WAR to have perma-death, it's supposed to be a zerg rush resembling actual reinforcements on the battle field, while the enemy diminishes morale and slows the reinforcement rate through attrition and objectives. Personally I've already preordered the CE and hope it turns out great.
I understand what is being said,however we have to remember that some of the "abilities" we use will have
a cast timer on them,as not all of our respective classes' abilities will have all insta-cast effect.
Check out this video from the Paris event:
It will need to be DLed as the vid is not working on the main site it comes from,unfortunately.
AoC's combat seems slower. well in the end it will be slower anyway as this is pvp game and so fast abilities are the most useful ones. again like the OP stated it is Beta and so things will be changed
MMO wish list:
-Changeable worlds
-Solid non level based game
-Sharks with lasers attached to their heads
Don't bother trying to tell them, I'm glad you did, but the average person will look at the unfinished game and skeleton graphics (no lighting no high res textures) and say the game sucks. We'll see in Fall.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
This game will be what we know it will be a definite WoW killer. This game to me is like a predeccessor to Ultima Online which i friggin loved but got banned from by a corrupt admin.
Yes I am a WoW player as well and i'm in end game so i have grounds to say this.
Old time gamers will go back to Warhammer and I for once will want to play that awesome roleplaying game in real life put in a grandscale WoW will die
They are currently working on speeding up the combat - Action - Animaton process.
So chill out and don't judge until its done, they know about it and are sorting it. End of story.
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How is this any different from being able to resurrect with less experience? Perma death is perma death. Don't change the rules to make it seem plausible.
Also the length of fights is meaningless unless you draw it out to 20 mins or something. If it takes longer to kill "ganking" will just move to groups ambushing single players, just making the situation even more unavoidable since then even fighting back is a useless venture and the number of people reduce the time needed to the point that it's easily done again.
The game you describe with permadeath was in production years ago, Mourning. I still have a preorder disc of that game under my cup of coffee. It died due to horrible management. It had alot of potential, but had a bad odor and taste on these forums due to the owner/community manager coming here and starting numerous flame wars and attacking anyone who made the slightest negative comment about his game.
I hope that he didn't ruin the possibility of another game coming out similar in concepts to Mourning, but when the game was handed over to others whom attempted to ressurect the project they quickly realized that the game really was a permadeath game. Just not the way they had thought.
MMO Vet since AOL Neverwinter Nights circa 1992. My MMO beat up your MMO. =S
if you followed WAR at all you'd know thats exactly what they do in those videos of the month. not long ago there was one showing all the people in the media room or w/e filming them.
next question