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Defenders of Order [US PvP]

OwynOwyn Member Posts: 337

Server Name: TBD

Server Type: PvP

Guild Name: Defenders of Order


Time Zones: Mostly North American times, with some Euro and APAC members

Voicecomm: Teamspeak (mandatory)

Play Style: Anti-RPK

The Defenders of Order is one of the oldest consistently anti-rpk guilds still active today. For over eight years, in virtually every pvp MMORPG published to date, the Defenders have waged war on the griefers, gankers, random killers, and brutal warlords who make their home in pvp worlds. We defend those in need against unjust oppressors; we bring the battle directly to the enemy whenever we can. In the past, we've had the good fortune to have an outstanding caliber of person rally to our banner, and so we've had a great deal of success - both with our mission, and in building a strong family of players.

Our members are mature individuals. Most are in the 25-50 range, with a few both older and younger. Our average member has been with us over four years, although we do recruit highly qualified members in every game we play. We look for people we like - people who will stick with us, and with our ethos. We look for people for whom our Code ( is already second nature. We look for people who enjoy roleplaying a hero out to save the world from the "evildoers" represented by the RPKs who happily are never in short supply. We look for people who are not afraid to be in the heart of the fire - because we never shy away from battle when we are called. We look for team players who enjoy working with other likeminded people.

As the first game since Shadowbane where real siege and location control is possible, we're looking forward to Age of Conan a great deal.  We plan to leverage our skills at teamwork and coordination to be one of the first on our server to acquire a Battle Keep - and then we intend to hold it against all comers!  We will actively promote the heroic anti-rpk playstyle to other players and guilds, and oppose the evil empires rising in these lands.  We have skilled raid leaders who will organize high end raid events regularly to acquire the gear we need for pvp.  We will be a staunch bulwark for the server, generating some sense of security and justice in a world that would otherwise lack those things.  And all of these things, we will do together.

If you are tired of griefers, gankers, and other evil characters...

If you want to fight back against the bandits, murderers, and evil warlords of the world...

If you want to play a Hero who defends those in need...

...then come visit our website. Look around a bit. Read our Code. And if you're still interested, drop an application on our forums, and stay in touch. We'll be happy to have a chat with you about joining us.

Commander, Defenders of Order


  • OwynOwyn Member Posts: 337

    The servers are open, and the rush has begun.  The darkest and more dire guilds in the history of online gaming have gathered all in one place - Deathwhisper!

    And there too the Defenders of Order stand against that darkness.  In a world where few will dare raise their voice against evil - we do.  We invite those of you with good hearts and sound courage to join us there.  Our battle is already joined; will you fight alongside us?

    Picking a good player guild is a VITAL part of playing a free-for-all server.  Choosing one which matches your personality and playstyle is important, but "going it alone" makes an already tough road that much tougher.  We welcome those who would like to play the game from a Heroic stance - the role of heroes, standing against the evil player guilds who would prey on the helpless.  If you'd like to play a hero in Age of Conan pvp, instead of a villain, you're welcome to come talk to us!

    Commander, Defenders of Order

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