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I have beta tested AoC since February, started as a tech tester and 2 weeks later i was invited to closed beta. My first impressions of AoC were good, the novelty of fatalities etc soon wore off and unfortunately i found myself loosing interest in the game very rapidly and it got the point where i just stopped playing all together. Yeah sure i know i was supposed to be "Testing" this game, but theres people that would love to beta test a game, i had the chance but it just didn't interest me.
I have since logged on a few times with the current up to date client but i find myself getting bored after 30 minutes. I've played, EQ1, EQ2, WoW and various other MMO's and they all had this crack of being able to make me addicted to the point that it took over my life, they were all i thought about whilst i was at work, visiting friends or family, on holiday or even in my sleep! Where is this crack in AoC??
I really wanted AoC to be my next MMO, after being let down by Vanguard and having no other MMO to play since i quit WoW 18 months ago i am gutted that AoC isn't what i wanted it be. I am really disappointed with the MMO genre now and it is not going the way i had hoped. In my eyes MMO's have gone backwards since EQ1, that game was wonderful and exciting, full of adventure and amazing people that created a great community.
I expect to be flamed but sticks and stones etc. Flame away if you must.
By MMO's going backwards since EQ1 i mean in a game mechanics sense, where people no longer have to group and create good communities etc.
After a while, it becomes impossible to be 'cracked out' on MMOs.
I used to be addicted to EQ and WoW, and now I can't get addicted to any game. It just happens that way as you grow older.
Yeah I can agree with that, also every game loses interest over time, usually the ones with more action get boring faster, so we have to wait and see how long it takes for the majority to say they're getting bored.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
OK, let me get this straight. You were in Beta and got uninterested because the game got boring or something , but you went out and bought it anyway? That's your own fault, not the games.
I'm not going to flame you at all, its your decision on the game. For me, its the most addictive mmo I have played. The classes are all interesting, the graphics are beautiful, combat is fun, destiny quests add a nice twist, the world is dark and gritty, and its M rated...thats good enough for me. Now, if pvp seiges and player city building and raiding is at least good also, then damn, one fine fine game.
Sounds like maybe your just burnt out on the whole mmo idea all together, ever thought about searching for "real crack" ?
Sadly i agree with jsw50 im haveing same trouble as you Mekismo maybe dare i say it some pople get to old for mmorpgs because they seen it all before.Im not saying all poeple grow out and get to old for mmorps just certain poeple and to get thies certain people intrested in a game its got to be something special something thats going to blow the world away but games seem to lack this now as its basicly been done before.
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
Sadly i think you are right. I'd give anything to go back to the original EQ days, the feeling of sheer amazement can never be equalled. As i am sure is the same feeling for many peoples first MMO.
I too wanted AoC to be my next game and watched for a good while, but the path of instancing just turned me completely off, keep in mind I am a beleiver in a instancing as an additive to enhance a game, but not as a game entirety to fix the game design flaws created by the developers.
Think the bottom line is the over all design of the game is flawed in the sense that they relied on instancing to much and it completely shatters the immersion of the game world.
/sarcasm onBut it really opens up after level 20
/sarcasm off
At what point in my post did i say i had brought the game? I had pre-ordered the CE but about 3 weeks ago i cancelled the pre-order. I had no interest in the game anymore.
You said you recently played with a newer client, to me recent is launch since beta has been been over for over a week now. Sorry for assuming, yeah i know i shouldn't do that.
"I have since logged on a few times with the current up to date client but i find myself getting bored after 30 minutes."
I was thinking the same cause i'm 36 years older. I'm no more addicted to most of the new games including mmorpg. But I got back some old games and I saw that they are far away from actual poors contents. I think quality is craps in these days on most of the games. But I recgnize qulitiy and i get addicted anyway if the game worth my time. Wow and lotro i've played more are far away from AOC for details and realization in quests, level design and gameplay. Imo as always.
Beta was over weeks ago - it was moved to Test Live two weeks before the game was release and is active today.
If they would of added player made player ran game then it would be funn.
WWIIOnline The Real War!
I logged into my beta client tonight, its still working for some strange reason but i think it will be taken down very shortly. Any day now i believe. I ran all the way to some dungeon called Pyramid of the Ancients i think it was called, cleared through it for a bit, and was totally uninspired.
actually, AoC is the first game to have me hooked like it's "crack" since old SWG. I usually have your problem with most of the games I've tried. WoW didn't even manage to entertain me, so I only played for a couple weeks, said "meh", and uninstalled.
AoC has me by the balls...especially in Live. CB started to get a little old, because no one was grouping, population was sparse, and I knew that nothing I did would actually last, being beta and all.
But now in live, I have a great guild, the game seems to have WAY more content, and I'm busily forging out a life for my toons.
I havn't had this much fun in years.
I mean actually forcing people to do what they should already find fun is kind of inherently on its very face backwards. Nor is it necessary as CoX as proven. Keep in mind humans are very social animals "grouping" is natural for us. If you need game mechanics to force people to act natural extremely loud alarm bells should be ringing.
I'm certainly not gonna flame you.
What you have here is the "instant gratification" generation of game players that have ruined the old-time immersion of MMO's.
Don't get me wrong. I still play and enjoy them, but there's little "community" to them anymore. People RACE to max level in a week then complain about lack of content. In the original EQ, it could literally take a year or years to max a character, especially if you had fun alts to play also. This meant you were always playing together, making friends, meeting new people and enjoying the ride and experience together.
Today, no one can be bothered to make friends and group together. They just want to be UBER on their own terms.
So, I understand. No other game will ever be the EQ or UO or AC for us. The people have changed. Even though the games today are very good, we just don't "feel" the same about them.
Personally, I think AOC is fantastic so far, just to add that bit.
Make a game like AOC and put Roma Victor inside of that game!
There you have a game that will keep ppl comeing for more!
WWIIOnline The Real War!
"Freedom is just another name for nothing left to lose" - Janis Joplin
I hear the other day that people are already 60+ in AoC. It's really quite ashame. I think one of the problems with fast levelling and having a good community balance is going to be keeping up with other peoples levelling speed. I grouped with someone in beta for a couple of hours, added him/her to my friend list then i didn't log on for a few of days, then when i did logon i find they were 15 levels above me. Guess i wont be grouping with them again
Your sig makes me horny.
i also am in the "too old to be addicted to a game" camp now. i started playing MMOs with UO, so it's been about 10 years... the last game that i was really addicted to was AO, and i quit that many years ago.
for the past few years, i've been playing MMOs for just a few months, growing bored and then canceling the subscription. if i really liked the game, i might pick it up again a few months later.
i have no expectation of being hooked on games again, nor do i really want to be. i'm in my late-30s, so i think i'd be a bit embarrassed to be addicted to a game.
i expect to just enjoy logging on to AoC for a few hours a few times/week and having some fun.
funny enough , Ultima Online was the best MMO ever and nothing has really captured that feeling since.
Yes graphics are better now but the gameplay is missing somewhat.
In UO you could do almost anything.
If you are looking for "Community" EVE still has it. It takes a while to figure it out, a while to penetrate the walls of the corporations and alliances--but once you find a home I dare say you will find fewer communities that are more robust and interesting....
Of the "new" games. As in not UO, AO, DAOC, EQ1 I find LOTRO to be the best at capturing some of the community and comaraderie. Even there it is ver y "guild" focused. You see little banter over all in local/ooc, little chat in the global channels. But if you look for it, if you keep an active friends list-you will find community.
I think it comes down to the type of games being developed. Every game seems obessesed with its soloability, its "accessiblity" etc. If you have classes that can solo ALL content and receive similiar rewards to group content you will have a community that solos virtually ALL of the time!
The pandering to the "solo" or "wow-kiddie" crowd has in my opinion led to this fractured, race to 50, solo 100% of the time or just group for a quest and disband mentality that we now see. Rarely is it worth it to group for the sole purpose of crawling a dungeon or the sole purpose of killing mobs for experience..its all about "i need this quest" or "this item" then poof-no more group.
I long for the days of just doing a dungeon for the sakes of exps, the adventure or to find a specific mob or two. Nothing quite compares to a 3 hour crawl through Howling Stones in ole Eq1. No quest log, no "i need x drop"..just a group of friends, or pick up group crawling for advnture, exps and perhaps the chance at a rare spawn! Best times I ever had in gaming.
We shall see..the recent batch of games that have been inflicted on us have been horrible flops. AOC, i believe, is right on the edge. Its certainly not what many/most folks expected-is it vanguard/potbs/tabula/hellgate/furty? Not sure-but it is the "next thing"-certainly not. Maybe WAR will learn or AION, or...some day the old stand bys like eq, ao, ac, daoc, uo will be looked to once again for immitation and emulation..and not "lets take all the hard things out of those dinosaurs and make our game user friendly!" perhap when that happens we will see good and engaging games with REAL communities emerge.
For now I think the quality exists in LOTRO, EVE, EQ2 and WOW if you can stand the community....these last 20 or so months have been the lowest point of the MMO revolution!