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Key things Funcom needs to address really super fast!

TealaTeala Member RarePosts: 7,627

I hope Funcom reads this because these are issues I think everyone can agree with for the most part.   Maybe not all these issues, but a vast majority need addressed and sooner rather than later.

1) Traders

2) Itemization and monetary drops.  No clue why they cannot give us better stats on gear with our levels.   I have gear I got in Tortage that is way better then a lot of the stuff I am finding off random drops and boss mobs and that is just sad.   One thing that makes the grind bearable is getting a nice peice of armor or a weapon now and then and it just isn't happening in AoC.   It also enables us to feel like we're actually accomplishing something in game and not just grinding out levels.

3) Broken Quest - Why have they neglected and continue to neglect key quest in game that were broke soon after launch?  The final Pyramid quest (Emrald Eyes and Lord Akmut  Keket) in the quest line have been broken for far to long.  The Treasury quest line.   The Lost Child in the Wild Lands.   Those are just to start.  Then there are the destiny line quest that if you do not complete them in a certain order they need to be reset by a GM.

4) Which brings me to customer service.   For some reason I have yet to hear from a GM regarding my petition about them resetting my destiny quest.   Funcom needs to work on this and improve it.

5) GUI - We need more freedom to customize it.  It should have been handled long before the game left beta, but Funcom felt there were other pressing matters.  There are of course customizable GUI's you can download...but we shouldn't ahveto do that.  Funcom needs to fix their clunky GUI.  Give us more hotbars.  Make the pack float so we can freely move it about the screen.  In fact do it will all pop up windows. 

6) Chat System - one of the worst ever found in a game.  Needs serious rework.

7) Pack Space - This needs addressed.  We need more pack space!

8) Make mounts available at a lower level and this means you'd have to up the kind of money that is dropped.  See #2.  It is so stupid that we must grind to level 40 and grind out another 10 to 20 levels to farm the money needed to get a mount.   The one thing Vanguard got right compared to AoC was that basic mounts could be obtained early on and upgraded later as you leveled.  It is a real pain in some instances to have to run and run and run all over the place.   Sorry Funcom in this area I think you are blowing it.   We ran all over in earlier MMORPG's and in WoW (until level 40 and if you were lucky you had enough gold) but you really need to rethink this part of the game.  It is un-necessary and frustrating to have to grind to 40 and further due to the piss poor monetary drops in the game which forces palyers to have to wait post 40 10 or more levels to obtain a mount.

9) Feats.  Again another aspect of the games mechanics that needed to be thoroughly addressed and fixed in beta.   Some are totally worthless and do not work "at all" but you force us to spend valuable points in them just to get to a feat that does work.   I do not have the patience to least all the ones that I know don't work in such classes as Ranger, Dark Templar, Demonoligist, Guardian, etc, etc, but I am sure their are players out three that would gladly provide you with a list.   These need addressed and soon.

10)  Skill points on skills that do nothing really.   Take for instance run skill...why waste points in a run skill when it only increases your run speed by 1% for every 100 points you put into it.    Why even have it in a game when there is no noticable difference between normal run speed and your 3% increased run speed.    This needs work.

 11) PvP - an actual reason to PvP.  How about fixing it and making it mean something.  Sometime soon.  KK  ^_^

If anyone has anything they wish to see addressed, add them to the list.  Please.


  • eugameugam Member UncommonPosts: 984

    Cant agree on all your points. Lost children ? The two lost kids in the desert with a 9h timer ? They are in-game. I personally miss nothing in GUI or chat. I am 27 and i replaced almost all my items from tortage  exept jewels. I am not high level, but it seems this is a customizer game. Cant wait to see craftet items...


    So far AoC seems to be what i call a small numbers game. Runspeed, sprint and stamina do have impact on gameplay. I am happy funcom does not give away huge numbers.


    Horses... its about playstyle. I personally have no problem. Well, i am one of those who took a year until i bought my first mount in EQ2 ;)


    I do miss the option to assign mouse buttons in the controls. Usually running is my middle mouse button.

    Weapons are, like in most games, to big. A dagger is a dagger is a dagger and not a short sword. They have put in so much efford into armor and clothing, why so big lazy daggers ?

    Maybe its me, but i have issues with /emotes.

    Localized versions lack.. a lot ;)  I can play english,still this is a problem for many players here when quest dialogs are mixed english/german.

  • OriphusOriphus Member UncommonPosts: 467

    I would agree with most of your points Teala and hope they do address them soon so they do not lose a large base of players. Personaly i STILL have not left Tortage and i have been on since early access :D so for me most of the issues are not important to me as of yet. From what i am hearing though there are decent drops from mob bosses but it is random, so you may get nothing at all (Can't confirm this but it is what i am picking up so far).

    "Trump is a blunt force, all-American, laser-guided middle finger to everything and everyone in Washington, D.C." - Wayne Allyn Root 
  • woody1974woody1974 Member Posts: 257

    I have to say despite some bugs here and there, I am really impressed with the game so far. Try remembering back to when WOW 1st released, eeeeek what a nightmare. I am sure they are aware of many issues going on and that they are working to fix as much as they can, but us as players need to sit back and relax a little, the game just released a week or so ago.


    If it is a bug I say yes try to fix it asap, if it is a want or desire of more of this or that, well thats just the way it is. 1 thing that imo kills a game over time is the constant complaining of character abilities , loot, and level requirements. Im not saying some of your points aren't valid, but I don't see the need to change the game this early into release for every reason you mentioned.

  • jagwarrjagwarr Member Posts: 26

    Your #1 and #2 are the very reasons I have not bought this game. I can put up with a quest based game or a grinder. I could even put up with the Guild Wars like pathing but I cannot stand a game that has poor itemization which of course would mean there would be very little use for traders or an auction house.

     I began playing online games with the original diablo about a month after its release  which for better or worse shaped my gaming preferences.  I was going to get this game on release even though I expect this game to end up being a raiding game but without decent itemization during leveling AOC really doesn't offer me much of anything.

    The Hellgate:London fiasco really hurt players like myself because there are so few "quality" games that follow in the hybrid mold of the diablo series.  I can only hope if Blizzard does make a D3 that they keep to the original concept of the first two.


  • Grail3rGrail3r Member Posts: 97

    Originally posted by jagwarr

    I can put up with a quest based game or a grinder. I could even put up with the Guild Wars like pathing but I cannot stand a game that has poor itemization which of course would mean there would be very little use for traders or an auction house.
    Trader is working now .

    The items are pretty good , I am happy with my uber items and Im only level 20 .. which is like being level 10 .

    I have some blue items already ..  all of my good items are from questing. 

    But the dropped items are ok .  my main gripe is lack of inventory which sorta sucks .. also no auto loot ... Its hard using a gamepad and having no easy way to loot stuff

  • DeadlyMageDeadlyMage Member Posts: 543

    i pretty mush agree with your points

  • JackdogJackdog Member UncommonPosts: 6,321

    I second the customer service.

    Yesterdays patch broke the game for some of us and I have had a ticket in for almost 24 hours now with nothing but a auto reply. It's a fairly fun game but the bugs and lack of polish are going to kill it if they don't fix a lot of issues real fast.

    I miss DAoC

  • grace-mondaygrace-monday Member Posts: 11

    What were they doing during closed beta? During early access? Was no one reporting bugs, broken quests, poor scaling of quest rewards?

    A lot of these things can get fixed with time and I suppose there's nothing they can do but take things down as they realise people are abusing the system (traders, Tortage feat fixer). Pack size, chat UI, item drops can all be tweaked later on, but I'm sure the issues with people who can't even enter the game is a bigger problem.

    There's been a lot of complaints about support. Not only do they have too many servers with too few GMs being spread thin, Funcom has no telephone support. You spend eight hours waiting for a GM in-game to try to solve your problems, only to be given the brush off, your only other option is to email Funcom directly.

    There is so much work that seems to be done, I can't imagine how much pressure Funcom had to receive to release the game like this. I'm not saying I was expecting something perfect on release and no one can predict how people will play the game when it goes live, but the entire thing lacks incentive for play.

  • SGoodyerSGoodyer Member Posts: 192

    Originally posted by Teala

    2) Itemization and monetary drops.  No clue why they cannot give us better stats on gear with our levels.   I have gear I got in Tortage that is way better then a lot of the stuff I am finding off random drops and boss mobs and that is just sad.   One thing that makes the grind bearable is getting a nice peice of armor or a weapon now and then and it just isn't happening in AoC.   It also enables us to feel like we're actually accomplishing something in game and not just grinding out levels.

    Itemization is rather nice in this game. You have 2 different stats to look for when comparing Mage/Priest even. I would also try to get to 50+ when the MUCH better gear drops. I can say for a fact (49 Ranger / 33 Guardian) loot and items pick up after 35-40.

    Ranger wears medium armor right? Well I now have medium armor with Stam/Agility to it because Soldier classes have Heavy armor post-lv30 which opened much more room for Rangers, and Soldiers. I also see better gear for casters as my buddy plays a Demo (47).

  • skeaserskeaser Member RarePosts: 4,212

    Traders are back in.

    Itemization gets better as you go. I just hit 40 and am working on putting together my 4th set of armor (looks wise) and lord knows how many upgrades I've had.

    Most of the items I'm wearing come from quests. But the good items will come from crafters. That's how this game is set up. There will be no real economy until the players create it.

    Sig so that badges don't eat my posts.

  • quaikyquaiky Member Posts: 566

    i personally have to agree with nearly all points. the items part is also not completely true for me, i find upgrade items often enough but what i don't like about that is that risk/reward is not right with itemisation. its right for quested items there the harder/group quests give usually betetr rewards, but for drops its not really true. it just looks to me that most mobs seem to have same drop tables and bosses don't really drop improved items over that.

    also at my current level (close to 40)  i am misisng real group dungeons more and more. not sure if there will be more group oriented instances in higher level areas but till now all dungeons/instances were solo/duoable.  For me there is nothing that can beat the fun of a dungeoncrawl  with some good friends, and dungeons should be deadly but rewarding (both xp and loot wise).


  • ventjeventje Member Posts: 4

    Srly dont know what all the fuss is about..

    Items? what? i found a new 2h sword yesterday which exceeds my expectations! lol the thing rox!

    Suure u come at a point where ur weapon is a bit outdated, and you want a new one, thank god u cant just go and get one ez by doing SM armory (for the lol) with a lvl 70 player in 10 mins, you actually gotta do something for it. Im nearing 40 and want to become a weaponsmith and for that i grinded half a day on rescources and i dont even got half enough to make it to weaponsmithnoob, in the long run this makes us play more and have more fun doing so imho.

    traders are up now, thats good... They working hard on the things they didnt have time for (im guessing) when in development, and also because now not 10000 people but 100 times more are playing the game and getting good feedback.. Yes thats what they supposed to have done in the development stage, but im so frign glad thay spend that time on how the world is looking! gsus crist if u stand on top of the waterfall in conalls and look down in the valley where the village is u can stand there 10 minutes being amazed!

    the game needs polishing yes but they all do in the early days, but to say the game is liniair? Lol thats surely not true. im all the time like sigh, what now.. go there or there or there or gather or go there or do some pvp.. or go there.. Choices choices :D

    give them a chance peoples this game is sure worth it


  • ventjeventje Member Posts: 4
    Originally posted by quaiky

    i personally have to agree with nearly all points. the items part is also not completely true for me, i find upgrade items often enough but what i don't like about that is that risk/reward is not right with itemisation. its right for quested items there the harder/group quests give usually betetr rewards, but for drops its not really true. it just looks to me that most mobs seem to have same drop tables and bosses don't really drop improved items over that.
    also at my current level (close to 40)  i am misisng real group dungeons more and more. not sure if there will be more group oriented instances in higher level areas but till now all dungeons/instances were solo/duoable.  For me there is nothing that can beat the fun of a dungeoncrawl  with some good friends, and dungeons should be deadly but rewarding (both xp and loot wise).
     I have dotn the maze the other day with some 30+ ish people in epic. It was a blast, you need a good healer and a tank, or 2 healers and alot of dps. also the grouping is imba in isntances (lol why not normal :S) throughout the instances you got the familiar arrows to party members. One boss dropped absolutely nothing (LOL) and the other dropepd 4-5 green items, which most teammmembers (but me :( ) needed.
    Try to get some peoples in epic mode in dungeons, and try them out, you could be amazed what drops. its just not rly confirmed (i think) by funcom, or i cant find it anywhere, but the loot is definately better, and its hard..
  • KevinRKevinR Member Posts: 35

    The Trader seems to be working again and have used the Bank and Post to send a item to my Alt.

    Pack storage space seems very limited, even with the 8 slot preorder bag. I am still in starting town so no idea if there is enough crafting resource space.

    Agree that the broken quests should be given priority, I crashed during a Destiny quest and raised a petition which was not answered after several hours waiting.

    The re-spawn of quest mobs seems very slow. The Underhalls quests are a pain to do with 20 other players running around killing everything.

    I have killed several Bosses ( pre level 20 ) and have yet to get a decent item drop. The only blue item I got from a quest. Think there needs to be more armour or dye as all the players look very similar . I refuse to wear the Pict feathered hat on my PoM as everyone else is wearing it.

    The Alt +F10 logout seems broke atm, to change characters I have to log all the way out then back in again.

    Not too worried about pre level 40 mounts, but only being able to use the portal spell once every 30 min is a pain. I have had to waste it twice on getting unstuck, the /stuck command doing nothing.

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