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Here is a look at SOME of the new content. If you played around launch and beyond you will remember some of the jokes told to noobs about how to unlock a jedi ( "You have to find and kill the Meatlump King"). The current team has taken it to a new level and added much needed content for mid-levels, and even scaled part of it to higher levels.
Characters level 55 to 65 can take part in an all new Meatlump theme park in Chapter 10. Brand new content to complete, great new quests and unique rewards can all be found in the new Meatlump theme park!
In Chapter 10, players are given the opportunity to complete all-new collections unique to the Meatlump theme park. These include both combat and non-combat collections, with many offering brand new games and puzzles in Star Wars Galaxies. Higher level characters will also have the opportunity to participate in some quests with the skill level tailored specifically for them.
The Meatlumps are a band of thugs described by the CorSec authorities as "fanatical" and as "somewhat stupid" anti-technology terrorists.
It is reported that they are led by three brothers: Hraykken Bender, Draykken Bender, and Louis Bender. There is a rumor, however, that the true leader of the Meatlumps is someone who known only as the Meatlump King.
Your adventure begins with the discovery of a viewscreen belonging to a Corellia Times reporter named Vani Korr. The datapad was found in the possession of a Meatlump. Upon delivering the viewscreen to its rightful owner, you learn that the intrepid reporter would like to learn more about the Meatlumps and who they are. Vani Korr needs your help in investigating more about who the Meatlumps are and what they do.
As your adventure continues, you aid Vani Korr and investigate further into the existence of the Meatlump King.
A friend of Vani Korr and also a reporter for the Corellia Times , Halden Wes has some leads that might be of interest to you. Find him in Coronet to continue on your quest of investigating the Meatlumps.
With the help of Vani Korr and her friends, you will eventually discover the secret location of the Meatlump base. Could this be where the mythical Meatlump King resides?
Once you gain access to the Meatlump base, your adventure can really begin! Upon entering the Meatlump secret hideout, you are able to complete many different collections and quests all with new rewards, great experience bonuses, and a completely new currency for bartering with the Meatlumps, known as the Meatlump "Lump."
Dissatisfied with the normal choices for currency, the Meatlumps decided to create their own and have been using it to fund their operation. While it may not look like much, these Lumps are the only currency accepted by the Meatlumps and are the only way you can purchase items from vendors (such as the Corellia Times vendor, seen below) selling Meatlump rewards. Spend enough time in the Meatlump hideout and you will find yourself rich with Lumps!
Since many of the quests and events are repeatable, you'll find yourself spending a lot of time in the presence of the Meatlumps… and you may even get closer to finding out if the Meatlump King exists!
Finally, deep content for all levels.
Meat Lumps are a very long running joke. Who ever could have guessed they would get their own THEME PARK!!
More stuff to do in the Star Wars universe = more fun for Star Wars fans.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
This is how I know Smed just sits back and laughs at people still dumb enough to play SWG. Meatlumps? Really? This is their idea of Star Warsy and Iconic content?
Just when I think SWG couldn't sink any lower...
Notice how I very very rarely post in the Refuge forum? Thats because most of us 'respect' the rules and stay on our side of the 'line.' Go look at the disgruntled former players that have thousands of posts and have been here much longer than either you or myself... don't you wonder why they don't post in the current player forum?
You are not bringing anything new to these forums (either one). The people who have been here awhile generally keep to the appropriate forum.
If you are a disgruntled former player than there is a clearly marked forum for you. If you are angry at SOE there is a clearly marked forum for you.
You are clearly in the wrong forum.
Since you are not a current player and are only here to try to stop others from playing this MMO, the decent thing to do would be to post your discussions into the appropriate section (the Refuge forum or the Angry at SOE threads).
Thank you.
I miss the good ol' days when nerds were actually intelligent.
when I first read there was going to be a meatlump themepark I kinda rolled my eyes and groaned. (i'm sure most did .. ) After having read this info it actually sounds kinda fun and something that I want to do and play. In reading it and seeing some of the stuff like the meatlump lumps its content with a sense of humour which I have always had fun with when developers add it. Many people find it silly but to me it looks like some imagination has been added. In any event it looks pretty good to me and I have another combat toon who I will purposely hold from levelling past the time where everything turns grey to experience it at the appropriate level.
are you one of those emos from Ecplise??
The general forum is described as "A place to talk about the game as it is today, for gamers who currently play or are interested in trying it out."
The exciting Star Warsy and Iconic Meatlump Themepark is being added to the current game and believe me, I can't wait to try it out. On a free vet trial. It will remind me of all the cool Meatlump scenes that we saw throughout the Star Wars movies.
Any other complaints?
Meatlumps have been in the game since launch, and joked about since that day. It's a new themepark, with repeatable content, it's a bridge from Legacy to Kash and Musty, some of the content scales to max level toons. It most likely will have funny quest dialog and I don't see how that is bad. Starting the whole "if I did not see it in the movies it is not star wars" is a silly stance, how much of a galaxie can show in 6 movies?
I look forward to seeing this and other content in a few days on TC and a couple weeks later on Live.
You do realize that the movies are just visual information about the whole star wars lore?
Have you read the numerous books and the comic that is available?
But yeah. I won't comment this new idea. Too bad really. Such a shame. That's all i'll add.
The speed of the mole and the power of steel is my weapon
My last comment was just a short response to the post above that. I have no problem with meatlumps, they have beeen in the game and talked about on the forums since pre-cu. How many times have you seen a post where the poster asks how to get an ingame item or something and the response has been "Well you first need to kill the meatlump king..............". The devs have a sense of humor and I like it. The fact that this themepark also helps with the area of the leveling from 55 to 65 is a good idea as well.
At this point if you include all the comics, books of the extended universe you have to count what happens in game as "canon" as well. After all EVERYTHING that makes it into the game has to have LEC approval.
My point is that they have all six movies and the vast body of work that makes up the extended universe and the single best thing the SWG devs can come up with is...Meatlumps? Like I said, it's things like this that lead me to believe that Smedly just sits in his office laughing at all the people he's tricked into continuing to pay for this sham of a game.
My point is that they have all six movies and the vast body of work that makes up the extended universe and the single best thing the SWG devs can come up with is...Meatlumps? Like I said, it's things like this that lead me to believe that Smedly just sits in his office laughing at all the people he's tricked into continuing to pay for this sham of a game.
The development team is comprised of folks who aren't Star Wars fans. Deadmeat posted on the OBoard that they are more interested in adding things that fit into their narrow view of an MMO than they are in sticking with the Star Wars lore. If it comes down to content that could easily fit into WoW, or content that could fit into a Star Wars film, they will choose the WoWish content every time, because that is what belongs in an MMO.
Add to that the fact that LEC is much more likely to give SOE leeway to mangle the small amount of lore SOE created for SWG, such as the Meatlumps.
The entire goal of the dev team is to keep the current players paying the subscription fee for as long as possible. Toiletboy has gone so far as to admit that they would rather add more cookie cutter instances instead of fixing some of the glaring issues the game still has after almost five years.
I completely agree with you. I just find it mind boggling that somebody would post the announcement of the Meatlump themepark as some sort of proof of how great SWG is. If I was still paying to play the game I would be completely embarrassed by that announcement and certainly wouldn't be bragging about it.
meatlumps rule!
go meatlumps..
okay honestly it sounds fun. Meatlumps is a part of SWG online lore (its developped its own over time you see as happens in games) and so they are using it and expanding the content line. I find it funny actually but then I have a sense of humour and enjoy fun things :P. I'm not overly analytical which is probably why i find games that are fun to be fun ^^.
The have added instances some of which revolve around star wars lore and they are doing something with hoth. That's pretty "star warsy". They have made jedi which is the iconic of all iconic proffs actualy something that people can obtain and play and not end up in the hospital getting carpel tunnel surgery trying to get something that it said you can do on the box. The imperial star destoryer instance can't become anymore "star warsy" in a world of pixels if they tried. so now they are adding an element that has some comical feel to it that has over time become a part of the mmorpg lore created in part by the community. Its not a big deal and I'm not embarassed to say it looks fun to me. /shrugs
The whole meatlump king thing is a long-running joke on the forums and nothing more. For the current group of SWG "devs" to put it into the game is a sign of how creatively bankrupt they are. If SWG wasn't already the laughing stock of the entire mmorpg industry this would have given them that title.
Don't the SWG haters have their own board to play around on, so they don't have to troll this one?
So I started to walk into the water. I won't lie to you boys...I was terrified. But I pressed on, and as I made my way past the breakers, a strange calm came over me. I don't know if it was divine intervention or the kinship of all living things, but I tell you, Jerry, at that moment ... I was a marine biologist.
The whole meatlump king thing is a long-running joke on the forums and nothing more. For the current group of SWG "devs" to put it into the game is a sign of how creatively bankrupt they are. If SWG wasn't already the laughing stock of the entire mmorpg industry this would have given them that title.
Meatlumps have been an NPC faction since forever. It's not something new to SWG.And since when is Star Wars restricted to only stuff we see in the Movies? This would be considered part of the EU, just like all those books that have been written that have introduced new stuff to Star Wars that wasn't seen in the movies.
OBRAIK is the biggest troll here, besides he is working for SOE in PR Dep.
OBRAIK is the biggest troll here, besides he is working for SOE in PR Dep.
I doubt it
The vet forum is for us to discuss the game that used to be. It would be trolling to make these posts there.
Yes and since when has it been taboo for a company to expand on something that has become a part of a game over the years as the players work it into the game lore? Its not unusual and it is done and has been done before. Its done on small scales and large scales in other games and its not unsual. I'm not sure how you would find that it makes them the laughing stock of the mmorpg community its something of an easter egg in many respects and something that other companies do on a routine basis.
I was poking around the official forums a little bit and couldn't find anywhere were people were crying out for Meatlump content. I see a ton of posts from people asking for actual Star Wars content but I guess the devs missed all those posts while they were so busy chuckling over their Meatlumps.
The fact is that the devs put up polls as to what the next "content" the players want, guess what meatlumps won. The dev team does listen to what players want............ now what players want that is anohter question.
They also did a forum poll to pick an in-game title and "Force Insensitive" won. Never thought I'd say it but the SWG devs need to stop listening to their players.
Until you cancel your subscription, you are only helping to continue the cycle of mediocrity.
lol...was that the poll where you could choose between Meatlumps and gardening? Wow, I just can't think of two things that are more Star Warsy and Iconic...
The "Meatlump King" is a long standing joke, it's been around forever and pops up on the forums quite often. I remember a few of those polls where funny answers like "gardening" would be the majority, then devs taking the next highest answer into consideration. There's plenty of things the devs don't do properly, and listening is one of them, sometimes they listen to the WRONG type of people, other times they don't even listen at all (for example the GU4 feedback, notice they didn't put them up until AFTER they released GU4 to live, they also knew about the force drain bug in pvp and ignored it).
I think the instances are nice endgame content, but when I played, the instances and pvp was all there was to do, unless you were crazy about collections, nobody wanted to do DWB or Geo cave or Corvette or hunt for clusters of Nightsister spawns anymore. As much as I grew to dislike pvp with the retarded buff wars it turned into, and how some guilds are strict about which profession they take when doing instances (if you were a Jedi and the group had more than 2, you couldn't go), and collections gets very tiring after a while especially with how rare some of the pieces are.