The Following Was Posted On The Dark Age Of Camelot Community Website Just A Few Days Ago:
I would like to take some time to answer some of the most common questions that I have spotted on the various DAoC forums, as well as to share some highlights of the Origins ruleset. But before I do so, I’d like for you all to know that I am also an avid player of Dark Age myself, having leveled many characters to 50 across multiple servers and realms. For example, I remember the old days of leveling off wolves outside of the Albion portal keep in Odin’s Gate. Over the years, I’ve maxed out all six craft skills and I’ve bought a few houses and I’ve gone on many, many keep and relic raids. Like many of you, Dark Age was my first MMO, and it’s a game that will always have a special place in my geeky heart. I’ve been with Mythic (now EA Mythic) for over seven years. For the entirety of my employment at Mythic, I have never left the DAoC project. My vision for the design of this new server is driven by my and my team’s own understanding of and experience with Dark Age, as well as yours, our Community of Team Leads, players and former players who wish to come back and experience not just the ‘nostalgia’ of this server, but a truly fun and compelling gameplay experience.
The most common question continues to be, “Is this really going to happen?”
Origins has been in development for a couple of months now. We have been working with our Team Leads (as part of the Team Lead program) to work through the various gameplay details, ideas, and issues, while also collecting and reading your feedback. Our schedule requires around four to five months of development. This means that since the server has been in development for two months already, we still have another two to three months before it’s ready for primetime. Right now, launch is slated for the August/September timeframe. However, this is also subject to change. Ideally, I want the server to receive at least one month of internal and external beta testing, but preferably six to eight weeks to allow us time to react to feedback and make changes or additions that will provide for the best play experience possible. This is also why your involvement as a Community is critical to us, and why we’re holding a couple of IRC chats later this week.
Second on the list of most popular questions is, “What is this server all about?”
This server is designed to return DAoC to the great game experience it was in 2001/2002, while also applying wisdom from the lessons we have learned since then. DAoC is still a great game, but this server has its own appeal that we ‘old school’ players really enjoyed, and our goal is to get back to that while also continuing to support the other rulesets. Origins will not exactly replicate the game as it was is 2001; we are keeping as a part of server the ‘best features’ we have put into the game since launch, such as housing, horses, the market explorer, UI changes (to name only a few) and many of the improved systems introduced over the years. However, some of these features and systems will also be tuned up. For example, the ‘portal ceremony’ found in the game at launch will not be making a comeback as it was originally implemented. Instead, there will be a short waiting period (3 – 5 minutes) before players may port together. This will encourage players to go to the Frontiers in groups as opposed to now where players often find themselves heading to the frontiers alone. We are also taking this opportunity to retune realm balance. Many intelligent and experienced minds are focused on this aspect of Origins, and the main question by which we’ve operated during its development is, If we could do this all over again, knowing what we know today, how would we do things differently?
As we embark on this development project called ‘DAoC: Origins,’ we also continue to focus on our Live servers. We just recently launched a ‘Ghost Keep’ event, which was very well-received, and we thank you for your participation and feedback. We also recently re-envisioned and deployed our new Starter Area to all servers, taking advantage of the previously (and mostly) unused tutorial region; again, the feedback has been very positive. We will continue to deploy new content patches, new features, and new gameplay experiences to all of our servers, regardless of ruleset.
In closing, please stay tuned as development on Origins continues. We are very excited about the possibilities and we hope you are, too. Thank you all for reading. I will keep in touch, and I look forward to our IRC chats later this week.
Best regards,
Christopher Rabideau
Producer, Dark Age of Camelot
Electronic Arts (EA Mythic)
Well, it looks like DAOC is poised for a comeback.
I believe that the DAoC origins server will bring back life to DAoC. In fact, my prediction is that in 6 months time, there will be around 7000 players playing DAoC each day at prime time spread over three DAoC origins servers. I think that the project will be successful and effectively eliminate the old servers. Fellow players, DAoC has had its moments of glory over the past 7 years, but I believe that in 6 months all the old servers will be closed and a new era and flux of DAoC players will emerge. DAoC may never reach the population it once did, but by opening a new server type and the first new server in over 2 years, Mythic is essentially releasing DAoC 2. It is not a new game entirely, but DAoC has a new lease on life, and if Mythic markets the game effectively, success is inevitable. Warhammer claims to be the future, but it is not. I am not a game basher, but as an old vet of DAoC I can honestly say that Warhammer is a gimmick-filled game, intended to copy World of Warcraft's success. There will be no realm pride in Warhammer, only gold sellers and gold farmers. I encourage you all to begin your own guilds or join others. Let's bring back DAoC to respectable status. Albion, Midgard, and Hibernia are only months away from a rebirth that will take the game by storm.
Hello Dark Age of Camelot and fellow Players,
Many of you have already participated in the new server poll we have been conducting to gauge interest in what we are calling the ‘Origins’ server ruleset, also referred to as an ‘Old Frontiers’ server. I would like to thank everyone who has participated so far, as well as thank those who have provided the incredible amount of constructive feedback we have received through the Herald and through the various message forums relevant to DAoC. My team and I were pleasantly surprised by how much interest this poll has generated. The pollis still available to the public on the Herald, and we are still watching its results with great interest.
We have received numerous questions regarding this poll and ruleset. Our Community Team has been working on a FAQ that is now available on the Herald. Also, later this week, we will be organizing two IRC chats in which members of my team and I will be available for Q&A. The dates will be on Wednesday, June 4th and Thursday, June 5th. One will be held at 6:30 pm EDT for the benefit of our East Coast players, and the other will be held at 9:30 pm EDT for the benefit of our West Coast players. Please watch the Herald for any additional information. You should also note that beyond the IRC chats, we are very interested in your continued feedback. Please feel free to utilize the Herald Feedback Form for this purpose. I plan to dig in and read as many of your emails as I can myself, but please keep the feedback constructive.
It's odd, I am a fan of PvP, but I never really decided to actually try DAoC out. I may think about trying the free trial (in addition of playing VG), but I am not sure if it is really worth it..
In memory of Laura "Taera" Genender. Passed away on Aug/13/08 - Rest In Peace; you will not be forgotten
Man oh man, do I wish I could go back to DAoC in its prime. I'm down for trying this server most definitely, though resurrecting such an aged video game is a near impossible task. Here's to hoping I can slaughter some Hibbies to my heart's content once again!
Lets bring DAOC back! Its time to revive RvR and play it the way it was meant to be played. Realm pride is coming back in style! For Albion For Midgard For Hibernia! Prepare for glory this fall!
if its out before WAR I will give it a try. Classic EQ and DAoC are still the best ever, imo.
It's an aged game now, it's still fun but if you're into the newer games you'll probably think its an old fart. But definetely you should try it after this server comes out.
A human and an Elf get captured by Skaven. The rat-men are getting ready to shoot the first hostage with Dwarf-made guns when he yells, "Earthquake!" The naturally nervous Skaven run and hide from the imaginary threat. He escapes. The Skaven regroup and bring out the Elf. Being very smart, the Elf has figured out what to do. When the Skaven get ready to shoot, the Elf, in order to scare them, yells, "Fire!"
Order of the White Border.
Now Why can't $OE do this with Star Wars Galxies? Mkae a server that has a version of the game when it was in its prime. I do not care I would go back to it in a heartbeat and cancel my wow accts. if they did it. YOU HEAR THAT $OE? MAKE A CLASSIC SERVER AND WATCH IT EXPLODE with vets returning.
Wow, the idea sounded really good to me 'til I read in the FAQ they're removing the battlegrounds. Which might've been fine if there was at least a /level 20-30 command or Shrouded Isles to grind it out to 50, but I'm not sure I've missed finlaith groups all that much.
Ugh, I love Classic a good deal already; azurite and the battlegrounds. I could do without the azurite and the New Frontiers variations of th battlegrounds even though I like those too; but just remove the Catacombs classes from the battlegrounds and my subscription would become permanent. That's what I would've hoped another more classic Classic server would've been.
This though sounds kinda terrible. They'd be doing themselves a favor throwing buffbots back into this iteration.
I think it's due to pride and the fact that SoE refuses to admit that they were wrong or that they in fact ruined a lot of games, and not just SWG.
No required quests! And if I decide I want to be an assassin-cartographer-dancer-pastry chef who lives only to stalk and kill interior decorators, then that's who I want to be, even if it takes me four years to max all the skills and everyone else thinks I'm freaking nuts. -Madimorga-
considering I only played the tutorial and wasn't impressed, I doubt some small changes to balance and such would suddenly make this game interesting for myself.
My blog:
I think it's due to pride and the fact that SoE refuses to admit that they were wrong or that they in fact ruined a lot of games, and not just SWG.
SWG was the only real game they ruined i played. EQ 1 was good. EQ 2 is good. Vanguard was ruined by Microsoft but SOE picked it up and published it anyways but is much better now but still too late.SWG was just bad even to begin with. Lack of quests etc at beginning sucked. I only liked the crafting myself personally.
ANy more MMOs SOE published i never tried at all so can't say anything about them.
Cool, good one for you old DAoC players
I wish SOE does something like this for SWG but they need directives wich understand players, not just numbers. By reading the DAoC producer letter, I feel he is very authentic dude and understands all kind of players. You're lucky. 1+ for Mythic.
"I think that the project will be successful and effectively eliminate the old servers."
Thousands of lv 50's deleted. Not going to fuckin happen. People are still going to play those for the newer content. I'll go back. but I've never left either.
Sounds good, except they plan on deleting my favorite class, the Theurgist.
I say move or delete a SI or later class from Albion. Not the same without Theurgs
Is it really necessary to quote very long posts?!
Anyways, i've never played DAoC before, but i might try the trial. I always hear good things about their RvR.
They did the same thing with the "classic" servers, so it will be interesting to see how many people will come back and try the game again. Thre is one problem that I see with this though, and the same thing happened when they opened the "classic" servers. The old old servers will be even more bare in the number range than they are now. For the people who wan"toa", they need to combine the servers. It is long overdue!
This also tells me two things. They want to keep the game going. I really thought they wanted the game to die after some of dumb things they did to it over the past year. Also, they are really feeling the pinch of lower populations now. Has most DAoC players will tell you, the game is really at its best when you have a lot of players playing. This is a major downside to the game. Frankly, it has been a snow ball effect for years now with population.
My first question would be: are they going back to the insanely long level grind? Thats what drove me away "back in tha day" and it would be a deal breaker here as well.
That's what it sounds like with no /level and no SI, nor mid-level BGs to pass the time with.
Hopefully there's an increased levelling rate if the sole intent is to bring back level 50 RvR, 'cause taking away SI certainly doesn't help out any as far as PvE goes.
That's what it sounds like with no /level and no SI, nor mid-level BGs to pass the time with.
Hopefully there's an increased levelling rate if the sole intent is to bring back level 50 RvR, 'cause taking away SI certainly doesn't help out any as far as PvE goes.
Yep, that's what I was assuming. I never understood that about DAOC. It was an RvR game, PvP was lots of fun, but you had this crazy level grind that really just smothered the end game RvR. If they want to revive the game (to any significant extent) they should probably do some thing about that...
It will be interesting to see if it has better success than The Combine.
The Old Timers Guild
Laid back, not so serious, no drama.
All about the fun!
An opinion should be the result of thought, not a substitute for it. - Jef Mallett
In the end, this is a good thing!
Torrential: DAOC (Pendragon)
Awned: World of Warcraft (Lothar)
Torren: Warhammer Online (Praag)
I will be buying and trying DAOC when this server launches! WTG. So glad I didn't waste $ on AoC.
Luckily, i don't need you to like me to enjoy video games. -nariusseldon.
In F2P I think it's more a case of the game's trying to play the player's. -laserit
DAOC FTW! Long live the best pvp game ever!
So who plans on playing? I wonder what the interest is like now.
Wow nice. Something the idiots at $$$OE will never do with classic EQ. I will try this new server.