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We are currently in the latter part of beta testing something we call "Conflict Pets" and we can use your help.
Basically, you can adopt up to 5 pets (all set in the Warhammer world) and raise the. You level them up by killing other member's pets and/or making forum posts. You can equip your pet with armor, feed it, rest it and other stuff.
Starter pets include: Nurglings, Spiders, Cold Ones, Pegasi, Nightmare, Manticores, Hydras, Chimeras, War Lions, Chaos Chickens, Warhounds, Slime Hounds and quite a few more.
If you're interested in helping with the beta testing the system, just go to Make sure you pm me at the site and tell me our friends at sent you, and I'll give you some extra forum money so you can deck your pet out in all the armor etc.
Anyway. Is this for ingame or something else? I didn't feel like hunting the website to find out details.
Playing: Nada.
Waiting: TOR
It's just a little game we have on our site. It's actually pretty fun, and the best part is you get to meet a bunch of new people by fighting their pets.
To look at it, all you need to do is look at the navigation bar on the left side of site - and click Conflict Pets. There's also a how-to guide in the forums here:
Feels a little misleading to me.....