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Whats the Number one class these days for vanguard, well let me be more specific,
Best Solo class:
Best Group Class:
Best All around Class:
Its been a while since I played the game, and I just got back into it, playing a necro.
Best solo class? Usually considered to be Necro / DK / Disc - but all classes can solo now, just some handle certain mobs/situations better. I just soloed a couple of lvl 50 5dots the other night on my DK but i guess i dont kill as fast as a Necro could. Saying that a necro needs room to kite the mobs, so its all situational.
As for your other questions they are not only situational but subjective. Im not sure how you can define the best group class, given that if a group has 4 healers in it already the best choice would be - not another healer.
Anyway the games in much better shape now adays and theres lots off people coming back it seems.Just give a few different classes a go and see what floats your boat.
Psi's , DK's, Pallys, Druids and Bloodmages have all had revamps in last few months so perhaps it could be argued these classes are in the best shape atm, going by the forums, most of the changes seem to be for the better with them.
r.i.p. c!
Druids already had a revamp? I wasn't sure if this was complete or still in the works...
Anyways for the original poster - DK / Necro / Disc and I think you can throw Bear Shaman into there as well for best solo class -
Groups usually appreciate healers and CC type classes in most situations - but at the same time always need a tank and DPS - So its true that the "best" really depends on the rest of the group makeup.
I think Bards are probably one of the more sought after classes for groups - but might not necessarily be the best...
Are you trying to figure out what class would be best for you?
Need not read any further just stop right here.
It's a matter of taste and opinion. I love my ranger, and I think that class qualifies for all three of the above mentioned classes.
so far i've soloed from 1-15 on a Cleric and it has been very easy. 3 dot mobs may take a while to kill, but i will finish the fight with full heath and 75% mana.
As for the best solo class it really depends how hard you want to work,I mean a bear shammy solo's very well but it does take some skill and not just pressing the same 3 or 4 keys,so I guess the question is how easy do you want the game to be?
If someone had came up to me in 1980 when I was on my Atari 2600 and said we will be playing games with thousands of people at the same time.I guess my response would have been,"but I only have 2 joysticks"
My main is a cleric and it solo really easy. Yes it takes sometimes to kill stuff, but it can heal himself, it wears plate armor and a shield, survivability wise, i think Cleric are king.
Best solist class:
That really depends upon what you want.
- Necromancer can kill a lot of mobs. But if the opponent is really tough, he has to rely on fear. If the opponent cannot be feared either, all the Necro can do is Evac or Fake Death, then return with a group.
- Dread Knight is tough, can kill even (at least some) 6-dots, and works great against groups of opponents as well. He also has some nice tools, such as a shorttimed invis + runspeed (cant keep that up all the time). On the downside, this isnt exacty a top dps class.
- Disciple. Again almost impossible to kill class, not bad dps, and an instant Fake Death, though not as reliable as the Monks.
- Cleric. Another nearly unkillable class. If the opponent has stun, though, or silence, the Cleric will have a hard time. Additionally, the dps of Clerics is the worst in the whole game.
- Other good solists are all classes but Warrior, Monk, and Rogue. Each requires their special strategy, though, and many of them rely on kiting, which needs the room for it.
Best group class:
??? This is a contradictional question. It is a GROUP, not a single class. And in Vanguard, all classes work well in groups. You need any tank, one or better two healers, a bard and two dps for a good group.
What can be said, though, is that Monk and Bard really start to shine only in groups. Solo, the Monk is rather weak, and the Bard has to kite harder opponents. In a group, the Monk is the best puller of all, and the Bard causes an insane dps increase.
Best allround class:
There are no true allrounders in Vanguard. Declaring a "best" is therefore misleading. Some classes have a more generalist approach, though (Necromancer, Druid).