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Dear Customer,
We are writing to you in reference to your recent order for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.
It has come to our attention that some websites are reporting that have sent out the beta access codes. Unfortunately this is incorrect, however we are due to send out our beta access codes soon and we estimate that they should be with you within 7-10 days. The Warhammer Online beta has yet to start and we will be sending the codes shortly so that they will be there in time for access to the beta when it opens.
Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and valued custom.
Kind Regards,
Looks like we will get to see what its like soon Can't wait.
Nothing received like this yet.
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So glad i bought my CE pre-order from HMV because you get everything in the box.
Received this about 30 mins ago.
Glad to see some movement on the pre-order front.
OK just received the email a few minutes ago, I can confirm its official and legit.
Take the Magic: The Gathering 'What Color Are You?' Quiz.
I got this email too, even though I cancelled with a few weeks ago and picked up a box from HMV. Hopefully you guys still waiting on your codes will be put at ease soon then!
Just got this email as well.
i got my beta codes from best buy the day i ordered it, and amazon gets theres within 24 hours of ordering.....I think Play just is getting the keys shortly....and no i don't think open beta is around the corner...i would wager its at least 3 months out.
Thats open-beta access codes, not closed...
Apparently many people had issues with receiving fake closed beta keys in their email, happens on most mmo's from time to time. If your not in closed beta by now, I wouldn't sweat it as Open Beta will be coming out sometime this summer anyways. If your really confused as to what there talking about I suggest you just email their customer support, or send a message to one of the Administrators on the Warhammer Forums.