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AoC is plagued with problems for PC users because they insisted on crossplatforming for Xbox. Let the kiddies play their consules and leave the MMOGs to PC gamers.
I dunno about that works really well for Final Fantasy XI online, but you right that they should not have crossed the platforms especily if it's a new launch. FFXI only started to cross pc,ps2 and 360 after the game was out for a couple of years.
wow i didnt know it was kiddie to play mmo's on a console. thanks for telling me that. >.>
Well, it's a matter of the classic Console vs PC argument... It's written in stone among the "real" gamers that without a PC, you're not a real gamer. Hence the relation to "kiddies". A lot of kids, any age really, but the majority 16 and under, sit around their consoles and do nothing but that, but are still not by the book gamers. It's a joke, to people like myself and OP (this is a guess) And even though they can just as easily get themselves a PC, it helps weed out some of them by having a game that we're paying by the month for, to have it exclusively to the damn system we bought it for.
lol. I find just as many adults on XBL as I do most of the PC MMO's I've played and I've played nearly all of them. I mean Xbox Live might have communities like the Halo one which is often times thought of as a bunch of annoying kids, but MMO's have WoW's community which isn't any better. In fact I've been playing games for 15 years+ of my 22 y/o life. I keep my computer up to date hardware wise, and I have a ps3 / xbox 360. I honestly prefer my xbox over my computer anyday. My computer is basically my way to multi-task between an mmo and doing whatever work I need done on the computer that day. I think by 'set in stone by all 'gamers'' you mean, set in stone by you and the people who agree with you that PC's are so uber for gaming. Really PC's do have much better hardware then an console. PC games also die by that, like AoC as a prime example, where people with brand new 4,000 dollar computers cant play the game for whatever reason. You never go onto a ps3 forum and have to respond to people saying will my ps3 be able to play god of war 3? That and how many 'good' games take advantage of the PC's hardware? Crysis is really the only one I can think of, I personally think it sucks besides the graphics being pretty good, the game play is bland. Anyways, I'm rambling I apologize. I'm going to go get much needed sleep so that I can use my day off tomorrow to play video games.
Right well, to counter that, how simple do we want to make our MMOs? Or how complicated do we want to make our Consoles? I have an Xbox360, and I play that when I'm in the mood to just sit down and play some incredibly quick, smooth game like Crackdown, Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, what have you.
But when I sit down on my computer, and plan to play a game I expect to have something that's taken time to really get the hang of. A good RTS, such as Starcraft, Dawn Of War, Company Of Heroes... These shouldn't be put on a console. Starcraft was, and was a horrible failure. They've tried again, with C&C3. Anyone that says that's good.. well, they hvaen't played much of a real match then, I've seen 1v1 get ridiculously laggy.
My point is, MMOs started on the PC, If companies want to branch out on the consoles, fine, I don't think the platforms should be crossed, for a handful of different reasons. With crossplatforming comes different levels of unbalance. On the PC end, people will have modibility for their clients that won't be available for those on the console, though the ones on the console will be playing with a huge edge, having near perfect FPS most of the time, since the damn game was made specifically for that system.
It just seems to me, that it will put a big gap between the two sets of players, most people won't have keyboards with their 360, granted it's an option, and will have to depend on the voice chat, which in most cases has just proved to be (for PC based games) a gimp of lag.
This game is rough on PCs, a lot of people won't be in the market for it due to this fact, so putting it on a console made to perform it well is not a bad marketing idea, don't get me wrong. I'm just irritated at the fact there will be this large gap between players, usually when I play an MMO I try and be able to associate well with people around me, based around the fact we're all in the same environment, under the same pretences. With the 360 community involved, I just have the feeling i won't be renewing my subscription after my game card dies, but I guess we'll see how it goes.
i love pc and console gaming and i do agree that each have their own set of jerks and childish fans. with that said i just hate being bunched in with them because of the system i play.
So I'm an ultimate gamer? Awesome!
Neosinya, did you honestly just make an account to respond to that?
I don't know, maybe you are. Sort of dumb of me to try and bring up a specific tag with symptoms to identify it.
you know what the best part is?
because of the writing skills of the original poster, some people will actually stand on the other side of the river and cry "i have a console, and you are lame"
the same people will be disappointed when an MMO finally gets onto the console market
it just wont be the same.. if you people knew anything about the differences between consoles and computers
you wouldnt be making any posts about it, instead you would acknowledge why MMOs are for PC only
for example, any MMO for a console would never be an "open world", nor would it be very complex
the combat system might be interesting, and probably very fast and adrenaline inducing
i could see multiplayer on consoles, and most flagship games on consoles do
im not going to make a list of limitations, nor continue this.. its up to anyone interested in the why to find out
also, lets just hope, for the sake of future entertainment, that decision makers in the future will not make the same mistakes as funcom does now
I'm 27 and own a PC and a console for gaming. If I like the game and it's on a console I will play it, same for PC. I know a bunch of people my age and up that strictly play on consoles. I don't understand how console = kiddy.
Also, it's retarded to say that PC gamers are real and console gamers are fake. How can you be fake at playing games? I guess we're all fake for playing video games, we should all go play hide & seek. Let's keep it real!
As for MMOs on consoles, they should be made for them first if devs plan on using it for their game. If it is successful they can try bringing it to the PC. It makes no sense to say MMOs don't belong on consoles. They belong anywhere it's possible to play them.
Having a strong FACTION warfare game...hould never consider cross realming. Ant to play another faction.....log onto another server.Look how badly DAOC has been hurt by cross realming.It completly undermines the idea of faction struggle.