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Perfect World or A Perfectly Corrupted World by Cubinet ?

According to a lot of Perfect World's player, we are all reporting a problem concerning this game to every people who want to know what's happen on this game.

Here is a report of what "Perfect world" really is, according to Cubinet

An compleltely non-existent in-game Staff

A perfect place is a place of mutual respect. Unfortunately, that is not exactly the case in perfect world. Despite the EULA, which is suposedly enforced by GameMasters, everyone is free to say whatever he wants on the general channels and to do (almost) whatever he wants in game (as long as he is not bothering a GameMaster's relative).

People are free to make such statements on world chat as : burn jews, claim being a Nazi or to speak about ass, size of penis and everything a teen can bring up on a world chat without any measure taken by GameMasters.

The point I want to stress out is, each time a player is reporting an offense or an abuse he witnessed, he has to fight for weeks on a forum to explain the problem, he must provide "screenshot not edited with their name" and pray for a staff feedback. The problem is in fact deeper than you can imagine, because the GameMaster staff is not the same as the forum staff and also not the same than the customer service. It's when you call them that you figure out a really huge problem of communication between each team.

In game "Terms Of Use Agreement" different than the in-game reality

Most of the games rules stated on the website are in fact never enforced in game. As the game staff is most of the time not connected, people can do such claims on the world chat as selling their account, insulting the world community, races, gender without problem. The world chat is a complete mess, full of teenagers spending all their time killing low level and making what they want.

Nonsense evidence

Now, you will be able to read bellow the perfect evidence of this big nonsense :

Most of you know that on internet, a screenshot or a picture can easily be edited and changed by a good graphist. We live in a world where you can create whatever fake you want and change any picture as you fancy it to be (Female Modeling, virtual reality...).

For those reasons quoted above, a screenshot is usually never used as an evidence. Most Mmorpgs rather use "Computer data logging" (server chat, connection log files) to take actions in reaction to a problem that can happen ingame.

That's not the case in Perfect world.

As described in the game rules, which each and every player is supposed to accept every time they log into the game, their discussion will be saved:

Chapter: Rules Related to "Chat" and Interaction With Other Users. 


You understand that Cubinet may record your chat sessions and you consent to such monitoring or logging.


But the nonsense starts here : the staff ask us for a screenshot.

It started with a  player saying "Calling all Nazi, cook the fuckin jews, gas them lol" (1) on the world chat of the Delphi server. Many players posted cut screenshots of this chat on the official game forums(cut, because of large filesize and to protect our player privacy) to ask a reaction of the game staff.

The reaction was really weird "Sorry screenshot was cut, we need the full size" (with our player name, level etc that can help people killing us in game and normally are hidden because we are on a player vs player game) and we discovered a strange (mis)conception of privacy : "Send on public a forum a screenshot of your in-game character screen, with all the informations that normally a customer service hides and inform the rest of the community of who you are".

Surprised of this answer and this rule not listed anywhere on the website or forum concerning the way GameMasters handle a player petition,  while we all have know the "Terms Of Use Agreement" rules concerning chat logging, we decided to keep on fighting to ask an official reaction (3). After 14 pages of players asking an answer (2)+(3), 10 privates messaging to every forum staff and moderator, 4 mails to customer service, we had at last another answer : "please provide another screenshot".

Perfect world customer service is really funny. Everyone can say what they want on the game, you are afraid to post a screenshot on the forum because you don't want to be perma killed in game.

The most important thing you have to know is that, in order to speak on the world chat, you must use an in-game item called "trumpet" that can only be bought with real money. I will now let you make up your mind about why the staff reaction is so slow when a problem occurs on the world chat.




Strange equity of staff reaction

But the story is not over: another event amazingly occured recently and proved that the staff is not reacting the same depending on who is asking. A high level guild reporting a "private messaging" screenshot (thing that normally are not under the rules as it is private) sent an obviously cut screenshot on a forum and had an almost instant reaction of the game staff while 40 players are reporting racism abuse without any reaction.

Someone else reporting that someone told him in private "u have no parents" had the offenser banned from the game (4).

It seems that the staff is not reacting the same depending on their feelings towards the petitioner, despite their claim of neutrality.


Strange and funny reaction on game staff

But the story is not over: Yesterday something really funny happen. The game staff has suspended 20 accounts during 44 years, yes, 44 years and why ? just because they have loot items from a guy on the main city who put all items on the floor saying it will stop the game, noone know the account was hacked and the only reaction of the Gamemaster was to ban 20 accounts who also were here to keep the items in case their friend be back ingame. A flame war begin on the forum and the only reaction of the staff was(6):

Due to this issue, i've talk personally with the person that incharge for this cases. thru this case, cubinet have the right to lock or suspend any ID that are related to the case they recieve.

and to lock the post.

Are we on the 4th dimension ?



The case is simple, perfect world is a place:

- where everyone can do what they want (if you give real money to the company by buying chat item),

- where you have no player privacy (you must post petitions on public forums w/ screenshots displaying your in-game name),

- where the customer service wait on their "Customer Services Number" to give them much more money,

- where the rules are simple : "if you don't like what you see on the world chat, just cut the world chat off" and in case you have problem, count on the fact you gave Cubinet much more real money through their online services and/or that you are much more famous than the one you are reporting.

Perfect world or just perfectly corrupted company ? You can now make up your mind.


  • TorakTorak Member Posts: 4,905

    Thats a whole lot of writing for a free to play / Item mall game that doesn't even have an official US / Euro publisher.

    You get what you pay for.


  • arcdevilarcdevil Member Posts: 864
    Originally posted by Torak

    Thats a whole lot of writing for a free to play / Item mall game that doesn't even have an official US / Euro publisher.
    You get what you pay for.




    OP,if your intention was warning PW players,theres no need here. everybody knows what to expect from free to play asian dogcraps,and we usually avoid them like the plague.

  • marowitmarowit Member UncommonPosts: 268

    f2p what do you expect gm that pay attention?i bet they don't even have gm...all f2p are like this so just chill.

    Remember the good old days when devs made games just for the sake of making a great game?
    They are forever gone now all they care is about how much they can earn from them, if they can't make millions they won't make that game.


  • sfwtboysfwtboy Member Posts: 217

    Thanks God! someone else finally said something about this game other then zomg its the best game ever. Ive been talking about how shitty it is it for months because Its good for the first 30 levels so people think its the best game ever because they dont get past that

    Currently Playing:nothing Have Played: WoW GW LoTRO Last Chaos Maple story 2 Moons Lunia Perfect World Archlord Silkroad FFXI EQII Vanguard Age of Conan

  • Rommie10-284Rommie10-284 Member UncommonPosts: 265

    Yeah, the CS is invisible, in the bad way.  I bailed out when the MY release went live and it was quickly apparent that the CN guilds were there to dominiate it, and could get away with about anything they wanted to do so.  At least it's a mistake I didn't have to pay for.

    It's too bad, as the game itself is decent.  The high-level grind is bad, but with the right guild it could be tolerable.  I *might* give the NA release a try, but the chances are that they too will be invisible CS.  They would also still be tied to updates from China, which is a process that ranges from slow to none. 

    If they do not IP ban from Asia, they will deserve their fate (the big guilds from the other versions showing up and dominating this one too)

    Avatars are people too

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