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The Obsidian Throne-We Fight To The Death

bonewizardbonewizard Member Posts: 10


Welcome to The Obsidian throne


Our history: The Obsidain Throne A.K.A. The Dread Imperceptors has been around for a few years now.

We have been actively involved in Guild Wars High End PvP, PvE, GvG. Our guild has been 50 plus members in the past

with alot of involvement surrounding High end PvE (Once they nerfed PvP to death) and Social aspects of the game.

We are looking forward to AoC and what it will offer our guild as we expect this to be our guilds main focus.

We have little raid experience as an overall guild but we are sure to catch on quickly and crush those that face us in battle.

Most of our guild members consist of the older gamers 20-45 years of age, so Immaturity is not welcome to the guild (18+ need only apply)

Now to fill the time before AoC arrives we are still actively involved it Guild Wars & Tabula Rasa splitting time between the two MMO's

So recruiting for these games will not be a factor when AoC arrives. So we are just getting the our guild word out there and then start recruiting closer to the final day.

We are looking to keep our guild medium size our motto is quality over quantity so at some point we will cap applications.

Guild Name: Order of The Obsidian Throne

Guild Website: Order of The Obsidian Throne

Recruitment Forums:Order of The Obsidian Throne Recruitment

Our Website has just been Theme updated and reinstalled

Time Zone: EST

Guild Leaders: Shandor/Boneodin

Guild Category: PvP-PvE-RPvP

Voice: Required

Recruiting Member Status: Open to all applications.

Platform: PC Only

Membership Application

All applications will be reviewed and considered. Please include the following information in your application and send me a message or reply to this thread with it filled out:

Name: Game name


Class:The class you want to play or are considering playing

Playstyle: Causal, Medium, Hardcore

Ventrilo:Vent is required Period.

Time Zone:

Previous PvP Experience:

Computer Specs:

Brief or long comment about yourself:

Mission Statement

We provide a clan / guild structure to aid and assist it’s members in character development, pvp, and end game content.

We will strive to maintain an active base of gamers who will participate in game, as well as, outside of the game.

The clan will provide an in game clan organization, website, ventrilo server, and authoritative leadership.

Members will be encouraged to rank up within the clan with an end goal of taking a leadership position.

Order of The Obsidian Throne
Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win.
Sun Tzu~The Art Of War


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