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I'm making a gaming comp and wanted to know if ddr3 would make a big difference in performance or if it would just be a small improvement. Also are games going to require ddr3 any time in the near future?
If you're plan on building a new rig, and have money to burn DDR3 is the way to go.
But the downside is the latency of DDR3 memory is horrid (much like RDRAM was). High latency makes it slower to process instructions. It's so new, like 32bit RDRAM was, it's still a niche market and not really utilized yet. In a year or two, yes, but now, no.
If you're more on a budget, load up on the fastest DDR2 your motherboard can handle -- 4x2GB modules if you can afford it (and plan to use 64bit Vista). More memory, even if slower, is better than faster but less memory now.
Games are hungry for more memory. Be it in videocards to system memory. It'll eat what you can feed it, and usually wanting more.
Plus, remember to give the OS at least 25% of it for it's use. If you don't it'll start slowing the system down.
.:| Kevyne@Shandris - Armory |:. - When WoW was #1 - .:| I AM A HOLY PALADIN - Guild Theme |:.
meh...the miniscule increase in performance doesn't justify the price imo.
I would go with these, you can't beat the price.
No real reason to go DDR3 right now. In about a year I'd say DDR3 will probably be heading into the mainstream.
No game will "require" DDR3 memory, you'll just eventually hit a point where you can't build with DDR2 memory and the DDR3 will be much, much faster.
As of right now, you can overclock DDR2 memory to much better performance than DDR3 is capable of.
Once they start spinning better silicon for the DDR3 that will change, but they are just hitting the edge of that iceberg at this time.
Thanks for the help.
Awesome deal for Awesome RAM. I love G. Skill.
Sorry, but about that latency, it's just plain wrong. I suggest you go read something about how memory works.
Even though DDR3 have a higher Latency in general than any DDR2 Memory.
DDR3 can run many more cycles than DDR2, thus giving the advantage. It would be the same as saying DDR2 could run 2 processes at once, where as DDR3 could run 4 processes at once. Even though DDR2 can do each of those 2 processes much quicker, than DDR3 can do one of it's. DDR3 is much better at multitasking.
But I will add though. That the DDR3 memory availible now, will be much worse in Timings/Latency, than the coming DDR3 sticks. Timings will improve on future DDR3 sticks, making it the right choice later on. But I can see for now, it might not be worth upgrading, if you are into overclocking and so on and so forth. Because that is really the only option, where you will find good Timings a great use.
EDIT: DDR2 does 4 bits per clock cycle, where as DDR3 does 8 bits per clock cycles.
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