From server changelog, May 27 - July 4:
- Most types of private properties owned by Cocidius and Longinus are now automatically available for let. If a current lease expires then Cocidius and Longinus will make the lease availible for all players at the end of the game day.
- Fixed a bug which has been taking 'to let' properties off the market at the end of the game day.
- Players are limited to renting a maximum of 5 properties.
- The landlords' /let preventrenewal command has been fully implemented and /let allowrenewal has been added. These two commands will prevent or allow a tenant to renew their lease.
- Wound recovery times have been significantly reduced.
- Major stat decay resulting from player death has been noticeably reduced.
- All regular player chat in Corstopitum and Erring will be broadcast board wide if there is less than 20 players on the respective board. /speak /shout /whisper /scream retain their current range.
- Player merchants will automatically stand down when their last item is sold or if a player converses with a player merchant with no stock.
- The three main roundhouse classes now require less clay, mud and dung to complete
- The mirmillo helm is now craftable and can be worn by both genders
- Greaves are now craftable
- Three new types of hats are now craftable
- Adjusted protection parameters for cap_a, cap_b and cap_c
- All project-crafted dresses and tunics are now repairable
Please note that some of these changes may not come into full effect until after the server maintenance on Monday.
- Increased headshot dodge bonus - player characters are now more likely to successfully dodge incoming attacks to the head. Please note that headcloths, bandanas, caps, hats and helmets are still the best way to protect against head wounds.
- Outside Corstopitum and Erring /who will only show a count of the players in the area rather than list their names.
- Adjusted vigour drains associated with foraging and gathering
- The bonus for Attending construction projects has been increased for Barbarians.
- Final Attending Task has been swapped from a roundhouse_small to a handcart_a
- Altered Elysium 'welcome' notice
- Destroying an equipped item while the player has very little vigour will no longer attempt to drain the remaining vigourJimplemented
- Querying any unarmed primary NPC will include the info tab being presented as an option. /info can be called anywhere anyway - this is just to raise its profile now that job listings are available.
- The following helms and helmets are now repairable: auxhelm_a, auxhelm_b, helmet_a, helmet_b and helmet_c
- Fullkilt_a through to fullkilt_f and trousers_a through to trousers_f are now repairable.
- Added the first stage of rumours feature*
- It is now no longer possible to add substandard parts to "qualified" and "master" rated jobs.
- Overhead swings will target headgear if worn, otherwise the head. Attacks targeted at headgear will cause wear to both headgear and weapon much like striking a shield. There is a chance that headgear-targeted attacks will slip past low quality headgear and re-target the head. Attacks successfully targeted at the head itself will provide a bonus to the defender's dodge, block and parry.
- Restricted errands so that players above a high "basic" skill level can no longer perform errands.
- A variety of music is now played upon completion of Attending tasks.
- Eating cooked food now has a chance of improving Fitness.
- Increased the limit on purchases from primary merchants.
- Decreased training wear on both pells and weapons.
- Handcarts are now repairable
- Fixed bug which prevented a building's owner from receiving an entry fee
- Fixed a bug that was preventing Auxilia forming properly
- The global /say in Corstopitum and Erring will now only be heard by people in the same room as the speaking player. You will only hear outside conversation if you are outside.
*When a new player completes an Attending task they will be given a rumour by the master.
Rumours are generated dynamically based on the skillset of a the non-Attending player closest to the player completing their Attending tasks. If no sufficiently qualified players are nearby when the Attending task is completed, the rumour will be less specific and targeted more towards newer players themselves.
Currently only a small selection of possible rumours have been implemented. Many more will follow soon.
- Statics can no longer be transferred, set for sale or purchased in wilderness boards.
- Master skilled players now have a chance of improving the estimated quality of a project when they add a component that requires the skill that the player has mastery of. This chance is only available without player or NPC help to the project add.
- The combatant badge is no longer awarded for equipping daggers.
- Players will receive a news alert when new news is added to the area they are in.
- The global chat in Erring and Corstopitum now treats chat in project sites as outside.
- Fixed bug to job payments which caused no payment to occur when adding job components.
- Added remaining component feed back for each item added to a project.
- When extracting, taking, gathering or foraging and your inventory is full but you have a handcart attached, the new item goes straight to the handcart.
- Fixed duplication of repair tab which can occur on handcarts.
- Added feedback for player teachers receiving skill raises for teaching.
- Prevented attending players from setting objects public.
- If the target player has very low vigour and is not incapped, the targeting player can transfer a small amount of vigour to help them limp off the field with the aid command tab.
- There is now a chance of getting the "medic" badge when you aid another player.
- New project sites now have a higher minimum quality when created.
- Trivial changes have been made to reduce project related text feedback size.
- Reduced equipment wear when extracting from sources and felling trees.
- Removed login message of the day.
- Increased chance of vigour recovery per tick.
- Decreased vigour cost for slash and swing. Also slightly decreased vigour cost for lunge.
- NPC defensive characteristics more accurately reflect their level. NPC's also suffer slightly more wounds from each successful attack regardless of the equipment clash involved.
- Added a minimum value to stamina/fitness factor of vigour recovery. This is intended to help players with very low Stamina or Fitness.
- Significantly increased chance of Fitness gains from eating cooked food.
- Reduced chance of penetrating player's protection for NHC's and NPC's and decreased corresponding wounds.
- Higher level players will now get Fitness gains from pells rather than skill experience.
- Slightly increased device wear through usage in handcrafting.
- When headgear is targeted its wear is based on a factor of weapon blunt damage rather than attack strength.
- The pilum melee range has been reduced.
- Damage has been increased for falxes.
- Slash penetration chance has been increased for falcatas.
- Blunt damage has been increased for longswords.
- buckler_metal_a, buckler_metal_b and buckler_metal_c are now repairable.
- rudius_a is now repairable; its parameters have been adjusted.
- Some further combat and non-combat skill improvement rate adjustments have been made.
- Sheets now require much less thread to craft.
- Wounds status had now been added to the /status command (F8).
- Movement in Elysium no longer costs any vigour
- Player-owned NPC's can no longer yield skill improves when attacked.
- NPC's attack skills are now more consistent with their level. Defensive skill gains from NPC attacks are now proportional to the NPC's combat level.
- There is now a chance of receiving "consider" feedback when attacking NPC's. Consider information will give you hints as to how evenly matched you are with the NPC you are fighting.
Note that the consider feedback will probably need some further adjustment and will always remain just a guideline as there are a great many variables involved in any given NPC combat encounter. Please let us know about your experiences with this feature in the forums and we'll continue to tweak it as necessary.
- If an NPC combat encounter is considered too easy, no skill improvements can be gained.
- Weapon balance is now more important when attacking NPC's.
- Removed redundant "You have moved too far away" message when moving away from a conversation partner NPC.
- Equipping a rudius will no longer result in a Combatant badge being awarded.
- Entering and leaving buildings now uses friendly names.
- Reduced the text of the project add timer to just the component name.
- Added wound treatment feature*
*A player may treat another player's wounds if they are both inside in the same room, the treating player has a knife equipped and is holding nothing in their left hand. The patient should not be hungry or have any items equipped when being treated. The treating player will also have to ensure that they have any items needed to treat the player in their inventory. Different items will be needed for different kinds of wounds.
To perform the treatment, the treating player must target the patient's specific body part and click the left mouse button which is normally reserved for offhand attacks such as slam. It is advisable for the treating player not to have a shield equipped when performing the wound treatment lest they have the opposite desired effect.
Clicking the right mouse button remains the main attack. Think before you accidental butcher your patient.
The level of healing is reflected in the quality of your knife and your treatment-wounds skill.
Some crafting changes that are partially live already and will be finished by the end of the day:
New project recipes for existing projects: basket_short_a, basket_tall_a
New project recipes: axe_a, axe_b, axe_c, battleaxe_a, stool_a
New repair recipes: axe_a, axe_b, axe_c, battleaxe_a, stool_a
The stool will be required for facepainting.
- Prevented Attending characters from accessing loot bags.
- Prevented Attending characters from treating others.
- Slightly increased tracking gain chance.
- Decreased damage to player shields from blocked NPC attacks and slightly decreased damage to player weapons from parried NPC attacks.
- Adjusted NPC toughness consideration feedback.
- Added a further significant increase to the skill improvements available from defending against non-player owned NPC attacks.
- Added drop animation to project adds.
- Added a message when entering unlabelled wilderness boards.
- The amount of masteries any character can have before running into difficulty raising further skills to a high level is now linked to Intuition/Sense.
- Adjusted NPC dodge and block rates.
- town_residential_10_c's is now considered domus rather than casa.
- Furniture items can only be dropped inside rooms.
- Only the owner of a furniture object will be able to have access to it when it is private.
- Querying any player will now return a full badge list in the player description and whether the player is wounded or not.
- Masters and Elders now have a tab with "master" or "elder" appear when a player converses with them. This is in addition to the former method of typing their name to receive the attending tasks.
- All new starting characters will have every statistic set to 40 points regardless of attributes.
- When an object made with a sheet component is destroyed, a rag is created in the player's inventory.
- Added further functionality to attending player rumours*
- Added barbarian face paint feature.
*Dependant on the combat and tracking skills of the closest near by player, an attending player will receive information regarding nhcs and hostile PCs and NPCs.
In order to paint a face you'll need sufficient skill for the style selected as well as having all the required items in your inventory. Your subject must be Free and using some form of seating, such as a stool. You'll need a fairly decent teacher to bring your skills up sufficiently to apply the simplest of warpaint styles but subsequent to that, developing the facepainting skill is as simple as painting faces. As you progress through the skill, more facepaint styles will become available.
Facepaint styles are lost upon death. Currently facepaint is only cosmetic however we will shortly be introducing some combat bonuses associated with the various styles.
July 9 - July 18th
- Fixed face painting skill raises.
- Slightly increased wear on pells.
- Fixed duplicate project tabs issue.
- Dropping objects inside a project site will now count as outside, incurring decay and other outside conditions.
- Adjusted skill gains resulting from teaching.
- NPC's are slightly more likely to strike successfully. Defensive combat skill experience can now be gained from successfully defending against NPC attacks as well as when failing - albeit at a much lower rate.
- Rag quality now affects the chance of gaining experience from binding wounds.
- The Medic badge can now be awarded for binding wounds.
- It's now possible for Roman players to strike other Roman players under Roman Martial Law.
- Added the ability for players to stock their merchants with liquid exclusivities if the vessel they use contains a liquid.
- Updated the toga qualifications for future craftable togas.
- The project add tab only appears when the project site you are using is not busy from a previous add.
- Added natural decay to private devices, private handcarts and natural decay proportionate to stock level for private stores (lower stock means higher chance of decay).
- Firewood no longer requires confirmation when being destroyed.
- It's now possible for Roman players to strike other Roman players under Roman Martial Law.
- Adjusted minimum rag quality produced by destroying cloths, and cloth or sheet-based items.
- The 'basic' skill can now be raised by running errands.
- Reduced 'basic' skill cap for errand availability
- Added 'mytask' waypoints for the first four elder / master attending tasks (clothing, drink, footwear, firewood).
- Changed project job payment to go into player's cash rather than VBA.
- Adjusted npc combat 'consider' feedback.
- Added sticks and rocks to destroy confirmation exemption.
- Increase chance of tracking skill raise resulting from losing trail.
- Wolf attack sounds now accompany wolf attacks.
- Added sounds for goats, cows and chickens when they are startled by approach.
- Both wolves and bears will now make a sound when successfully attacked.
- Wolves now have a sound effect associated with their death.
- Increased upper bounds of spawned bandit levels in wilderness boards.
- Added LLM command tabs "dispossess" and "relocate" and player statics tab "reclaim" *
*The "reclaim" tab will appear to the creator of stores and devices if the owner of the store or device has become "unknown".
The LLM command "dispossess" will allow the LLM of a board to set the owner of stores or devices to "unknown". When an LLM uses the "dispossess" command they will be awarded the "dispossessor" badge and will not be able to dispossess again until the badge has expired after 3 game days.
The LLM command "relocate" will allow the LLM of a board to relocate a store or device to another location. In order to do this process, the LLM must create a projectsite_small some where on the same board with out a project started within the site. When the LLM uses the "relocate" tab the object will be transported to the location of the project site.
- Added global mail feature*
- Added graffiti feature**
- Removed the "you have logged off outside" message from the game mail for non-attending players.
*It is now possible to send a game mail to the players belonging to your faction (Barbarian / Roman) using 'all' as a recipient name. Messages sent to 'all' will not be read in the conventional way. Instead, a player can use the new tab 'read global' in the bath houses, grand round houses and the basilica owned by god characters. Only the last ten messages sent to your faction can be read at these locations.
**A player can now write up to 16 characters of graffiti in a bath house or round house grand owned by Jupiter. It will only be possible to write the graffiti once every real day for an individual and the graffiti written by the player will over write any previous graffiti they have written. When you write the graffiti the message will be appended with your character's full initials.
To write the graffiti simply use "/write <message>".
Bath houses and grand roundhouses will have a 'read graffiti' tab, this will display a random piece of graffiti written to that building.
I was around yesterday when the first axe_c was crafted and used... and it was brutal. It'll change the way barbarians conduct warfare, for sure.
Tyrlis of the Trinovantes
One of the more recent additions was facepaint for barbarians. I can tell you from personal experience seeing raiders in paint like that has really added a sense of realism and RP value that has been missing from the barbarian side for a while. Good job on that RB.
Marcus Felix Volaginius
Awesome updates. This game just keeps getting better and better every week.
-King Arthur
-King Arthur
May sound strange coming from me, as I play a Roman, but I can't wait for hair and beard growth. I think it will really add to the feel of combat when fighting barbarians that really look the part. The face paint looks great.
I must say, playing mostly as a blacksmith and also making pottery items such as tiles, I use a lot of firewood. The two features added recently that make me the most happy are being able to use hired laborers to make instant bulk adds to piles and having attached handcarts fill up automatically as you forage. Instead of 90 minutes to make one firewood pile, I can now build 4 to 5 firewood piles in one hour. Drudgery over.
I had been away playing Age of Conan and then after doing yet another quest I finally said enough is enough of this shite excuse of a game, ok great graphics but no real PvP, no player skill, no sandbox.
So I came back to RV and I have been loving it. It has the fear of Eve in that if you get killed you hard won stuff is going to be looted and you lose some hard earned skills. The atmosphere is great when it is dark and you are hunting or being hunted by wolves.
All we need is more players, I see lots coming back. The new graphic backdrop is lovely as well.
This game will do me until Darkfall. Perhaps longer.
Put up some of the July 9 - July 18 changes/updates.
Heh, actually Vlad, you already have a light beard going on yourself. But I know what you mean, agreed.
-King Arthur
Looked over the looong list, and honestly is this a joke ? they just making the game easier , adding a few fluff features. From a non player this looks weak. I guess when you are in the desert even a tiny drop of water will be a huge improvement.
Unfortunately mate you don't understand. The whole reason people are happy with these updates although they seem weak is that the game is more playable. It's not about content it's about making the game more playable after two years of an un-playable game.
If you still don't agree then I can tell you this, Roma Victor is the only game of it's kind. There is no other like it. And it's a fun sandbox game which leaves the player with an absolutely massive range of choices of what to get up to.
I guess if that tiny drop of water was a rare type of water with special properties it would make the desert worth while if that tiny drop of water is what you were looking for.
It all comes down to tastes. Roma Victor is getting closer and closer to being a great game for those in search of a sandbox game.
Tale in the Desert is 10x better . although not my kind of game, than Roma Victor. Roma Victor is not one of a kind. It is one in a long line of games that people payed for in order to alpha test.
If you are a non-player, and it's not your type of game anyway, how would you know?
This is funny, I love all the people that talk about this game that never played it.
I have played many a game and still to this day the only two I always come back to are Roma Victor and World War 2 online. I like strategy and the real life aspect these 2 games bring to the stale gaming world. Both games require strategy, patience and umm a bit of work and brains to be good. All most other games are, IMO, are how fast can u push a button and how many quests you can do.
RV may not have evrything it says it does but it is a heck of a game that draws you in and sucks you in to the world as it may have been in roman Britanica.
The game is not for everyone, especially if you dont like to think or work for what you have. In other words..if you are lazy.