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Dragon Lancers [Under New Management]

CadwalCadwal Member Posts: 8

The Dragon Lancers Guild has recently fallen into new management and is now associated with a small multi-clan called Eternity. In addition to World of Warcraft, we will eventually be offering Xbox Live games and a few FPS on the PC. Enough about that though...

Currently, we are seeking members to join our ranks within the WoW environment for The Dragon Lancers.

We are looking for good members that would like to participate in the following activities:

1. In-game PvP skill's and abilities
2. In-game PvE skill's and abilities
3. In-game economy management skills and abilities
4. In-game politics and events
5. Out-of-game contributions(i.e. stories, journals, info guides, website admin, forum activity)
6. In/Out of game Recruiting

Our WoW section has openings for all ALLIANCE races and classes.
Planned guild activities will include guild-organized raids, arena battles, contests of skill and guild hunts. Advocacy initiatives for an open city to allow for free flow of commerce and a wide range of character possibilities will come once we have a full council and the necessary funding.

Please contact myself at (AIM Hiroyui2004) and Doery at (MSN:, AIM: DoRkAvEnGeR70). I also have Yahoo and MSN, if you wish to contact me through either of these please PM me through the forums and I will give you my Yahoo and MSN.

If the thought of membership does not meet your needs, then we also offer Alliances. We would be happy to assist you in any way with the development of diplomacies that will continue to make the WoW world an exciting and friendly community.

Dragon Lancers membership is available to you. In addition to all of the benefits and services explained, you will be able to get involved in the initial setup of our WoW section, rank advancement, Guild/sub-guild histories, recruitment, city building and sieges.

Join us at our web site or our forum and sign up for a forum account.

Thank you for your time in reading this, and we are all looking very forward to meeting you, and also hope to see you join our ever-growing community.

Thank you,
 Lancers Guild

Guild Master
Dragon Lancers
Eternity Founder
World of Warcraft Division

Unnamed Game - Leader
Unnamed Guild
Eternity Co-Founder
Unnamed Division


  • CadwalCadwal Member Posts: 8

    I was just notified about the link not working.  The correct link is but the forums are correct.

    Sorry about any inconvenience this may have caused.

  • CadwalCadwal Member Posts: 8

    Just a small update.

    You may notice half my site is hosted half by Clansmiley and half by Netfirms.  The reason for this is because my FTP on clansmiley was locked because a .sh file was accidently attempted to upload along with a log file.  Clansmiley is our current forums.  The netfirms was originally a test site, until I realized the FTP was locked.  The Netfirms portion is our actual site now.

    These past few days, I have made up my mind to purchase so web space for Eternity.  The web site transactions will be completed in a few days as I started the process today.  I just wanted to clear up the whole issue of using 2 different servers and combine it onto one once and for all.  I am free to keep the current forums as long as the site is up, however it would probably be easier to just get rid of those forums and move it onto the same server as the home page.

  • CadwalCadwal Member Posts: 8

    I got the web domain for the guild.  Though the main page is not complete, the Dragon Lancers home page is.  We also transferred the forums to the same server.  The new web address is:

    If curious, Eternity-Live is planned be a third generation online gaming (IE: WoW, Vanguard, D&DO, XBL, etc.).  FPS games are questionable as to what generation they should be considered, so most likely they will be lumped into one, just like Xbox Live.  As of now it's just a front page explaining the main purpose and what is being worked on.  I hope to have the main site fully functioning by mid-next month and have begun working on at least one section.  The Eternity-live site is being kept as simple as possible to keep bandwidth down.


  • CadwalCadwal Member Posts: 8
    All Eternity info has been relocated or renamed. Eternity is now known as Eternity-Live.

    The Dragon Lancers are now located at:

    The Spartan Rebellion is the first part of our Xbox division:

    Script Testing Pages:

    If you would like an Eternity-Live subdomain or a link on the revised front page PM me. Work on the front page will be completed by November 1st when the front page is open. Until then we will keep the guild sites updated as much as possible, or in the Dragon Lancers case as much as necessary since it is mainly roleplaying news updates there.

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