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Look at these topics. Such a sad state this game is in... I had high hope for this one too. Been a while since I posted but I wanted to check the progress. Glad to hear the balistics are in. Hope they can turn this arround and make a good playable game outta this one.
Well thats all I got to say about that.
Try playing instead of listening to the players that have been banned and are hanging round the game like a bad smell, the Phillywilly or what ever he is called likes to spread bad stuff about this game.
Nah. I remember how the game was... Balistics isn't enough to make the game better. I have my eye on it still, even if it is just a glance every now and then.
LOL phillywilly, yeah crazy part is he used to defend the game, as I did for a while...
My suggestions and feelings on this game are all over the forums here and in the game forum... but none of it will ever happen. Stuff will always have stupid prices and take ridiclous amounts of time do do the most basic of things. That may float in a game with kick ass graphics and lots of stuff to do but not this...
Do hope those playing are able to atleast have some fun though.
I dont see whats so hard, if you payed for the game once... and you used to play why not actually log in and see if anything changed? Its not like it costs you a subscription fee...
I am not going to say its the end all be all to MMOs... but it has a LOT of features that I wish were in other MMOs. Its actually a really good game... but what makes it good is the community. Much like Eve and UO. The are good games but because of the community.
My perfect game would have the construction, skill and stats from Roma Victor, with Perma death for to many deaths without propper healing. Charecter ageing. And the size and scale of some of the modern MMOs... And real economy... where I dont have a sub-fee.. I buy the game.. and I get a set amount of beginer money. The rest I have to either make in game or pay for out of pocket. I dont want hitpoint bubbles, like WoW or DAoC... I like the RV system but with a few tweaks.
So much crap, so little quality.
It is not hard...I just don't feel like wasting my time. I Know not that much has changed just by reading the posts here. Certainly not enough... I still have the game installed I glance at the icon on my desktop from time to time and gt that sick feeling in my stomach... Got a game on there I invested about $300 dollars in... and it is not worth playing.
Tell me, have they added NPC sparring partners so you can train a bit in your own time you have avaliable without having to hope another person comes arround and wants to train? Or without having to hit on a person that is afk for hours (loads of fun)? Not that I heard of.
Have they balanced the economy so that prices are reasonable for the most basic of items and gear? Or Is their no checks and balance( base and max values set on items that they can adjust with supply and demand) in place for those prices or are they still entirely determined by the player that made the item? The player that had to invest many many hours, just to make one item, that would naturaly believe that the item is worth alot more to them for their time, than the actual value when compared to the uses you can get out of it before it dissapears from natural wear. No change that I heard.
Tied in with the comments on the pricing (as this is the main cause of the screwed up pricing), Have they lowered the crafting times for the simple stuff to make it more realistic? Or does it still take 30 Seconds ( or 1 minutae or whatever) to add a log to a firewood pile or dirt to a pile ect... No change that I heard.
Have thay added any form of structure to the way guards are spawned or is it still that they just spawn after a set period of time? Do they have it so that you can invest in in the city in a central location (such as town hall), where regular citizens such as crafters and politicians pay taxes to, where that city could have a way to pay it's soldiers a salary? And where the amount of citizens that are /homed in your city and paying taxes reflects in the amount of NPC guards that are protecting your city and immediately spawn a new one when one dies? Where when you have a really high number of citizens it gives you a say 500 guards on a scale of say 1000 max guards per city/per capita . And on that scale if your number is at 1000 the guards that spawn are tough as hell hardened elite soldiers.. 500 they are well trained and steadfast... 250 they are average soldiers... and 249 or less they are pretty much peasants with pitchforks. Obviously as your guards are killed your guard number drops... You can then invest money and other items like food and what not to help bring the numbers back up. Anything interesting like that added? Not that I heard.
Only interesting update was the balistics and that is just not enough for me. The game has great potential and lots of things they could do some of the stuff I mentioned, that would promote a bit for interest from me and probably many others... but I just don't see or hear that they are trying to improve in any of those areas.
Well Shane,
You want alot from the developer, in a game thats pretty much up to the player base. Thats like yelling at god/goddess, to change the world to make it easier for you in real life. I admit the game isnt perfect, no its far from it, but it is better than what you make it out to be. Its not a game that you can run around lone wolfing everything and becoming the greatest 1 man army since John J. Rambo. Currently with the changes to the guild system. Guilds pretty much claim a tile of land, once their guild hall is setup on it, they can then determin who builds on that tile and at what rates. Most people currently dont wish to enforce this because its pretty easy to just move. And with the NPC merchants you can own it makes life much easier for guilds. As I said earlier, its about working together, not being a lonewolf.
On a side note 300 dollars! Wow, you have spent alot of money.. I spent 40 dollars and I am quite happy. But being in a small guild, that is currently in control of 1 of 2 mines in the game, we can turn a nice profit by just mining and shipping the ore to a more central location.
So much crap, so little quality.
I am very much aware it is a community driven game...problem is it has no community... So they need to balance the game mechanics, in a way that they can controll the game a bit(through the rough times) but where it will still be mainly controlled by the community.
Perhaps if people could do some stuff without having to have someone else there, the community may have more people. Right now it is too interdependant on others being a world that has mabe 40 people thats not good. I mean being able to train with a NPC sparring partner ain't much different than hitting a afk person but atleast with the NPC it could be set up so they are doing attacking you too. Rather than the whole game experiance for the night being you standing there looking at the same guy wriggle arround when you hit him over and over. Makes for a helluva good experiance especially for new players...
I spent the 300.00 right arround the time i got the game(release). Got two accounts and verm for both for a few months. I quickly saw how the money was not getting it's full value's worth. In having to pay ridiculously high prices for the most basic and stupid items(mind you this was at release ...not alot going arround). NPC merchants included. But even still once their was alot on the market, players didn't want to lower their prices to reflect the current supply... why take a loss when you had to spend hours making each little thing. This should be controlled by a sub system that takes into account supply, demand and avaliablity of resources. But then allowing the player to manipulate the price that is calculated a bit, to mark up or down the item. Leaving it totaly in the players hands... you are just asking for a screwed up economy.
Honestly, I don't know why I am posting here. Just wanted to see how things were going ...they are going...but the same. Not interested in a debate on who is right or wrong on how to improve the game...they will take the path they take and we will follow or not... I choose not for the moment. Actually not playing any MMO atm. Got done beta testing for AoC and and am now just in limbo. Not gonna get the game as I can't see myself doing the grind again in any game period. I would gladly jump onboard for a new UO...but other than that nothing is worth it atm.
I do wish you all loads of fun in whatever you choose to play, not worth playing if you dont.
I knew this game was going to be an awful game when I saw the first screenshots years ago. It looked horrible from day one. The world is empty and boring. There was a small group of fanboys who ran around these forums for quite a while recommending the game and praising the game for how good it was going to be. I always did my best to counteract them by bashing it. I'm glad to see it so poorly rated now that it is released.
One of the most poorly veiled attempts at trolling I've ever encountered. Well done, you obviously spend a lot of time doing this.
Things actually are looking up over here. Thanks for making a topic titled as such, as it's true.
Tyrlis of the Trinovantes
I myself left the game for a while and just recently got back in to check things out. Definately more stable, and a lot of new features. While this game still has flaws its moving forward.
Marcus Felix Volaginius
Well atleast folks are seeing some progress. Guess thats all that can be asked for. Hopefully someday I will be able to play what is probably the most expensive game I have. (as per what I put into it)
I never had a problem with stability, but the features added I know are not enough to bring me back. Will need a bit more for that.
Hope everyone in their is having a blast though. I am just chillin in EVE again. till I get bored.
I must admit, even I'm starting to like what I see on the RV forums more and more... the trolling in this thread is pretty unjustified...
I do not understand why this game is listed on the sidebar. Only like 10 people play this game. must have a personal interest in RV. RV is the lowest quality MMO of any listed on the sidebar. This game is crap anyone can see it. It's a joke, no flaming or trolling is needed.
The game is in the best shape I've seen for as long as I've been playing. Many of the technical issues that plagued release are now gone, and the game is mostly stable.
With all of the new features and mechanics added the game is completely different than it was at launch. And now population has increased to a very high level, I would say near being on par with what it was during the BE.
Many settlements have stable populations if you go find them, and there is a lot of PvP going on now between barbarians and romans. With full loot and now new axes implemented, RV is also no longer a game where you see naked spear wielding warriors going into fight. We look cool now
Now I know that some people like this Jaguar guy here have a personal grudge against the game for some reason. I'll never really understand that, and I'll just say all of these trolls who bring completely irrelevant and untrue information to these forums are just giant douches.
RV is in a great state right now. I'd recommend old players to return, and new ones to sign up. If you want a ton of PvP action and excitement you might want to check out the Trinovantes Warband too (barbarians only).
Shane, are you "Khane" on the RV forums?
Khane used to make HUGE posts detailing tons of features he wanted to see in RomaVictor. Khane joined RV and wanted the devs to basically change the entire setup and implement a long list of mechanics and features that would essential make RomaVictor into a completely different game.
He wanted the devs to make his personal dream game. Half the crap he wanted would have required completely wiping the game and beginning an entirely new game engine just for him, rofl. He wanted personal replies from the lead dev on all his ideas everytime he posted, and would throw huge belligerent rants if he didn't get the personal attention he desired.
Good luck finding your dream game, Shane, if you ARE Khane.
I guess very high is relative. Going from 5 to 20 players is quite an increase.
It's nothing personal against Roma Victor. I'm against any clearly crappy game. The game is boring because of the barren and empty world. The interface is laughable too.
Roma Victor is a small game by a small developer. It's fine if you like it. However, it should not be listed along the side with games like EVE, WOW, and EQ. I assume someone who works at invested in the game, Roma Victor paid, or some who works at plays it. In the past I also had a problem with people constantly recommending it and praising it when it was clearly a small time operation. Thankfully the praise died down since it became apparent the game is not that good.
Vlad, you speak the truth. Shane constantly proposes features that would make it a whole different game and not even close to the RedBedlam vision. He has written novels here over the last two years. I stopped reading them long ago though as they always say the same thing: "Things take too long to build and they are too expensive." If he actually played the game and saw what a medium-sized and active guild can produce now with the new features and good server stability, perhaps he would change his tune.
On another note, all weekend I watched the "Number of Connections" bar on the patcher screen which represents the relative number of players online and it got higher than I have seen it all year so far. On the military side we had 4 legion guilds and one auxilia guild on the roman side in nearly constant battles with barbarian players. We had at least two battles with more than 20 players involved. After a slow period, things are really picking up now.
Jaguar, 5 to 20? You are just wrong. One roman guild alone had 15 on this weekend. I think I saw about 50 to 60 romans total and 20 or so barbarians. Who knows how many others were on I did not encounter. The world is large. Regardless, it is definately a low population compared to all other MMO's but it doesn't take all that much to be fun.
Well there's no point in trying to convince this troll that he's wrong, just hopefully people here can see the truth through all of the crap that clutters these forums.
For a time I'd say it was justified, but definitely not anymore. The game has improved so much I'm simply amazed, and for the past little while changes and new content have been added quite regularly. This is not the game that was around at release, 1 year ago, or even 6 months ago. It's much better
I am Khane on the RV forums...have said so in here many times. And if the simple suggestions I had made required the entire game to be remade then they are idiots that don't have a clue on how to make a game...
The suggestins I had made would require simple additions of a few lines of code. ( to keep the prices in check) A npc that you can attack and that will attack you, without killing you though. (would hope they can add that) And decreasing the craft times...that requires the game to be rebuilt? Would think it would involve changing a few numbers...
A smart developer would have made room for simple additions like I had mentioned.(and I am leaning towoard the idea that they did atleast get that right in the game)
One thing I have learned about the bunch playing here that they are overdramatic. And the only good ideas are their own. Nobody else can have a good suggestion or it will require tilting the globe on it's axis and repositioning the sun in the sky.
And troll....? lol This post was started cause I found it amazing that even with all the time that had past since my last post here...NOTHING has changed. Atleast not here in the forums.
How bout this. Read my OP again and tell me where it says TROLL anywhere in it. Seems to me I was saying I hope they turn it arround.
But whatever read what you want to out of it lol, this bunch always does.
RomaVictor is not complete. It is still developing and evolving. It is not a highly-polished game from a big developer. Any prospective buyer needs to know that. However, there are a lot of good things along with the bad. Like any game, it will not be for everyone.
And Shane, what you proposed would definitely NOT have taken a few lines of code. The fact that you think so proves you don't know dammit about game development. The pages and pages of changes you wanted would have required a complete redesign. That is not due to the devs being idiots. It is due to a player looking for a completely different game. In addition, the community itself hated most of your ideas, so why would the devs do it your way?
And anyone who thinks I'm a fanboi doesn't know me. I am highly critical in the RV forums, and constantly pushing for progress. But if I didn't love the game, I simply wouldn't play it.
You honestly think I don't know it would be more than just a few lines of code....was making an point that yeah they could add it and no it wouldnn't require the game to be completely remade..... but yes would require some coding.
And yeah you are correct all 10 ppl playing the game at that time didn't like my suggestions ...the ones that stood to lose the most from not being able to gouge the noob population ....that they though would arrive eventually.
And I don't think you are a fanboi... I never even said that ( if that was directed at me).
And yeah I did like alot of the things about RV (or I would never have invested what I did) but the things I mentioned just turn me off. Not going to be ripped off for paying for a game with real money and not getting the full value of my money. Because the devs are too lazy to add some code.
I mean the devs wanted it to be where people invested money in the game to increase their standing ...a rich person in game atleast... And me having invested that 300.00 in a span of like 3 months or so... should have had it made for a bit atleast...but no that money was going way too fast would have never lasted. Not even a full month if I had bought all the stuff I wanted. Hell probably not even a week thats how stupidly high the prices are. And I dont give a damn you can say I should have had my guild make it for me a bla bla... but hell no if the devs set it up so you can invest money to get there OR time ( the guild route ) either should be an acceptable way to get that stuff but no it definantly is not currently. Say what you will you can't change that fact.
And again and for the record. I dont think this game is total garbage. I think it has potential but ATM it is not even trying to reach for it.
Thing is, Shane, why do you think that your ideas should be implemented in the first place? Good ideas and suggestions are just that, ideas and suggestions. What do you expect a game developer to do, pick up your huge treatise on what you think their game should be and just implement it?
No one is going to do that, and the fact that you throw a tanty and flame away because someone didn't build a custom game for you just makes you seem like a child.
I have bagged on RV, and RB before, and there are still some things that I don't like about the game and the development of it, but overall it has improved greatly and much of the old criticisms aren't warranted anymore.
It is one thing to express an opinion and disappointment, it is something else to demand your ideas be executed then use the fact that they weren't as constant ammo to flame something because you didn't get your own way.
Further, the fact that you spent so much money on the game tells me three things (i) you had no idea what you were doing and didn't bother to ask; or (ii) you are lying (iii) you are an impulsive idiot with access to a credit card.
I have played RV for 2 years now, and have not spent a sent more than on the couple of accounts I have purchased. I have never vermed as I have never needed to.
There are plenty out there who have never vermed, and then there are those who have vermed a crap load (usually guild leaders). Those who have vermed a lot have something to show for it, what you did with your in game money, I have no idea.
Either move on and stop unduely flamming the game because of the money you wasted, or because you didn't get your feature ideas implemented or at least criticise the game on some legitimate point.
For other interested parties: There is plenty wrong with RV, but there is also plenty right with it. Much more now than ever. It has some really great features that (as far as know) cannot be found in any current MMO.
It is still a pretty hardcore game, but if you want a rugged MMO experience I would consider checking it out.
Still got alot of my money ...didn't spend it all cause I saw how stupid the prices were and wasn't gonna blow it all. But I did spend some of it just getting the basic crap I needed for training and skilling.
And I am not demanding they add a damn thing. I am saying what I didn't/don't like about it and that untill they do SOMETHING like I mentioned it is not worth playing for me. I am not the only one that feels this way about it , just obviously the only one that still cares enough to post it so that this game improve so I do want to play it again.
Oh and FYI, I bought two accounts and some verm for both, over a span of a few months(somewhere around 6 but the verm was small then most was done arround 3 months). Figured I would invest while I had the spare cash at the time, and be set for a while( like a yearly sub).
I have the right to post my feelings here just as anyone else does. I do want the game to improve and THESE are the areas in which I would like it to improve. If I don't post it , well then obviously no chance of it ever being done. If you don't agree fine. But trying to put me down and saying I am an idiot dosen't change the way I feel about this and it is bad form. But whatever, gotten used to it arround here...everyone is touchy and defensive.
Hey, somebody who read his last two posts, can you tell me if he complained about how much things cost and how long they take to make?
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Think we found the real troll. Reguardless of complaining or not dosen't mean that I demanded these changes I said what I don't like said why and that I am not playing it.
You move on if you don't like the fact that I don't like the game in it's current state ..cause I don't care if you agree or dissagree with me. Didn't post for you, posted for me so they would atleast know my feelings on why I am not playing. This way they can atleast know that SOME players think that that area of the game needs improvement. If they use my suggestions or not I don't care, as long as some improvements are made in those areas.
If they don't try to fix it ohh well. Then I just won't play the game. Pretty simple I thought.