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you'd think this would be no brainer, you get a Freespace/Wing Commander style space combat game, add hundreds of players at once, with costomizable ships from Fighters to Capitals, add a few warring factions to join up with, BAM, the greatest game ever, it would make a fortune.
I dream of Captaining a Captial Ship manned by real people, someone navagating, another at the wepon console sending commands to the gunner stations, and me barking orders to my ship's Fighter Wing, as we plow through an ememy Blockade (also manned by real players)
My god, it would be Glorious.
so any reason why no dice?
as for EVE it had some of the best space graphics, sound, and stylistic design I've EVER seen for a space-based game. It's too bad the gameplay and game dynamics sucked the big one.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
ok, I understand that the vast majority of space mmorpgs are point and click.
And yes, Jumpgate was my previous mmorpg but I left because the developers at the game pissed me off to no end.
And I still refuse to play SWG even with the space combat expansion because its not a 100% fully space combat game. I'm really not in a mood to actually kill ewoks for weeks to finally get to go up in space.
You don't.
You're issued a ship the very first time you log in with the expansion pack.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I like the space sim type games. Wing Commander is still my favorite game of all time. Eve Online being second.
Eve Online is good enough for me. If something better comes out, then I would be more happy then you could imagine. But im happy with Eve.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
hmmm i`ve readed some info about star trek mmo, it was just started to development and it have this commanded by many players ships and planets too
btw eve is good but endless nerfing pissing me off
I've been playing Eve since July. My take away is that Eve has a very well designed "core" construction that might stand the test of time. Let me give you some examples:
Economy - Eve has a strong player driven economy that appears to be based upon a solid economic model that includes location specific pricing, item destruction (items leave the game) and a robust market module that allows players to make offers by location/time/price variables.
Skill System - Eve employs a flexible skill system that allows new skills to be added when new types of equipment are added to the game. Most people focus on the fact that you can train off line as a major benefit of this system. They miss the major advantage of a skill based system (contrasted to a level based system). New skills can be added and made available to every character in a uniform manner (unlike a level based system that is class specific).
Character avatar placeholder - Eve falls short in character avatar utilization. No first person views, character walking around a station, etc. There is nothing to prevent the developers from expanding this portion of the game. Avatar expansion is a graphically intensive problem that many games have already addressed. Core game rule set remains the same.
Planet placeholder - There are numerous planets in Eve. The only problem is that you cannot land on them. Again, there is nothing to prevent the developers from expanding this portion of the game. The game engine will certainly support planet exploration.
Ship cockpit implementation - No disruption in core game engine at all. Graphically intensive problem that impacts the user interface.
I think with games as large as MMORPGs, some developers are laying out pieces of the game first to get some revenue coming in the door and then expanding the game capability. Eve definitely falls into that category. There is no question that planets are future canidates for exploration. Back in the 80's, single player Starflight allowed the user to explore planets. Eve is certainly set up to support that future capability. Likewise, expansion of the character avatar can readily be accomplished in Eve. Most players will want to move around the inside of their ship, walk into a space station, or land on a planet.
Eve is doing well. The player base is expanding and with that expansion comes revenue. When revenue increases, so does the possibility for additional game features.
Well Sky and Beyond has space travel and huge space battle. But its not using spaceships.
Its more... Space boats.
Also by what you said i dont think youd like it because you actually DO have to work your way up to being able to buy and use a ship, and you have to "learn" how to use the ship. The ships however ARE run by 5 people or more. Usually up to about 5-30 people run a ship depending on its size. You may also build cities on other planets where you can dock your ship after you have made the areas secure enough to build on. But you still might get attacked my mobs to your town if your not careful.
But thats off the point.
I currently havent seen any mmorpgs where you have ONLY space flight and have all those factors.
SAB will have all those factors, BUT you have to fight it out on ground for a while before you get up into the air. Unless your just traveling as a stow away with a clan.
Plus the game wont be out for a while. Were still deep in development.
Sky and Beyond team: Game Modeler
Sky and Beyond team: Game Modeler
There is another twitch based space combat game you should check out:
they currently have a beta signup for it.
I don't know when the stress testing will start.
heres a video of the PvP battle.
Caeron 3000 is exactly what you are looking for.
I seen that game before.. I have little hopes for it as well. The twitch based space combat on that site is what got me interested.
Looking at this game on MMORPGs game listing hype-o-meter, its pretty low. I wonder how the game is progressing so far.
The game was just added to the list very recently and hasn't had much hype yet. Have you hyped it yourself?
The game is progessing well and new screenshots will be up by October.
That website shouldnt really release pre alpha screeshots....they look very aweful
They should have waited until their engine had been improved some before making those public.
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
I trust in Tom's word. I am hyping this game as much as possible. The features and gameplay mechanics they are working to achieve with this title are exactly what alot of sci-fi fans with MMO's are looking for. I have wished for something like Caeron 3000 for a long time.
Tom is the man and he knows what he is talking about it.
Still working on that fan site to tom!!!
"Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum!...but I'm all outta gum!!!"
very well
I'm looking forward to seeing how the game goes!
People who have to create conspiracy and hate threads to further a cause lacks in intellectual comprehension of diversity.
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EVE Online !!!
DAoC (coming soon)
"Having no point and click means too many players will complain about losses from lagdeath, or lag spikes."
Ok, so twitch based mmorpgs are pretty much a bad idea??
As for me, I avoid all those point and click mmorpgs because most of them are all based on a random number generator. Also noticed that most mmorpgs are rather point and click.
Point and click can be good for some people but not me.