Okay I think warriors should be more focused on DPS, that way they are an actuall tank and not a human wall. Some people say that THE ONLY THING warriors need to focus on is defence, but I want to know how many pepople out there think that warriors should have a more equal focus of atk and def?
-Currently looking forward to FFXIV
-Currently playing EvE and Global Agenda
not at all, coz a fury warrior with good gear and good weapons is almost always on the top of the dps meter.
but yes, warriors can do dps, they're not only meant to tank, ppl should see warrior as dps also.
not at all, coz a fury warrior with good gear and good weapons is almost always on the top of the dps meter.
but yes, warriors can do dps, they're not only meant to tank, ppl should see warrior as dps also.
Yes, but when they spec fury they loose out in the defence dept so it keeps it balanced.-Currently looking forward to FFXIV
-Currently playing EvE and Global Agenda
DPS wars have a decent output of damage. But you have to sacrifice to much defense to get there. Even just the DW to 1h shield aspect. Wars are tanks....Mages and rogues are better for dps as a general rule. Hunters and Locks are for little kids or anyone looking for a easy mode button. Priests and apparently pallies are for healling. Druids can tank ok and DPS ok...well a little to well for a hybrid. Shammies...well who the hell wants to be a shammy anyway. (great BG class).
So if you want to be a DPS war then be one, as you can see the game tries to make people play classes a certain way, but it is just a game and should be played for FUN. That's right I said it FUN.
Kings and Sons of God
Travel on their way from here
Calming restless mobs
Easing all of their, all of their fear
Strange times are here.
Yours Sincercly,
The Great Ganonduarf...2
And the equipment wich most helps tank in this role does not increase attack power. Tank doesn't really need to have that powerful attacks. What tank needs is the equipment to help him survive, wich is equipment with maxium defensive capabilities.
Talking in game terms, tanks focus on making aggro, wich is not equal to making damage. And as there is no +aggro -equipment, tanks mostly focus on equipment wich helps them in their other task, damage migitation.
As far as warriors go, they can either have high armor and high stamina with little damage output (i.e., a true tank), or they can have good armor and good stamina with good damage output (i.e., a sturdy melee DPS class). Can a fury or arms DPS warrior tank an instance? Sure, given he has a shield. But he/she is going to have a much harder time than a protection-specced and equipped warrior simply because he is going to have fewer defensive abilities, less armor, and less stamina.
As far as tanks are concerned, how much damage they are meant to do, how much threat they're meant to generate, and how much defense they're meant to have is entirely dependent on the class and the game in discussion. In WoW, a true warrior tank is going to have high defense and stamina with little damage output, and he relies on taunts and combat arts to hold aggro instead of DPS. A feral druid in bear form is going to have high stamina and defense, though less than a protection warrior, and is going to rely on a mix of DPS and taunts to hold aggro. A paladin is going to rely on sheer sturdiness and holy damage to hold aggro. Etc. So does being a tank mean you have to have low DPS and high armor/stamina? No, not necessarily. But it all depends on the class and the game you're talking about. Just look at EQII for a perfect example. That game has four different tanking classes that each use different mechanics for mitigating/avoiding damage and holding aggro; some do it by having medium-high armor and health and a mix of moderate DPS, small self-heals, and taunts, others do it through sheer armor, health, and strong taunts, and still others do it without armor at all; they simply avoid being hit at all while doing insane DPS and using weak taunts.
The thing people are missing about playing a DPS is that you're supposed to avoid threat. I come in second lots of time with a warlock on top or something but that warlock has always been dying because that was his own fault. The bear druid is already busy tanking mobs off the healer. I pulled only 2 or 3 times and I was always prudent enough to get the bear druid to grab it back.
The point of being DPS is that you're supposed to be helping the tank while killing mobs. Not keep your beady eyes on the DPS meters.
Warriors have zero resistance against spell damage seriously. So why shouldn't we make up having lots of physical defense while at the same time have high damage?
And for the record we have a class that is solely based on being able to absorb lots of damage-the Paladin. Seriously Paladins live longer than a warrior. I tested it out with my Blood Elf Paladin vs. my Tauren Warrior. My Blood Elf Paladin can kill and kill and kill and my Tauren Warrior has to kill about 5 times and then sit down and eat or something.
In terms of PvP paladins can fight and fight then run away back to their allies and get cover. Once warrior charges into the enemy group he's dead and can't really make it back.
The idea of a "tank" is a metaphor. Like most metaphors it is applicable to some attributes of the things concerned, but not others. Just because a warrior is referred to as a tank, it doesn't mean he has a long green nose that shoots projectiles - not unless he is a troll anyway . It refers to his defence... If you think warriors need more offence then you need a better argument.
EQ2 does indeed have 4 classes that can tank. However from when I briefly played the game and read the forums, it appeared that at high end and for raiding the evasion tanks can't be relied upon, , and guardians are greatly preferred, with berserkers being occasionally used. So at high end the game has one and a half tanking classes. Same as WoW (with warriors being the one and druids the half, with palas struggling to keep up at endgame). The three WoW tanking classes (warrior, druid, paladin) also operate using very different mechanics, and although EQ 2 has more classes, many are very samey, and WoW's feats system offers more diversity within a class than APs in EQ2.
Finally - why should warriors have more damage? Can't a properly specced and geared warrior already dish out enough pain? I've certainly seen some warriors do well in battlegrounds. If you can't then L2P.
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Warriors have a really nice ability that helps them deal with spells. Lots of hit points! Takes ages to kill them. Much more efficient to target those squishies at the back first, especially the priest who's putting in the heals. They also have better abilities to resist fear than almost any other class (which is exceptionally important in PvP).
Paladins also have a lot of problems in PvP. Whilst they can heal between fights they are also exceptionally reliant on cooldowns (shield + stuns), and lack the warriors ability to quickly close on a ranged opponent, making them the most kitable class in the game.
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What I find stupid is this thread is about DPS Warriors. Warriors are NOT DPS. Even fury spec/dual wield warriors are low DPS. Don't believe me, play a rogue/mage.
Don't think warriors can outperform the DPS of a Shaman, Druid, Rogue, Mage, and Warlock because they can't, not even the Fury/Dual. The only class a warrior can outperform for DPS, on average, is the Paladin which has the worst DPS output in the game.
If you play a Warrior because of its DPS, you are sadly uninformed.
not at all, coz a fury warrior with good gear and good weapons is almost always on the top of the dps meter.
but yes, warriors can do dps, they're not only meant to tank, ppl should see warrior as dps also.
Don't overlook the mage with the bandages either. They make great healers too.
Warroirs should be tyhe high damaged dealing melee class and the paly's should be the wall and the duids... should just drop off the face of the earth! Anyways I think WoW totally killed Warriors becuase warriors in lore have always been leaders of the army's (exept in WoW's case its the paly's that lead). Anyways the only thing I agree with this forum on is that its true when warriors run into the battle field the yare most likley going to die.
Stephan Moffett
Yours Sincercly,
The Great Ganonduarf...2
Warriors have a really nice ability that helps them deal with spells. Lots of hit points! Takes ages to kill them. Much more efficient to target those squishies at the back first, especially the priest who's putting in the heals. They also have better abilities to resist fear than almost any other class (which is exceptionally important in PvP).
Paladins also have a lot of problems in PvP. Whilst they can heal between fights they are also exceptionally reliant on cooldowns (shield + stuns), and lack the warriors ability to quickly close on a ranged opponent, making them the most kitable class in the game.
a great skill to deal with spells? shield bash and pummel? 4 sec of interupt of certain school with a 8 sec cooldown? please.....
WoW fucked up the warrior. period. Every other rpg or mmo game i have played a warrior does a great amount of damage, can take a whole lotta damage, but gets owned by spells. NOT like WoW, where the druid and paladin are better tanks and have way less downtime than warriors. IF THEY WANT WARRIORS TO BE TANKS THEN THEY MUST GO AND FRIKKIN WELL NERF PALADINS AND DRUIDS TANKING ABILITIES!
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy
I found it hard
It's hard to find
Oh Well
you all make some sense, I see ganon's point where a wall would be a better metaphor for the thing that stands there and absorbs damage.
Yours Sincerely,
The Immortal One
Warriors have a really nice ability that helps them deal with spells. Lots of hit points! Takes ages to kill them. Much more efficient to target those squishies at the back first, especially the priest who's putting in the heals. They also have better abilities to resist fear than almost any other class (which is exceptionally important in PvP).
Paladins also have a lot of problems in PvP. Whilst they can heal between fights they are also exceptionally reliant on cooldowns (shield + stuns), and lack the warriors ability to quickly close on a ranged opponent, making them the most kitable class in the game.
a great skill to deal with spells? shield bash and pummel? 4 sec of interupt of certain school with a 8 sec cooldown? please.....
WoW fucked up the warrior. period. Every other rpg or mmo game i have played a warrior does a great amount of damage, can take a whole lotta damage, but gets owned by spells. NOT like WoW, where the druid and paladin are better tanks and have way less downtime than warriors. IF THEY WANT WARRIORS TO BE TANKS THEN THEY MUST GO AND FRIKKIN WELL NERF PALADINS AND DRUIDS TANKING ABILITIES!
And thats why when I run dungeons, its usually a warrior tanking? Thats why when we raid Kara, its a tank on those big major bosses? Its the reason that when you watch some of the real end-game content, its the warrior tanking the big bad finale of bosses in that raid?
You have one fucked up view on tanking sir. Last time I checked, warriors could boost their health up by 2000 easy, and another 2k or so, boost up their blocking % by 75, and a few other things. All they have to worry about is if they are getting hit and are hitting. Paladin tanks need to worry about mana, as that is where the majority of their threat comes from. Druids, same as a warrior, yet they dont have defense, so instead they need to stack as much stam and dodge as possible just to survive.
As far as druids and paladins go tanking wise, when guilds are going for progression, they rarely let those two tank. Reasons why? Because of nostalgia. Before BC, warriors WERE the tanking class, all the others were laughable.
If you think WoW fcked the class up, boohoo, quit playing WoW and play those MMOs you speak of. Otherwise, pay attention to the classes.
What the OP needs to realize is that WoW is all about talent spec. Fury Warriors do great PvE damage and Arms Warriors do great PvP damage. The problew with the Fury Warrior is they have no Agro shedding abilites like other DPSers - Rogue/Fade, hunter/FD, Warlock/Soulshatter - so they have to limit their DPS to avoid pulling aggro form the tank. A hunter or Rogue can go balls out on damage then hit FD/Fade dropping down the Agro list and go balls out again.
Whereas a Prot Warrior sacrifices dps for the ability to hold agro. Everyone in a group has a job to do and unfortunately people see Warriors roles as Tanking. I've been in plenty of groups with Pali Tank, Shami Healer, Warrior DPS with Hunter and lock as additional DPs...
You obviously haven't seen a really good Fury spec warrior. We have one that comes on Kara raids sometimes that is regularly near the top for DPS. They are very gear dependant, but if you have the gear, the DPS can be quite good. His biggest problem is aggro management and regularly has to hold off on DPS to avoid pulling off the tank.
What's with this nearly sick desperation to believe every class can only serve one purpose?
Make all the generalizations about the classes you like. Who heals, who dps's, who tanks best.
It all comes down to the person at the keyboard.
And a lot of times alcohol.
If Warrior's were only meant to tank, they wouldnt have two other talent tree's for damage.